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Thread: Your Own L4D Dialogue

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Your Own L4D Dialogue

    If you were in the game as a character, and you did your own voice work, what lines would you give to your character?

    Lines you would use to call each Special Infected:

    Lines you would use when healing:

    Lines you would use when seeing a grenade:

    Lines you would use while throwing a grenade:

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:

    Lines you would use if in black and white:

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:

    Lines used when a teammate dies:

    Miscellaneous lines you would use:
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Lines you would use to call each Special Infected:
    "Guy with the hood!"
    "Jumping bitch"
    "Don't let that thing pin you"
    "You won't be jumping when i skeet you, little bitch" - Hunter

    "Fat motherfucker"
    "That's the state of Americas health..thank god i'm British"
    "Boomer!" - Boomer

    "Mental guy"
    "Bieber's vocal coach!"
    "Jockey Jockey Jockey" - Jockey

    "Gore, gore gore!!"
    "Wonder how he got that arm so big"
    "CHARGER" - Charger

    "It smells like acid"
    "Spitting girl" - Spitter

    "It's a..modern day cowboy with that lasso tounge"
    "Smoking is bad for your know that?"
    "Smoker" - Smoker

    "I don't care what that thing is but i'm shooting that son of a bitch"
    "Chuck Norris on steriods!"
    "Anybody got a light?"
    "Tank, TANK!" - Tank

    "Hey, it's emo girl, stay away from her"
    "She's starting to lose it, back off"
    "GET AWAY, GET..GET AWAY!" - Witch

    Lines you would use when healing:
    "Wait, i'm healing"
    "Guys..slow down, i'm healing"
    "I haven't got a mobile health unit, wait while i heal"

    Lines you would use when seeing a grenade:
    "Boom, here comes the boom, heh heh.." - Pipe Bomb
    "I am the god of hell fire!" - Molotov
    "Ugh, guess this'll do" - Boomer Bile

    Lines you would use while throwing a grenade:
    "Eat this you sons a bitches"
    "Marry fucking christmas!"
    "Watch out"
    "Throwing a___"

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:
    "Baseball, huh" - Baseball
    "Howzat!" - Cricket Bat
    "I'm gonna be like Tiger Woods..without the cheating.." - Golf Club
    "Imma Choppie choppie some pee pees" - Chainsaw/Machete/Katana
    "Samurai's are bad ass, don't cha know?" - Katana
    "Katana" - Katana
    "What the..well it'll do" - Frying Pan
    "Now this is more my style" - Guitar
    "Goin' all Jimi Hendrix on these bitches" - Guitar

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:
    "Hold on, the others ain't helping ya so.."
    "I'm healing you, stay still"
    "Do you want to live or die?, let me heal you"
    "You can pay me back later"

    Lines you would use if in black and white:
    "And so i walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."
    "Guess this then"
    "Has anyone got a goddamn first aid kit?"
    "Haven't felt this bad in a long time"

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:
    "AK47, the best there is.."
    "Hello Mr M4, M for, Motherfucker!"
    "Now this is a real pistol" - Magnum
    "Let freedom ring with the shotgun spam!" - Auto/Combat Shotgun
    "I got them on scope, just don't step in front of me" - Sniper/Hunting Rifle
    "Boom headshot!" - Sniper/Hunting Rifle
    "Wooohoo, these zombies are going to be running from me now!" - M16

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:
    "Oh again.."
    "For the love of..i'm down."
    "Down here, hello?"
    "Yeah you're up there and i'm down here, get me up"
    "I'll give you a dollar if you get me up"

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:
    "Are you going to lie there, or come with?"
    "We'll sleep when we get to the safehouse, now lets go"
    "Up, now"
    "Come on dude, you're tougher than that"

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:
    "Pills here"
    "I'm straight someone else has to take these" - Pills
    "Oh lookie, adrenaline"

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:
    "We did it, now for the next round"
    "Okay guys, that was great, don't get cocky"
    "Ohhhhh Yeeeaaahhhh"

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:
    "Ah shit.."
    "You, didn't just do that"
    "Okay, which jabroni was that?!"

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:
    "I believe i can flllllyyyyyyyyy!"
    "Bye bye!"

    Lines used when a teammate dies:
    "Oh for fu- NO!"
    "Shit, shit shit shit shit!"
    "Don't worry, i have a defib!"

    Miscellaneous lines you would use:
    "So...we're going to the Carnival?" - Dark Carnival 1
    "Okay, yeah, clown zombies..that's original" - Dark Carnival
    "Told ya we should've taken that left turn at that intersection, but we're stuck in a stupid hillbilly fairground!" - DarCar
    "A forest, it's dark..zombie infested and there's only four of us. I'd rate their chances pretty highly wouldn't you?" - Blood Harvest 1
    "I bet you this pilot is going to be infected" - No Mercy 5
    "Yeah that sounds all well and good but the stock car is BEHIND YOU!" - Dead Center 4

    I'll add more later. Maybe we could use replies to what other forum members are saying as they were Survivors with us in the Miscellaneous lines.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Lines you would use to call each Special Infected:
    "Big tumor guy!"
    "Coach is that you?"
    - Boomer

    "What happens when you jump head first into a firing gun you scrawny son of a bitch?!"
    "You give hoodies a bad name."
    "Parkour guy!"
    "Hunter!"" - Boomer

    "Small fry!"
    "Jockey sumbitch" - Jockey

    "Chargin bastard incoming!"
    "Deflated arm!"
    "Try not to get Charged." - Charger

    "Giraffe lady!"
    "If you fall in Spitter goo, I sure as shit aint gonna save ya.!"

    "And I thought my ex girlfriend had a long tongue"
    "Gene Simmons!"
    "Smoker lurking around here"
    "French kisser!" - Smoker

    "Sweet cream on an ice cream sandwich its a Tank"
    "Lay into the big guy!!"
    "We have a huge problem!"
    "Tiny head!" - Tank

    "Witch around."
    "Man she is gonna blow like a champagne cork"
    'You have a deathwish?! Back UP!"
    "What the hell are you doing? Get away from that psychobitch this instant!!- Witch

    Lines you would use when healing:
    "Gotta heal!"
    "Hold the hell up while I finish patching up."
    "I have got to heal. Now."

    Lines you would use when seeing a grenade:
    "Michael Bay aint gonna have shit on me." - Pipe Bomb
    "Lets set the night on fire." - Molotov
    "I aint touching th--- ah screw it, Im taking it." - Boomer Bile

    Lines you would use while throwing a grenade:
    "Throwing a___"

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:
    "Gonna do you proud Hank Aaron" - Baseball
    "Im not gonna hurt ya. Im just gonna bash your brains in." - Cricket Bat
    "Gonna shove this 9 iron up someones ass with this" - Golf Club
    "Dad always wanted me to be a butcher." - Chainsaw/Machete/Katana
    "Lets cut to the chase." - Katana
    "Hope you sons of bitches like your brains scrambled" - Frying Pan
    "Rock on and ride the lightning" - Guitar

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:
    "Would you stand still for a sec? This wont take long"
    "You look messed up, but thats what Im for."
    "Not gonna be needing this."
    "Stop fidgeting."

    Lines you would use if in black and white:
    "Well, this is not gonna turn out well."
    "I aint never been so messed up in my life."
    "I got dibs on the next first aid anyone sees"
    "Shit this hurts. SHIT."

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:
    "Man, I always wondered what it would be like in Vietnam"-Assault Rifle
    "This is my type of gun!"- SCAR
    "Do you feel lucky, punk?l" - Magnum
    "Time to blow a hole through these sons of bitches" - Auto/Combat Shotgun
    "Pea shooter my ass." -Uzi

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:
    "F'ing hell!"
    "Shit, Im down!"
    "Anyone gonna help?"
    "Some help would really be appreciated!"
    "If you would so kindly HELP ME UP!"

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:
    "You just gonna lay there on your back and take it?"
    "There is no rest for them so what makes you think we can rest?"
    "Get up, goddamn it, get up."
    "Did you trip on your shoe laces?"

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:
    "Grabbin peelz."
    "These will be useful." - Pills
    "Adrenaline needle here."

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:
    "THATS IT? I was just getting warmed up."
    "We aint doing nothing but whoopin ass."
    "YEAH BOI"
    "Get owned SON."

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:
    "You just had to do that..."
    "What the... Oh well, I was getting bored anyway."
    "Next one to shoot a car, I am gunning you down."

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:

    Lines used when a teammate dies:
    "You have GOT to be shittin me"
    "This is not gonna go as planned."
    "Oh shit dude. Shit. SHIT."
    "Nobody deserved this...."

    Miscellaneous lines you would use:
    (To be continued)
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  4. I've done my time
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    "Mickey D's!"
    "Whole lotta Rosie!"


    "Crazy midget!"

    "Don't get trucked!"
    "Balloon arm!"
    "Just dodge it!"

    "Acid wash!"
    "Goose neck!"
    "That ain't water!"

    "Old smokey!"
    "Got a light?"

    "oh crap!"
    "Roid rage!"
    "Dang that zombie's swole!"

    "My ex! She came back!!"
    "Quit your weeping, I'm the one fighting zombies."
    "Get back, she ain't into you!"

    Lines when healing
    "Just rubbin some dirt in it, I'll be fine!"
    "Anyone got duct tape?"
    "Healing up!"

    Grenades seen
    "Gotta love homemade fireworks..." pipe bomb
    "Should I drink this?" molotov
    "Look leftovers!" bile jar

    "Have a drink on me!" molotov
    "What's that smell?" bile
    "Beep beep beep you suckers!" bomb

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:
    "Cmon homerun!" - Baseball
    "I aint no Brit!" - Cricket Bat
    "Fore!" - Golf Club
    "Gonna slice and dice!" - Chainsaw/Machete/Katana
    "Time for grits!" - Frying Pan
    "For those about to rock, we salute you!" - Guitar
    "Cmon feel the noise!" - Guitar

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:
    "Hang on, you need a rebuild!"
    "This may hurt a little, or alot..."
    "Let me fix you!"

    Lines you would use if in black and white:
    "It's been a good run..."
    "Don't take my stuff if I die!"
    "Don't mind me, I'm dead anyway..."

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:
    "What is this? An airsoft gun?" Uzi/silenced smg
    "Time to pump them full of lead!" shotguns
    "When you have to kill everything in the room..." AK
    "Rather have an aught six" M16
    "They'll never see me..." snipers

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:
    "dang, I figured this would happen..."
    "Little help folks?"
    "If i can walk afterwards, why can't i get up?"

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:
    "You ain't done yet!"
    "Don't be a quitter!"
    "Cmon, I got you"

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:
    "Drugs are bad mmkay!"
    "Generic or prescription?"
    "what are the side effects?"

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:
    "Nice place"
    "Wheres the bathroom?"
    "can't believe we made it"
    "Get in this hidey hole!"

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:
    "Oh great, you had to..."
    "Awesome man, awesome..."

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:
    "I'm flying!!!"

    Lines used when a teammate dies:
    "End of the line hoss"
    "I guess the strain was too much for him to bear..."

    Along with various other things, probably some cussing too, these are the PG versions.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    When a witch starts to get angry: "Bitch Please"

    and I would say "INdeed" whenever possible

  6. Just getting started
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    Lines you would use to call each Special Infected:

    He is really Jumping?
    Flying Rabits coming
    Get the Hell of Me

    God Dammit, SMOKER
    Lasso Tongue Coming
    O gosh i dont want a kiss

    Its that a Fast-Food
    he probably likes Fast Food
    Damn, I'm covered of bile

    What is that Thing Laughing
    Crazy Guy Coming
    Shoot in the Damn Jockey

    Goo Coming
    Get the Hell of the Goo
    Damn Goo

    In coming
    Charger Arms Here
    Great a Football Player
    Kill the Damn Charger

    oh no, TANK
    Steroids Coming

    Witch is here
    Silent,Crying Girl over here

    Lines you would use when healing:
    Stop,i need to Heal
    Healing over Here
    Guys i'm a person too, need heal

    Lines you would use when seeing a grenade:
    Bomb here
    Pipe bomb here
    Molotov grenade here
    Fire over here
    Boomer Bile over here
    Shooting bile here

    Lines you would use while throwing a grenade:
    Take a Pipe bomb,Bitchs
    Fire in The Hole
    Molotov Going
    Fire Going
    Monster Bile in the Ground
    Vomit Jar to Zombies

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:
    Head Hunter here-Baseball
    Go to Hell-Cricket Bat
    Grabing a Golf Club-Colf Club
    I'm Gonna fell like my mom with this-Chainsaw/Machette/Katana
    Time to Fry-Frying pan
    Rock'n Roll Zombies-Guitar

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:
    You want to die? no? so wait the First Aind
    Wait, i'm Healing you!!
    You will gonna fall if you dont take care

    Lines you would use if in black and white:
    Fucking Zombies
    Need a First Aid,NOW
    O Gosh Why i they dont Die
    Dying now? i think i would take more

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:
    Okay, i'm Gonna use This-other weapons
    Lets make Zombie Pancake-Grenade laucher

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:
    Down over Here
    If you Dont mind,HELP ME

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:
    dont worry,everyone falls one time
    Wake up,Wake up,we need to go,NOW
    if you do not care, we need to go,NOW

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:
    Grabing Pills
    Remedy , For me
    Grabing a Shoot
    Adrenaline here

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:
    Oyeah we Did it
    For god, we almost die
    time to recovery

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:
    O gosh, HELP ME
    Guys, i dont fell Well

    Lines used when a teammate dies:
    O gosh, Damn Zombies

    Miscellaneous lines you would use:
    Guys, Why need to Run,immediately
    if I die here, I'm sorry for everything
    Okay, i'm dont appear like a Boomer,or a Smoker, or a Watever

  7. Been around a bit
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    cool, but some sound very similar to the normal lines..

    The adventures'll never end.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    Lines you would use to call each Special Infected:
    "It's that leaping guy in a hoodie."
    "Watch out for that Hunter."
    If he has no eyes, how can he see us? - Hunter

    "That's what happens when you eat too much, kids."
    "Oh god, it's that fat guy."
    "How impulsive."
    There's a Boomer over there!" - Boomer

    "It's that guy with a long tongue"
    "Watch out, there's a Smoker somewhere here."
    "I hear a Smoker..Keep your eyes open." - Smoker

    "It's that humping-your-back thing!"
    "Oh shit, there's a Jockey."
    "Watch out, guys - Jockey!"
    "I don't want to get humped by that thing - Watch out." - Jockey

    "Big arm!"
    "That guy has such a small left ar-oh wait."
    "Watch out for that Charger." - Charger

    "What the hell is that green thing?"
    "It's that long-neck spitting thing!"
    "Goddammit, Spitter!" - Spitter

    "That crying girl doesn't look so innocent."
    "She's crying in the outside..But raging in the inside. Stay away from her."
    "Stop fucking aggravating that Witch."
    "That's not how I pictured Witches."
    (When startled Witch) "OH HOLY SHIT." - Witch

    "What the hell is that giant thing?!"
    "Holy shit, Tank!"
    "Watch out, Tank coming our way!"
    "Are we supposed to shoot that thing?" - Tank

    Lines you would use when healing:
    "I'm healing, cover me."
    "Wait up guys, healing."
    "Wait up, I'm healing."
    "Wait for me while I use this kit."

    Lines you would use when seeing a grenade:
    "There's a Molotov over here."
    "Pipe bomb over here!"
    "I could use this."
    "This'll come in handy."
    "Is this a jar of puke?"
    "What the hell is this? Puke?"
    "I bet the zombies would like this."

    Lines you would use while throwing a grenade:
    "You guys would look funny when burning."
    "Throwing a Pipe bomb!"
    "Throwing this Molotov."
    "Throwing this..Puke."
    "This'll distract those zombies.."
    "Pipe bomb out!"

    Lines you would use when you grab certain melee weapons:
    "First used for cooking, now for surviving a damn zombie apocalypse." - Frying Pan
    "Got a Frying Pan." - Frying Pan
    "I'm grabbing this Axe." - Fire Axe
    "I got a Fire Axe." - Fire Axe
    "Rocking out and kicking zombie ass!" - Guitar
    "Grabbing a guitar." - Guitar
    "Got a chainsaw!" - Chainsaw
    "Those zombies are going to regret getting in my way." - Chainsaw
    "Fore!" - Golf Club
    "Batter up!" - Baseball Bat
    "Grabbing a Baseball Bat." - Baseball Bat
    "I should have thought of grabbing this earlier."

    Lines you would use to heal someone else:
    "Those zombies beat you good, let me heal you."
    "Stand still while I heal you."
    "Stand still, this'll only take a second."
    "Wait, I have something for you."

    Lines you would use if in black and white:
    "I feel so messed up.."
    "Those zombies really messed me up."
    "Guys..I don't think I'm going to make it."

    Lines you would use when you pick up a gun:
    "All right, a shotgun!"
    "Grabbing a shotgun."
    "This shotgun is nice."
    "I'll snipe."
    "Time to snipe some heads."
    "You guys want to see some headless zombies?"
    "Grabbing a rifle."
    "I got this rifle."
    "We got weapons over here!"
    "Everyone grab a weapon."
    "Got an extra pistol."
    "Two pistols, nice."
    "Grabbing an extra pistol."
    "Got a grenade launcher."
    "Woohoo, a grenade launcher!"

    Lines you would use when you get incapped:
    "Oh god, I'm down!"
    "Oh shit!"
    "Oh holy shit, I'm down!"
    "Goddamn zombies got me down!"
    "I'm down!"

    Lines you would use when helping a teammate up:
    "Don't you worry any more, I'm going to get you up."
    "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Get back up on your feet."
    "It's all okay now, get up."
    "Let's get you back up."
    "How's it going? Let's get you up."
    "We really need to get you a first aid. I can get you up, but only barely."
    "It's all going to be okay now, get up."

    Lines you would use when you grab pills or adrenaline:
    "I got some pills."
    "This'll come in handy."
    "Grabbing adrenaline."
    "Grabbing an adrenaline shot."
    "I got pills here."
    "Hopefully, this'll be of great use."

    Lines you would use when you reach the saferoom:
    "Finally, a saferoom."
    "Get inside the saferoom!"
    "Get in here, this isn't a game!"
    "We made it."
    "Yes! We made it!"
    "A saferoom..It's about time."

    Lines you would use when an alarm car is shot:
    "Nice shot."
    "Oh, COME ON!"
    "Great to go."
    "Stop shooting the cars."
    "I hope you realize you're just making things worse."
    (When I shoot an alarm car): "Sorry!"
    "Whoops, my bad!"

    Lines you would use when you fall to your death:
    Just screaming sounds.

    Lines used when a teammate dies:
    [b["Oh god, no."
    "Why do the good always die?!"
    "Oh damn, we just lost *Character's name*."
    "He/her shouldn't have gone like this."[/b]

    Miscellaneous lines you would use:
    "Everyone ready to shoot some zombies?"
    "Okay, let's go."

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