I am trying to make a custom finale in which i've already written up the code here, but squirrel does not work on my computer, could anyone package it up and send me the .nuc & .nut files?

here's the code

PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

DirectorOptions <-
CommonLimit = 30
A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8

A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 2 // two panic events

A_CustomFinale3 = TANK
A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 1 // 2 tanks

A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 2 // two panic events

A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 2 // 2 tanks

A_CustomFinale5 = ONSLAUGHT
A_CustomFinaleValue5 = "c2m4_barns_onslaught" // run the onslaught script

SpecialRespawnInterval = 30


function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
MapScript.DirectorOptions.CommonLimit = num * 10 // increase commons by 10 linearly with stages

also i am very, very inexperienced any would like to know if the bottom part is nessiscary

also would the finale script work if i added this into it somewhere?

boomerlimit = 5
hunterlimit = 5
smokerlimit = 5
chargerlimit = 5
spitterlimit = 5
jockeylimit = 5

thank you