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Thread: Why the Jockey and Spitter hate?

  1. Zombie Cat
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    If it's for the best, then sure, but if it's the last person standing, I'd like to take my damage. If I've got someone in the cane field on a no-mic team, there's not much need to take the "kill", especially if you're a charger, which is very useful in the cane field.

    Feel free to take my kill at the last second so I can jump around instantly, though

    That was a great game, by the way. That's the great thing about pubs, they can change around so quickly.

  2. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Neck View Post
    If it's for the best, then sure, but if it's the last person standing, I'd like to take my damage. If I've got someone in the cane field on a no-mic team, there's not much need to take the "kill", especially if you're a charger, which is very useful in the cane field.

    Feel free to take my kill at the last second so I can jump around instantly, though

    That was a great game, by the way. That's the great thing about pubs, they can change around so quickly.
    Well. if i see someone having the last ride and its out of the survivors line of sight i might not jack his

    It all depends tho. If i get my last ride jacked it gives me the chance to bust out in a creepy ass jockey dance by hitting crouch and looking straight up. On top of bars, on top of pool tables, on a bus or on the bed. On a plane , on a swan, on a tractor and on a big statue of a horse.. I do the wiggle dance!!

    I love playing leap frog with a hunter tho, especially in realism vs. Jockey snatches somone, rounds up a few commons while riding, breaks the other teams line of sight by moving behind something and let hunter take over with the commons as fast a possible. And try to do it all over again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NickZoeyFrancisEllis View Post
    The spitter fixed a known problem of camping. The jockey is a fucking waste of time.
    Jockey can force stragglers away from survivors, much like the Smoker, except the Jockey isn't stationary.

    Jockey can also walk people off ledges to either hang or insta-death.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    I personally don't like the Jockeys use. Move the Survivors where you want. No setup, no positioning, (himself alone), he jumps on someone and moves them where it's useful to him.
    Not to say he can't easily be killed, despite having the second most health of SI, but the whole concept to me sounds lazy.

    The spitter is great, nice concept, and not easy-mode to use.
    Nice for support, it wouldn't be useful otherwise against decent players.
    While laying in the spit does less than standing in it, who knows.

    The only beef I have against the spitter is the collision detection with it's puddles.
    Teammate- "why is your health so low?"
    Me- "I took 40 points of damage from NOT standing in the spit *sigh*"

  5. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsiman3000 View Post
    I personally don't like the jockeys use. Move the survivors where you want. No setup, no possitioning, (himself alone), he jumps on someone and moves them where it's useful to him.
    Not to say he can't easily be killed, despite having the second most health of SI, but the whole concept to me sounds lazy.

    The spitter is great, nice concept, and not easy-mode to use.
    Nice for support, it wouldn't be useful otherwise against decent players.
    While laying in the spit does less than standing in it, who knows.

    The only beef I have against the spitter is the collision detection with it's puddles.
    Teammate- "why is your health so low?"
    Me- "I took 40 points of damage from NOT standing in the spit *sigh*"

    Jockey is only lazy in the hands of a player use who doesn't use him right.

    Like i've said.

    He's the only SI that can secure, pass off, set up, hang em or distract. He's pretty much the hardest working SI in l4d2.

    Compared to any SI the jockey has it all and can do it all.. Lazy is not a word that even comes close to describing this wild little agressive bastard.

    Spitters on the other hand...Now thats lazy. Hide, spit wait for bells to ring and repeat.

    Personally i think its funny that you would call the jockey lazy.

    And whats easy-mode to use mean? Every SI is easy to use.. Being effective with them against players at different or better skill levels is where the game becomes more difficult.

  6. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    Jockey is only lazy in the hands of a player use who doesn't use him right.

    Like i've said.

    He's the only SI that can secure, pass off, set up, hang em or distract. He's pretty much the hardest working SI in l4d2.

    Compared to any SI the jockey has it all and can do it all.. Lazy is not a word that even comes close to describing this wild little agressive bastard.
    1. Anybody who can put two thoughts together can realize why the jockey was put in. In my opinion, the Jockey is lazy considering his use.
    He moves people where he wants, high health, spawning in a good spot makes little difference compared to most others.

    I don't mean lazy to describe the Jockey, (aggressive, always shaking, etc.)

    2. Sure he can pass off, setup, or hang them. So can a smoker, but good location is a huge factor requiring effort on his part.

    And whats easy-mode to use mean? Every SI is easy to use.. Being effective with them against players at different or better skill levels is where the game becomes more difficult.
    That's what I intended to say, about being effective. I know they all use the same two buttons for attacking.

    All in all. I just personally don't like the Jockey. You like him, and that's perfectly fine, I just think differently.

  7. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsiman3000 View Post
    He moves people where he wants, high health, spawning in a good spot makes little difference compared to most others.

    I don't mean lazy to describe the Jockey, (aggressive, always shaking, etc.)

    2. Sure he can pass off, setup, or hang them. So can a smoker, but good location is a huge factor requiring effort on his part.
    Same can be said for the hunter, doesn't really matter where a hunter spawns.

    And the difference between a really well played jockey with alot of effort and lazy ass jockey that is confused on his true role in an ambush is a big one.

    Alls i can say is the jockey gallop is something that i rarely seen being used anyways. So i can understand why some people just don`t understand.

    Play with me. Add Vooodu. Give me one jockey spawn and you`ll understand what im talking about.

  8. I've done my time
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    Personally I would love the jockey if a couple small fixes/changes were made to him.

    A) No more dead stops of death from survivors
    B) No more instant death from a scratch by an infected on a charger hitting a wall near them.
    C) Hit detection can be really bad with lag sometimes.

    I agree with Vooodu about them being the most versatile, in the right hands a jockey can be a pain in the ass for survivors, sadly I'm not very skilled with him for the most part.

    I have a really problem with bunnyhoping onto survivors, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I can build up a good speed and whatnot but when I go for a survivor I just jump straight into them as if they were a brick wall, any help would be great.

    As for spitters, they probably are my least favourite infected to play with but at the same time they can be invaluable in certain situations.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    Just remember 1 rule on this site, voodu will ALWAYS find a way of being right.

    If it's not on L4D 1 I don't like it, therefore I don't like jockeys

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    Why the Jockey and Spitter hate? Why the Jockey and Spitter hate? Why the Jockey and Spitter hate? Why the Jockey and Spitter hate? Why the Jockey and Spitter hate? Why the Jockey and Spitter hate?
    The jockey in the right hands can be a pain in the ass, sure... But only if the survivors a) are getting pounded by the other SI at the same time... or b) the jockey is taking a survivor for a ride that isn't being paid attention to by the other survivors.

    If the survivors are tight knit... good at cover... and paying attention, a jockey by himself will do NOTHING. Literally. As soon as he starts humping face, one quick punch and he's back on the ground getting killed with zero points to his name.

    It all falls back to teamwork. Jockey needs his team. Period. They ALL do.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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