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Thread: Have you ever been the Guy he ruined a game?

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Have you ever been the Guy he ruined a game?

    Have you ever been the guy who teamkilled, stayed in the saferoom, or just killed yourself to be the infected faster. I normaly am the guy who yells at those people for screwing up the game, but this week for a few hours I was kinda of a hypocrite.
    My cousin and I were playing and he convinced me to play like a D bag. At one point I ran through the lvl and got the whole team killed(except for my cousin who commited suicide. I felt so guilty and still do. SO have you ever been THAT guy.

  2. Banned
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    Only because my skill level was below that of my other team mates. I have some pro friends on my list and back in the day after I fell out with my old buddies I started playing with them, because I wanted some good versus action and partly to piss my old buddies off. Silly really, but anyway, in those games it was always pro moves and no messing about. 3 + 1s that actually worked, cr0wning witches while on the run, instakills that won the game, etc. Once or twice I didn't attack on time and buggered things up, or took hits as the survivors. In essence, I was carried, as shamed as I am to admit it. I know how hard it can be to carry team mates, as even I myself have done it in numerous pub games.

    The only other examples I can think of are where I've simply fought back against griefers. Also, if I see a votekick against me for no valid reason (it doesn't happen very often, like once a month or something) then you can bet your left nipple I will empty every round I have into the nearest survivor.
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  3. Witch
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    I pretend to be deaf so I don't have to apologize, or can just lie my ass off when I "don't save" my teammates. Yep. Sure do.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  4. Junior Member
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    I have an unnatural urge to shoot the car and run on NM1 & 2, hilarious every time

  5. Zombie Cat
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    NO! Well there was this one time at band camp...

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Never once have I intentionally ruined a game. Unless I was previously griefed by said team that is.
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  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    Yes, I sometimes join a game on Expert, bring up a vote kick on someone, then start shooting them. When all partners are down, I quit.

    The vote I start confuses people instantly, then when they realize whats actually happening, they can't kick me, because of the vote screen I already have up in their face.

  8. Community Staff
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    I do it with my friends only, so we all find it funny more than anything but never with strangers/randoms - that's just obnoxious and rude in my opinion.

    I'll death race when I hear a tank and when another team mate is outside, ill just keep opening and closing the saferoom door so they can't get in.

    Then when another friend did that to me, with a tank hot on my trail, i ran into the saferoom, left the door open did a circle around the room (going around the tank) and then went back outside leaving the tank and my friend inside the saferoom. Left those 2 love birds in there together.

  9. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    Yes, I sometimes join a game on Expert, bring up a vote kick on someone, then start shooting them. When all partners are down, I quit.

    The vote I start confuses people instantly, then when they realize whats actually happening, they can't kick me, because of the vote screen I already have up in their face.
    It's more fun to kill yourself before you quit.

    I won't go into a game with the intent to fuck it up. But if I get a random vote-kicked called on me(for no reason) and there is a ledge nearby, you better pray you vote no because if it passes I will kill myself in the half-second period before I get kicked.

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