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Thread: accuracy fubar?

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Like if the zombie is moving or running, I don't shoot till it stops or is running directly towards me. Guarantee hit. I also wait till they are close to me to shoot em instead of getting em at the distance where I risk missing..
    I agree.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post

    In versus, you often don't have the time to plan out shots either. In survival, you do. So I'd expect high numbers there. But keep in mind that the longer the game proceeds, the lower your accuracy should be. Scavenge...same issue.


    Don't have time to plan out shots in VS?
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. Smoker
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    Kinda forgot about this thread. I been playing alot more lately since the lag seems to be less of an issue now and my shooting has been on fire pretty much. I did beat my all time highest percentage getting 84% a couple games ago on a public campaign game. Also lead in kills, least damage taken, saves, and least friendly fire. Unfortunately I was accused to cheating by two of the three other players that were playing the map. Both of them said they were reporting me. It brought a chuckle to me but

  4. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Kinda forgot about this thread. I been playing alot more lately since the lag seems to be less of an issue now and my shooting has been on fire pretty much. I did beat my all time highest percentage getting 84% a couple games ago on a public campaign game. Also lead in kills, least damage taken, saves, and least friendly fire. Unfortunately I was accused to cheating by two of the three other players that were playing the map. Both of them said they were reporting me. It brought a chuckle to me but
    Lol... That's pathetic..
    They're just jealous you're doing way better. I would love to have someone like you join my pub game and kick ass and actually not suck.

    People are duuuuuuuuumb
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  5. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    Lol... That's pathetic..
    They're just jealous you're doing way better. I would love to have someone like you join my pub game and kick ass and actually not suck.

    People are duuuuuuuuumb
    Tell me about it. How do you cheat with those stats on xbox anyway?

    Sorry about last night. I went to cook up some protein and it took way longer than usual. But it was daaaaaamn good food. :rofl: By the time I was done eating, it was way past my bedtime. I was gonna send ya a msg on but I keep getting the send message error. It happens like every 1 in 4 times i try to send a msg on there.

    I liked that spot you chose on that map. It made the shotgun and scar literally unstoppable guns because you did not have to reload and both of those guns take forever to reload. I was shooting until it depleted and then just pick up another rifle or shotgun and keep on firing. It let us have a steady stream of fire. We would have lasted alot longer if those !$!@#$@ bots did not get in my way every 3 seconds. I kept shooting them and they would get beat down by the tank and we lose our suppressing fire. Wish there were options to order the bots to the flank or something.

  6. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Tell me about it. How do you cheat with those stats on xbox anyway?

    Sorry about last night. I went to cook up some protein and it took way longer than usual. But it was daaaaaamn good food. :rofl: By the time I was done eating, it was way past my bedtime. I was gonna send ya a msg on but I keep getting the send message error. It happens like every 1 in 4 times i try to send a msg on there.

    I liked that spot you chose on that map. It made the shotgun and scar literally unstoppable guns because you did not have to reload and both of those guns take forever to reload. I was shooting until it depleted and then just pick up another rifle or shotgun and keep on firing. It let us have a steady stream of fire. We would have lasted alot longer if those !$!@#$@ bots did not get in my way every 3 seconds. I kept shooting them and they would get beat down by the tank and we lose our suppressing fire. Wish there were options to order the bots to the flank or something.
    Don't worry about the food lol I understand, it happens.

    I only chose that spot because I never played it on Survival and didn't know where to go lol You have like 11 minutes? That was my first time, and we got 8-9 minutes. Yeah, the bots were freaking annoying. Nick stood in my way for a while, then the second I move, he jumped down -.- We need two more players and gotta set up the map better. The first time, we basically just got our weapons and went. Second time, we set up gas tanks, but it didn't do much. I hate playing with bots. I didn't think you would join my game lol I was just looking for spots to grenade launch other people and glitch it, just for the hell of it. Thanks for joining, it was more fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  7. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    Don't worry about the food lol I understand, it happens.

    I only chose that spot because I never played it on Survival and didn't know where to go lol You have like 11 minutes? That was my first time, and we got 8-9 minutes. Yeah, the bots were freaking annoying. Nick stood in my way for a while, then the second I move, he jumped down -.- We need two more players and gotta set up the map better. The first time, we basically just got our weapons and went. Second time, we set up gas tanks, but it didn't do much. I hate playing with bots. I didn't think you would join my game lol I was just looking for spots to grenade launch other people and glitch it, just for the hell of it. Thanks for joining, it was more fun.
    I got that 11 minutes a couple months ago. I think we were camping in the small locker room on the other side of the map, near that light generator you jumped up on. There were four of us and we were each in a certain spot of that little room. When the tank came in, we all had shotties and obliterated it before he could touch us. Eventually the horde/tanks/SI overwhelmed us. It's a good spot but not much room to maneuver. You gotta bring in tons of guns, first aids, and stuff to stock up on.

  8. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Assist and I ran a realism expert game the other day keeping accuracy in mind. I don't know about his conclusion but mine is that 84% accuracy, while impressive, is not practical. We both could run through campaigns and plan out our shots to a T but our gameplay would suffer as a result.

    It would help if you could post some demos.
    What kind of accuracy did ya guys shoot in that one? I never tried this on realism, in fact I hardly play realism cuz I get lost sometimes and no way of finding my teammates.

    How do I post demos? I want to record a game but not sure how that works with the xbox.

    When you first start aiming for the high bar in accuracy, it takes some away from your usual dominating routine, which is expected cuz alot of your focus is on the crosshairs and predicting the path of the infected for that perfect shot. I remember when I first started trying for high accuracy, I would get attacked alot because I was so focused on aiming and neglected my surroundings. My saves and friendly fire also suffered but my accuracy increased. I been playing this way for a long time now so it's pretty much automatic now, where I shoot and hit with nearly every shot and since it takes less effort to do it cuz of all that practice, I can still do everything else I need to do like avoid infected, protect teammates, and look for supplies. Now my numbers are always high in most categories and don't have many issues in playing and surviving anymore.

    I don't really HAVE TO play for high accuracy and can do just as well shooting normally like I used to (like the recent game with Dragon where I just held down the trigger nonstop lol) but all that practice and sticking to the one shot kill mentality, i guess, improved my shooting and now I do it all the time.

  9. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    We always shoot between 45~55% when we're not using shotguns. Assist is generally 3% more accurate and always ahead of me on headshot ACC but I almost always take first when comes to CI killed and SI killed. I also take the most damage (in-general) and have low-medium friendly fire frequency.

    To me, you have to sacrifice one to get the other. You can have few friendly fire incidents, low damage, and high accuracy but then this should reflect in your statistics: fewer kills (less willing to take chances). Likewise, I take too many chances. I may have top kills but that's at the expense of taking too much damage or not being careful enough around friendlies.

    I don't know what equipment you have for recording Xbox demos. It's a hassle I'm told and quite costly. You seem to have the ability to record short spurts...are you able to record entire games like you do for statistics? Maybe someone could spectate you who has the ability to record demos.

    I'm not saying I doubt you because you have shown several stat demos with most kills AND highest accuracy. I just want to see how you play. Who knows...I might learn something.
    That is still impressive accuracy for realism expert. Most people I play with on expert are Rambo's and they do this to keep the hard-hitting-damage-taking infected away as much as possible. I don't think I ever saw anyone shoot that high on expert.

    I took those short videos with my blackjack II phone. I can take up to a minute or two of video but anything longer will end up being too big of a file and I only have photobucket with limited storage. If I decrease the video quality to record longer, you can't see the numbers or the video that well. It's not the greatest video recording phone I admit.

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