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Thread: Why they call it a hitman.

  1. Banned
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    Why they call it a hitman.

    Someone finally uploaded this to youtube (thanks Keith!) so I thought I'd post it for you all to enjoy.

    The original hitman:

    YouTube - Left 4 Dead - The Original Hitman Incident

    and another rather famous one:

    YouTube - Tys-Ondeck hitman

    Know of any other videos of someone pulling a hitman? Post them here. :rofl:

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    Yeah, there are a couple other good ones out there. The only problem I have with everyone calling this a hitman, is the fact that no one understands what it actually is. It isn't you saving your team late, it's you NOT saving them at all as seen in the above videos. Saving your team late and having them take a bunch of damage is bad play, but not a true hitman. The term gets flung around way too much nowadays. I'll go try to find some of the other good ones.

    Don P.

    Broadway (Must watch)

  3. Banned
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    You ever pulled one Belth?

    I did one night, but I was drunk off my ass. I had a autoshotgun too...I know the other team had to be laughing like hell. Well now that I think about it, it wasn't a true hitman because I did manage to clear someone....after two teammates died. I did manage to make up for it on the next map though when we got a last ditch effort 3-1 by the safe room.

    I *almost* pulled one on DA3 because I was begin cocky and didn't pick up a tier 2. The other team was obviously better than us and was rubbing it in by rolling with tier 1's so I decided to hold on to my pump shotgun when I had the chance to pick up a tier 2. They noticed this and as soon as they had 3 hunters and a boomer they made sure to secure everyone but me. I managed to clear one of my teammates after 4 shots/melees and he cleared the other two. Was *almost* an embarrassing moment though.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    Not as big of a name as all the others, but we made N e t e r i N pull a hitman in a scrim once. Pretty fun to watch from this angle, too. watch?v=UJn5ktFutyI&t=3m40s

    Also, hillbillly, what's your gamertag?

  5. Banned
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    Isn't this also known as an "oh billy"? Or is that when there is just 3 hunters and no boomer? LOL
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  6. Smoker
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    Christ, I've lost count of the amount of times I've had a hitman whilst being pub-stomped. Though to be fair, I've probably been pretty guilty of it myself a few times...
    RIP Mike Starr

  7. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamski5000 View Post
    Christ, I've lost count of the amount of times I've had a hitman whilst being pub-stomped. Though to be fair, I've probably been pretty guilty of it myself a few times...
    Everyones had that happen to them. I don't undertsand why everyone always wants to blame the guy boomered on, the players who got pounced at the same time should share the blame. Probably more so.

    I find these situations tend to come more often in Death Toll and Blood Harvest because its harder to funnel the commons.

  8. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    Everyones had that happen to them. I don't undertsand why everyone always wants to blame the guy boomered on, the players who got pounced at the same time should share the blame. Probably more so.

    I find these situations tend to come more often in Death Toll and Blood Harvest because its harder to funnel the commons.
    I've never pulled a hitman yet. Much harder to do so on the pc due to the fact that you can melee with a 360 spin easily I guess

  9. Regular Joe Member
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    El oh el at teams running with multiple smg's

  10. Chicago Ted
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    Man, I attract a lot of those dudes in most pub games I play.
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