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Thread: Zombie Union

  1. Zombie Cat
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    a mist

    The gator read into the waves. Ups and downs. All arounds. And the wind told of things that was... Gator swam to the shore and dreamed about dreams. Closing her lids, feeling the sun shine, so warm.

    And the sky bled, waking her up. She was an adult, and in her prime. Oh so big, the shambling mass met her, with teeth, and tale. None left for them as they bled dead.

    Whily sky, oh so funny. The living bugs, oh they would play. A karata kick from a fly to the head made her look up. And more came. And more where ripped apart.

    A little kid. A mom. Waited and watched from the tree line. Palm trees, dancing obscene dances.

    -Mom said the boy, Im hungry.

    The mom told the tale, it was the same, like a palm, spinning around, and around, in the wind.

    Looking for thi

  2. Zombie Cat
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    He woke with death. Like a fluttering bugs wings, all black, it anus in your eye socket. It was, looking for things, and things it found.

    A sky, and a world. Oh how it looked at him, wondering. And then, the spark. Eyes left red, and they bled, like death of everything. Like an axe, it cut all down. And in this puddle of blue, black, red, death. Its like a reflections you see.

    -He shyly whispers into the puddle, Im me... And the world laughs at him. His joke was well known. And it continued on... And on...

    Whisper to me the sea whould shyly say, and in blood shot eyes, the man in black replied.

    -I am nothing, as you will be.

    Zombies continued to crawl along. Same ole song. Oh whats this? Look like a zombie put its fist, in anothers ass.

    the end

  3. Zombie Cat
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  4. Zombie Cat
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    the sunny side

    Things revolved around on the blue ball called Earth. And the sun watched as a tide of revolting hate and destruction encompassed the masses. Oh how they reveled in despise, in the death of others. And the joy it would bring them.

    They would drink blood like it was wine, and cheers, they would wink at eachother, sharing a joke, a uplifting feeling would overcome them, as they destroyed yet another life.

    And the sun still shone down, losing its patience with the lost. And the lost would continue, like the disease, and any to stand in the way of this, was but lost in a wave of despise.

    Eyes, they would see, like what the sun sees. As it sees all and in all eyes it sees, when man would tear into another, with a pack of its peers. All in a frenzy, such joy they would have ripping and eating this one. And this one, and another one. The tide of death spread its wings like a man spreding his but cheeks. And the sun saw this dark hole.

    And that was the tale of the infection, ripping into another, eachother in the end. But alas, the sun could take no more. And began to look for another, some other pretty little gem it could share with the rest of the verse.

  5. Zombie Cat
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  6. Zombie Cat
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    a head

    A head looked up and saw the sky. Such visions it saw. Oh, to tell. Like a boiling river full of dead fish, all in hell. And as the fish rose, they told the story with their dead bodies.

    And the eyes roved around. Bleeding out the sight. And they would tell, of the tale. Like an alien. For god it would say with its flapping lips.

    My god, if only we could eat them all they head said, as it was dead.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    cliffs of nothing...

    On top. We would live. All and the rest. Left for nothing. Just a humbling. And down the cliffs we would climb, competition was fierce. Loot from the dead mass. A mall.

    Climbing down, oh such a sight. Such fights we had, us, you, and me. All for us, you, and me.

    And after the climb, only the strong. Only the strong would move on, into the dark dream, that was life. A mall. Scavagers one and all. And we would fight, even now, for every little scrap of bones and flesh. The dead fed our selves. Our young nursing from such things.

    And in this mall, walls paved in blood. Doors open like mouths full of razors. And we watch, for every little sparkle. Like a sun beem, on a puddle of death. A femor, a tremor. A bone, oh what a shame. And on and on it went. The horror of it, was really a wet dream, for those. Left on top of the cliffs. All white. Looking into what was. Left of man.

  8. Zombie Cat
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  9. Zombie Cat
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    As the virus spread, the last of the corparate coglomarets left money spent, on fighting the dead. O how the suit felt, it was one like the plate mail armor upon an army of naked warriors. On and on it went. Touching membranes. Never ending blood supply for now. Aging, non-existint as long as the machines age was, this, 0001 01 01 01...

    And into the ending of the ending of the ending. Biology such as dragons, made from this and that. Obsidion islands floating into nothing. Lines upon lines of dead metal reflecting into the bright rays of sun.

    Maybe one man, and one woman, and an alien. Fighting for those who would of survived. Ghosts one and all. Laughing and screaming all at once. And machines, they where the Gods. Dead things feed them all, again and again. Until these titans where all that was left. That and a few others.

    A bar here, a pub there. Last refuges. Still clinging to what was life. Sex, money, orgasam.

    You man lost his suit. It eventually melted away. And yet his biology left him like no other. He would wonder along, still lost with a hooker, a hitch hiker and the never ending sense to dominate for the new, adventure...

    And so it goes. His eyes sang with it. Blue light the never ending atmosphere.

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