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Thread: I have a theory, it could be midgets! OR The Origin of Specials (Not Species)

  1. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxPlosivxX View Post
    Its Just a game man its like saying the aliens from halo exist
    I think one of the good things about games like L4D, which (until recently) had very little back story or contextualisation, is that they encourage players to use their imaginations and theorise/speculate about different aspects of the story/game world. Granted, occasionally this can be done to a point where it becomes a little over-thought, even irritating in some people's books. However, at the same time, we need to remember that sites such as this, which have a host of members who love and are devoted to a particular game, are a potential outlet for people such as the OP to express their hypotheses and write their own stories (hence we have a fan fiction section).

    In other words, this is a site devoted to L4D, a game with little context. Why shouldn't members develop their own ideas about where the Special Infected came from? If you don't like threads like this, don't continue to read them once you realise what they're about; and certainly don't bother to post on them.
    RIP Mike Starr

  2. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamski5000 View Post
    I think one of the good things about games like L4D, which (until recently) had very little back story or contextualisation, is that they encourage players to use their imaginations and theorise/speculate about different aspects of the story/game world. Granted, occasionally this can be done to a point where it becomes a little over-thought, even irritating in some people's books. However, at the same time, we need to remember that sites such as this, which have a host of members who love and are devoted to a particular game, are a potential outlet for people such as the OP to express their hypotheses and write their own stories (hence we have a fan fiction section).

    In other words, this is a site devoted to L4D, a game with little context. Why shouldn't members develop their own ideas about where the Special Infected came from? If you don't like threads like this, don't continue to read them once you realise what they're about; and certainly don't bother to post on them.
    I did read it you fool so dont start on me i dont like having fights over a damn computer look what happened to shotgun

  3. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxPlosivxX View Post
    I did read it you fool so dont start on me i dont like having fights over a damn computer look what happened to shotgun
    Read my post before you call me a fool. You dissed the OP for speculating about L4D. I reasoned that, as this is a site devoted to the game, he's entitled to do that. I advised you that, if you don't like threads in which people use their imaginations to theorise about aspects of the game's plot/backstory, don't read them and don't post on them.
    RIP Mike Starr

  4. Banned
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    Your theory has no medical backing whatsoever. I was pointed to this thread because of my medical knowledge being told to "prove him wrong Kayli!!" so here I am.

    Let's see...

    As with any virus (or disease really), there are those who are born with a natural immunity, something in their genetic code that gives them an edge. If that wasn't so all of Europe would have been wiped out with the spreading of the Bubonic plague, there would be no such thing as HPV "carriers", or any asymptomatic hosts. As it is, we DO have asymptomatic hosts, there are various human persons who are able to carry the gene for a disease and never show a single symptom themselves (hemophilia for example, only the males show symptoms the females are simply carriers because you need only an X to experience the disease, the second X of a female cancels it out as its an inferior trait).
    X and Y, the basic genetic makeup of a human. Each one of them gives us 23 chromosomes, giving us a grand total of 46. Because we see both male and female carriers, we can assume the X chromosome controls the immunity, because a female is XX and a male is XY. There do exist various mutations (XXX for a female, XYY for a male, and XXY for a male), but that has no importance here. The X chromosome is the most likely candidate for controlling immunity. So then why isn't everyone immune? Every human has at least one X chromosome. Perhaps its an inferior trait, only occurring when both parents have the inferior trait to offer. blah blah blah medical junk.

    Carrier can not become infected, they are only able to transmit the disease, never falling prey to it themselves. Much like some STDs, there are people with herpes virus who will transmit it between partners but never show any symptoms of it themselves. These people don't randomly have mutated warts all over their body, they just never have anything wrong with them.

    Viruses mutate, yes...yes they do. However, they don't change how they affect people. The chicken pox virus has mutated several times, it still shows the same symptoms. Viruses mutate as a means of defense, when a vaccine is released for it, normally that virus will pick up a strand of DNA structure that allows it to resist the antibodies prepared to kill it. Remember: viruses are just balls of DNA strands, each strand of DNA comes from a different host. Again, even the flu virus mutates; each year the virus mutates to withstand the flu vaccine, that's why you may get the flu after getting the's not the right mutation. Each strain of flu virus though will have the same affect on the human body, it doesn't make you explode or anything, just the same symptoms as last time around. There are different "breeds" of flu virus though: bird flu only affects humans and birds, swine flue affects humans, birds, and pigs, etc etc etc. Each of these "breeds" of virus will affect humans in a different way than your seasonal flu, so perhaps there are different strains of virus and that is what make special infected.

    Kinda not in the right mind to carry on, just...there you go.

  5. Junior Member
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    I actually quite like the fact that everyone has jumped on the prove him wrong side of this. This was all an idle musing by myself and I thought it would be interesting if my idea were true because then it would mean that the human race would definitely be finished (except for the as yet unmentioned immunes) and that is one of my favourite stories (I hate happy endings) and let's face it, so long as ONE person survives there will always be someone out there willing to try and flog a dead horse. I would just hate it if there were a billion pointless sequels. I hope L4D dies before it becomes a doddering blue hedgehog hopped up on cheap meds found lying in random places. Also, it would prove to be more entertaining than every character pulling a Bill.
    One in the head to keep them dead.....

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