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Thread: Who is your favorite l4d/l4d2 character?

  1. Just getting started
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    Most definitley Zoey on L4D1 Ellis on L4D2. Zoey kicks @$$!!!!!!!

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedeadtellstales View Post
    The only character I don't like playing is Bill out of all 8. Mainly because I don't like looking at his pale, thin old wrists. It just looks too sickly to me.

    I do find L4D2 characters more full of life compared to the L4D cast. It seemed like they took similar characteristics from L4D and exaggerated them further in L4D2. Here's a few case points.

    -There has been mention of Francis eating a lot. Coach would probably win him in an eating contest though.
    -Louis is overly positive. Coach can get so optimistic he can become annoying and actually ordering people to be happy.
    -Nick is way way more negative and whiny than Francis
    -Nick is more of an asshole than Francis as Francis does hide a big softie in him
    -Rochelle is more girly than Zoey except it seems Zoey cares more about saving other survivors than Rochelle who just doesn't seem to give a damn
    -Ellis is more of a stooge and village idiot than Francis among the group
    -Ellis finds zombie apocalypse a playground, Francis loves the apocalypse too but by being competitive about it. I'd say Ellis is a bit more on the extreme there.
    -Coach is more demanding than Bill as the old dude
    You are so dead on with that thought!

  3. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by VoltageHero View Post

    Coach pisses me off.
    "My friends called me Coach, so I guess you can also."
    "Did I fucking ask you? I wasn't look at you."

    Nick is more of a downer than Francis, I think. Nick doesn't really seem to care much about the other survivors, but Francis shows that he cares, every now and then. (Youtube videos. Again, I've only REALLY played and own L4D2)

    Taken from the L4D wiki:

    Nick (also known as Nicolas) is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He is a gambler and a con-man with a shady (even violent) past. He seems reluctant to be a part of the group at all and takes the role of "the complainer," finding fault in other people's plans, the increasingly sorry state of his once-fine suit and his teammate's character flaws, as he judges them. This makes him difficult for the others to like at first, but that changes as time goes by, as he learns to trust them and proves himself a valuable part of the team.
    I never really warmed up to Nick, he's just too f-ing negative.

  4. I've done my time
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    Prefer Zoey or Rochelle. Play Nick sometimes when I want to play someone like Ash, I think they are similar in looks and personality. Give him a chainsaw and a shotgun to get the feel.

  5. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedeadtellstales View Post
    Prefer Zoey or Rochelle. Play Nick sometimes when I want to play someone like Ash, I think they are similar in looks and personality. Give him a chainsaw and a shotgun to get the feel.
    You go for the women? (;
    purple's on the runaround

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Kinda odd that Bill is my favorite yet I hardly ever pick him.

    I always choose Louis and Ellis though
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    I'll just post my 'prefered' list, i.e. Survivors at the top i prefer to play as more than survivors at the bottom.



  8. On the way to greater things
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    L4D: Bill, L4D2: Ellis.

    I posted this to the wrong forum, derp. But thanks, Valve, for having the wonderful American South be the L4D2 backdrop. Met a lot of guys like Ellis.

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