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Thread: L4D Movie & Cutscenes

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    L4D Movie & Cutscenes

    Personally, I think a L4D movie would be badass. The trailer when you first turn on the game is amazing. But aside from a movie, I think cutscenes would also be nice for L4D3 if it ever releases. What do you think about it?

  2. Community Staff
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    Lol, kinda relevant...


  3. Zombie Cat
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    It hasn't really got enough of a story to be a film.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    Not much of a story?, err..

    Left 4 Dead begins in Pennsylvania, following an outbreak of the so-called Green Flu, a highly transmittable rabies-like virus which manifests itself as massively increased aggression and the loss of many higher brain functions within its victim.

    Two weeks after the infection of Patient Zero, four immune Survivors of the outbreak make their way through the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the virus is creating new, even more dangerous mutations. After narrowly avoiding these new Infected, along with hordes of others, the Survivors are alerted to the presence of an evacuation point at the nearby Mercy Hospital by a passing news helicopter. Fighting their way through the city's streets, subway and sewers, the Survivors are rescued from the hospital's roof by the pilot, only to discover that he is succumbing to the Infection.

    With the youngest of the group forced to kill the pilot, the helicopter crash lands in an industrial district outside the city. Finding a delivery truck that has been armored by other Survivors, the group decides to use it to make their way to the town of Riverside.

    Before arriving in the town, however, they find the road blocked, and are forced to travel the rest of the way on foot. Following an encounter with an infected madman in the local church, they discover that the town is overrun, and decide to head to a nearby boathouse for possible rescue. Contacting a small fishing vessel owned by a married couple, they are thrown off board in the city of Newburg on the other side of the river, only to find much of it in flames.

    Seeking cover in a large greenhouse, their rest is interrupted when a military plane passes overhead, leading the Survivors to travel through the city's business district towards Metro International Airport. Upon arrival, the group is shocked to see that in an attempt to contain the Infection, the military had bombed the airport; the runway, however, is largely intact, allowing the Survivors to fuel up and escape in the waiting C-130.

    Despite this apparent rescue, the Survivors once again find themselves alone on the outskirts of Allegheny National Forest. Following a series of train tracks through the area, the group find themselves at a functioning but abandoned military outpost. After answering a radio transmission, the Survivors make their final stand against hordes of Infected, before a military APC arrives to transport them to Northeast Safe Zone, supposedly the only location in the area yet to be overrun.

    Afterwards, instead of being taken to the Echo Safe Zone, the Survivors are taken to a military base at Millhaven with orders to capture and test "Tango Mikes" as the military refers to them. They are informed that they are Carriers of the virus, and while showing no physical symptoms, they can still infect others. An alarm is sounded by a rebellious lieutenant and the Survivors are guided to a train by helpful military staff. Their newfound friends are unfortunately left for dead as the eldest Survivor refuses to compromise his fellow Survivors by letting them board.

    The train then stops in Rayford, Georgia, a city located not too far away from Atlanta. Their disputes put aside for now, the group begins looking for a sailboat to take them to the Florida Keys where they believe there are to be no Infected. Their journey brings them to a sailboat blocked off by a lift bridge. The Survivors work to get the bridge lifted so they can wait for the horde to go away then get down and hijack the boat; however, the generators lifting the bridge stop halfway to the top. The oldest of the Survivors then decides to risk his life to save the other Survivors and get them out safely. He jumps off the bridge and makes his way back to the generator and restarts it, but before he can make his way back, he is attacked by three Tanks and mortally wounded.

    To make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain, the three remaining Survivors set sail for the Florida Keys, but only after helping four other Survivors which they help out by lowering the bridge to let them on their way to New Orleans.
    L4D2 also has a story, can't be bothered to quite it though.

  5. Junior Senior Member
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    The plot is similar to Left 4 Dead; it involves the aftermath of the the Infection one week after the events of the previous game, now being around three weeks after the first infection.
    The story starts around noon in Savannah, Georgia. As the last rescue helicopter leaves the building, four unlucky Survivors climb up the hotel to find that they were just a couple of seconds too late. With this newfound predicament, the group decides to go to a mall, where it is said that another evacuation center is still in operation. When the group reaches the mall, they find that it has been overwhelmed by the Infected. In desperate hope, they decide to pierce deeper into the building in hopes that the evacuation center was simply deeper inside. It turns out that the center was decimated, and all the CEDA agents are either dead or infected. In despair, the group wanders into the mall's atrium and finds a functioning stock car, albeit without gas. A new idea appears in their heads; to scrounge around the atrium in search of gas cans, for the purpose of filling the car's tank. This proves successful, and the Survivors escape Savannah.

    During their escape, the group stops at a bridge raised by three of the original Survivors from Left 4 Dead. One of them will meet the Survivors and inform them that they cannot lower the bridge for the group because the generator used to lower the bridge is out of fuel, and they must tend to one of their own who is wounded. After battling through a wedding with the Witch bride, the streets, and a "historical sewer," the Survivors then meet up with the other three again. After the three original Survivors agree to help by defending them from higher ground, the Savannah group is able to fend off most of the Infected, find gas cans, fill up the generator, cross the lowered bridge, and drive off while exchanging farewells as they continue to New Orleans.

    The escape car works well until the Survivors find that the highway is blocked by abandoned vehicles, seemingly going on for miles. Finding no other way past, the Survivors leave the car behind and proceed by foot. When they go below the overpass, they see searchlights still online in the distance. The group then decides to head for the lights, in hope of finding some uninfected people. The searchlights turn out to be originating from Whispering Oaks Amusement Park and Fairgrounds, which is now a hunting ground for a large number of Infected individuals. The Survivors wander through the park for a bit of time until they see a helicopter fly over head. Newly inspired, they decide to hold a rock concert set up for the Midnight Riders in hopes that the loud music and Grammy-award-winning pyrotechnics will attract the helicopter. When they finally enter the amphitheater, they activate the controls and find out that the sound is attracting a massive amount of Infected along with the helicopter pilot. After much fighting, the helicopter finally decides to make a pick-up and the Survivors barely escape the abandoned carnival.

    But once again, luck is not on their side, and the helicopter is forced to do a crash landing after the helicopter pilot turns out to be infected and was shot by one of the Survivors. The Survivors exit the wrecked helicopter to find that they landed in a bayou. They pass through a small village and find that the populace decided to take matters into their own hands and barricade themselves against the Infected. Without any other option, the Survivors decide to try to find the barricaded area. They travel through a swamp, fight numerous Infected, and find a crashed airliner in their path to the safe area. When they reach it, they discover that the townspeople were overwhelmed by the infection, but luck turns out to be on their side this time as they find someone wrote on a wall about an old plantation house and a nearby dock. The Survivors head toward it and find a radio, and manage to contact a man named Virgil who has a boat further down the river. Virgil and the group have a short discussion via radio, and the Survivors tell him that they are at the plantation home. Virgil recognizes the location and begins to navigate his way to their location. After the Survivors fight off hordes of Infected, Virgil arrives and blows down the gates that blocked their way to the river, the Survivors then jump on the boat to safety.
    However, along the way, Virgil's boat begins to run low on fuel, so he drops the Survivors off by a small town in Ducatel, Mississippi, with instructions to get diesel for the boat from the gas station across the road. Unfortunately, this gas station is out of fuel, and the Survivors forgot the bag of guns, and have to travel two miles east, navigating through a Witch-infested sugar mill to collect gas. Even more unfortunately, they have to once again walk those two miles back, except uphill, in the midst of a torrential downpour. The forgotten bag of guns also held the flares to contact Virgil. So they decide to signal Virgil by lighting up the Burger Tank sign near the dock. They defend themselves once more against hordes of Infected until Virgil finally arrives for them.

    At long last, Virgil drops the Survivors at a waterfront in New Orleans. He then leaves, saying he is on his way to find other Survivors. The group of Survivors then fight their way through the waterfront, a park, a cemetery, and the French Quarter, coming to a bridge in the middle of being bombed by the military. On the other side of the bridge is a military chopper about to leave. The Survivors manage to contact the military over the radio and then run across the bridge to the awaiting chopper pilot who carries them to a military cruise ship.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    That isn't really the equivalent of a story. There's not much character development (The only character that develops throughout is Nick), not many serious arguments (not really) and revelations, pretty much nothing to build up to. You often find that most games converted to films are horror games, because they have very film friendly stories. The character is placed into a strange situation and throughout tries to figure out how and why it happened. What would the film of Left 4 Dead be? You'd go from place to place, encountering the same zombies, in different scenarios, while the characters all get on swell enough to stick together? You can't make a film out of action scenes.

    Using that equivalent, you could argue any game has a story. Mario could have a story if describing what you do in the game counts. "First, you go through green countryside areas, until you find a dark, scary castle, you enter, hoping to find Peach, until after a thorough search and the fight of a monster, she is not there"

    There's no start, middle or end. No peaks of action, nothing to really find out or discover, no ending.

    There would need to be a lot of changes to make it film suitable. Even then, there's not much original about Left 4 Dead film-wise, so it wouldn't even be a good film.

  7. I've done my time
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    There would be some novelty to it being based in L4D, but as far as story goes, much more would need to be developed in order to make a decent film. Take the finales on the final missions. Both L4D and L4D2 have the survivors riding/flying off into the sunset. In L4D we get the sacrifice, so we know what happens next, but what happens to the L4D2 survivors after the Parish? Sure the survivors fighting off infected could make some good action scenes, but just flying away makes a pretty boring ending.

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    A whole lot of movies have been made on much MUCH thinner premise than the backstories of either L4D games.

    I'd LOVE to see a zombie movie with Bill, Zoey, Nick and Louis. It would be much better than a generic zombie movie where we don't actually KNOW the main characters.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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