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Thread: a dire problem: which campaign for expert?

  1. Zombie Cat
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    a dire problem: which campaign for expert?

    I realize that the realism section on this site is about as dead as bill after the sacrifice, but I could use a pointer. I play realism rather infrequently, and I play expert realism close to never. That being said, which campaign (I have all of the DLC campaigns as well) would be easiest for getting The Real Deal?

    Dead Center seems to be an obvious choice, but the length of the levels makes it quite difficult. In addition, the cola run on the second level, and the gauntlet on the third are very hard.

    Dark Carnival has, quite possibly, the hardest crescendos in the game. Plus the clown uncommon act as mini boomers, and the one thing i dont need is more zombies.

    The Passing has the underground river-run crescendo, which is quite difficult on advanced, let alone expert. Plus, the scavenge finale is a bitch.

    Swamp Fever has the double tank surprise at the end, not to mention the downed aircraft crescendo and all the water which makes you move more slowly.

    Hard Rain has the witches and the lowest visibility overall out of all the campaigns, except for maybe The Passing. However, the Burger Tank holdout finale is quite ridiculous and frustrating. All that said, Hard Rain is, arguably, the shortest full-length campaign.

    The Parish has the gauntlet crescendos for its finale and its second level. While one of the most fun campaigns, because of its difficulty Im not so sure about this one either.

    The Sacrifice seems to be pretty easy from all the times I've played it, but I sort of feel like Im cheating if I were to get The Real Deal from a DLC campaign.

    No Mercy has the same problem as The Sacrifice, but other than that, it seems relatively easy.

    What do you all suggest? which campaign(s) have you beaten on Realism Expert?

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Ditto on everything Kagato said. If you have the team for it, Dead Center can seriously be a cakewalk even on expert. But if the team isn't synced or you misuse the bile, you're going to be struggling through the campaign. Swamp Fever is pretty easy all around, and the finale is one of the easier ones to bring everyone out alive.

    No Mercy might be a little more difficult since chargers and spitters have the ability to ruin someone's day in a hurry.

  3. Smoker
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    We did it on Dark Carnival and beside the crescendo event of 4th chapter it was easy. The Finale is easily the easiest because you can corner camp with great space around you.

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntiSmoker View Post
    We did it on Dark Carnival and beside the crescendo event of 4th chapter it was easy. The Finale is easily the easiest because you can corner camp with great space around you.
    I agree with this.

    Tip for the 4th map: At the crescendo event I suggest using a molotov. You can throw the molotov over the gates and set the fence line where all the CIs climb over on fire. You should do this right before the gates fly open and the next round of CIs spawn. This will give you plenty of CI-free ground to run over. Once you make it to the fire throw a bile bomb forward of the team, the corner is a good place for it just make sure you leave your team enough room to get around the fence.

    Once you make it there just pick a side, mow down anything that gets in your way and make sure at least one of you make it to the safe room. Sometimes a tank spawns here, don't worry about fighting him, kill CIs and sneak around him. All that matters is getting that one guy in the safe room.

    After the 4th map the rest is a cake walk. You get a bile bomb on the finale that should be saved for the run to the chopper. You have plenty of fire to deal with CIs and the tank, and you have several locations where the entire team can camp and mow down any SIs before they get within 30 yards.

  5. Rob Zombie
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    Parish's easy so is hard rain if you have the right people playing with you.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    i'd recommend either dead center or swamp fever. I know dead center's levels are huge but you get showered in boomer bile that you can abuse mostly for the 2nd level and if you have one for the third level that one's a cakewalk if you rush with the bile.

    I also say swamp fever because the levels are very short, i typically feel like the first level is actually the hardest but after that its easy going from there and theres also alot of bile/defibs on the first level as well. THe finale your guna have to pull together for those 2 tanks but after that parts done its in the bag =)
    also if you need people to help you i'd be more then happy to help =)

  7. Been around a bit
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    I haven't played Dead Center in a while, but doesn't Map 3 have constant spawning hordes and increased SI spawns (as in, multiples of each)? Or was that fixed? I know that was what always gave me the most trouble on that map.

    Anyways, Swamp Fever is generally a good bet as far as easy campaigns, though Hard Rain is a walk in the park if you can get past that long second level.

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