L4DNation - News

L4DNation is proud to announce that the Got 4? Open Classic Left 4 Dead 2 Tournament is now open for registration! Thanks to all of the communities patience while myself and the other officials have sorted out some of the rule sets and issues that went along with organizing this tournament. The Got 4? Open Classic is a Left 4 Dead 2 tournament that will be held by L4DNation, for the entire competitive (and general ) community from all over the world! Along with this tournament comes a $1200.00 prize payout for the first ranked team!

Tournament registration begins today (February 26th) and ends March 28th; tournament play begins April 4th with the first preliminary round of the tournament. Brought to you by a majority vote, the Got 4? Open Classic will be run in a league style fashion, and will have different eliminations during each round to ensure that every team gets a MINIMUM of 6 games to play before being eliminated. So if you're not on a team, or if you've been thinking about making that next step into competitive play, get your friends together and sign up! Please take a moment to go through and read our tournament rules, registration form, and other various tournament information located in Got 4? Tournament Information board: L4DNation - Forum Got 4? Open Classic Information

Remember, this tournament is open to all nationalities, and is not exclusive to the United States. L4DNation and the Got 4? Open Classic is sponsored by E-Rev TV (also known as EREVN), and will have matches livecasted by E-Rev at E-Rev.tv - Electronic Revolution Broadcasting Network Thank you to all our supporters and sponsors over the past few months, and a big thank you to all of those who donated for this event! Head on over to L4DNation, register, and sign up today! We hope to see a great turnout in the month to come!

L4DNation - News