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Thread: What is the weirdest conversation you have ever heard joining a server?

  1. Junior Member
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    Question What is the weirdest conversation you have ever heard joining a server?

    I'm manly trying to find out if I'm the only one, but anyway.

    I walked in on server with a guy and a girl talking about how it feels to get sperm in the eye/ bellybutton.

    I think that one is gonna be hard to beat... :3
    Baby Panda - *sneeze*
    Panda -
    So the moral of this conversation is: Don't do drugs.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    I'm in a party 90% of the time, so if there are ever any craaazy conversations, I always miss them.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  3. Banned
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    Kid offered to let us sleep with his "hot mom" if we let him on our team.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    I remember when me and Crimson were in a lobby with this other dude, and he was talking about some thong that goes all the way up his hairy ass crack...lmao

  5. Chicago Ted
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    THE absolute weirdest conversation ever...

    I will just name 1 where everyone can vouche for it.

    Ringo, Mince, myself, Dragon, Zoeyyy, and this one kid.

    Or was it a kid? Anyway, he went from a little kid, to a ghetto black man, to a Mexican, to a girl, to a teen boy, to an old man, to an Asian guy, to some other foreign accents and he was babbling on and on about I have no fucking idea what. At first, no one could hear the guy as we were all in the party, but my mic is weird, I could hear party chat AND ingame chat so I told everyone to switch to game chat and hear this guy because I do not think Ringo believed me. Ringo laughed his ass off. We all did.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    I was in one before wer a guy was talking about how he thinks it would be mint to have sex with a zombie if it was chained down because it would be moving all the time and stuff.... eww!

  7. Zombie Cat
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    a couple of guys where fighting over one girl playing, it was some weird in-game lovers dispute or something. i tried to play the doc. phil role, or springer i guess would be more accurate. pretty funny.

    once i was on a pub game and dudes where actually making plans to go out to a local bar i knew. just some random pub guys from the sounds of it they must of lived just down the road from me, i had no mic at the time though but was a pretty amazing coincidence.

  8. Junior Member
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    Prettyfunny results I have an older 1. I was on a server when a group of kids with mica joined and started team killing. After every1 left, I tried staying on the server to see if the kids would leave, but all they did was start screaming "were going to bbt ur ass" in their squeaky voices. It was highly amusing.
    Baby Panda - *sneeze*
    Panda -
    So the moral of this conversation is: Don't do drugs.

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