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Thread: Why the Jockey and Spitter hate?

  1. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanati View Post

    If the survivors are tight knit... good at cover... and paying attention, a jockey by himself will do NOTHING. Literally. As soon as he starts humping face, one quick punch and he's back on the ground getting killed with zero points to his name.
    Thats when the jockey is the most dangerous..

    The moment everyone feels safe, sees some stupid lone loud jockey buzzing by and decides to open fire on it.

    At that moment 1-4 players have just taken their eyes off the ball. Opening a window for something really nasty to happen from any other SI and cause a real ambush. It also helps them get caught up in some random common infected when they waste time trying to shoot at the jockey.

    Even a quick ride in a packed group causes the survivours to cluster and shove him off. A little cluster is all thats needed for a good boomer, charger or spitter action. And getting shoved off gives lunge the quick re-charge.

    The jockey is like the only SI that can cause so much trouble, barely do any damage yet be the major reason a team just got wiped.

    Sometimes, i feel like i understand whats so

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoey W View Post
    Just remember 1 rule on this site, voodu will ALWAYS find a way of being right.
    Well, technically nobody's right. He may have "argued" better, but I was stating my opinion, as was he, on the subject.

    Despite what I've said in this thread, I know how to use the Jockey I just personally don't like him, and that's it.

  3. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuntyMgee View Post

    I have a really problem with bunnyhoping onto survivors, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I can build up a good speed and whatnot but when I go for a survivor I just jump straight into them as if they were a brick wall, any help would be great.

    The only advice i can offer is keep bunnyhoping. Depending on what button you hit before your initial ride attempt.

    If you lunged at the survivor and you hit a brick wall tap the jump (a) button quick. And vice versa. And you'll just prop up on the survivor.

    Also i never try to land on anyones head. I either think like a hunter or a side swiping charger. As long as your are in the air and near the survivor you'll prop up on him.

    I know it might sound weird to think like a charger. But when im trying to intercept a survivor thats moving around i try to bunny hop where i think he'll be and i usually land the ride.

    The faster the jockey goes theres seems to be a little lag that comes with it so i try to adjust and guess where people will be. I don't think valve meant for the jockey to be able to bunnyhop that

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsiman3000 View Post
    Well, technically nobody's right. He may have "argued" better, but I was stating my opinion, as was he, on the subject.

    Despite what I've said in this thread, I know how to use the Jockey I just personally don't like him, and that's it.
    Its all cool man. Everyone has their taste or preference. Like my hate for the spitter... I hate that stupid spitter and i give me reasons. But i don't down play how effective she can be, especially in the right hands.

    I just can't stand people who barely even play left 4 dead 2, that have no clue how to even use the jockey that talk shit. Its pointless really, who are they trying to fool.

    I mean, wow. Someone typed one sentence about the Jockey sucking with no real truth or reason. When the truth should be,, " They suck with the jockey".

    And if they suck with the Jockey, no ones buying that bullshit "Jockey Sucks". They are basically wasting their time typing and setting themselves up to get knocked down by someone who knows what they are talking about.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    I just can't stand people who barely even play left 4 dead 2, that have no clue how to even use the jockey that talk shit. Its pointless really, who are they trying to fool.

    I mean, wow. Someone typed one sentence about the Jockey sucking with no real truth or reason. When the truth should be,, " They suck with the jockey".
    Yeah. I would never diminish somethings value just because I wasn't good with it. After looking at my old posts I realized I probably should have been more clear on the fact. I can use the Jockey well and he can definitely be deadly, he's just not my type of infected.

    And with the spitter, I'm not the best spitter, but I don't deny she can do more than any other SI in a short amount of time. And also be extremely annoying.

    And if they suck with the Jockey, no ones buying that bullshit "Jockey Sucks". They are basically wasting their time typing and setting themselves up to get knocked down by someone who knows what they are talking about.
    By someone you mean YOU right? Lol

  5. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsiman3000 View Post

    By someone you mean YOU right? Lol
    Sadly, they're isn't many Jockey freaks on this forum..So ya. lol:

    But, at least i try to shed some light on the little freak.

  6. Junior Senior Member
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    I hate them cause they annoying as hell and end up being the main infected that drain my health down. Though, I LOVE being the spitter, I can rack up points so fast, not to mention the fact that it doesn't take long for the spit to recharge, so as long as you're well hidden, you can deal out some pretty harsh damage.

  7. Been around a bit
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    Jockey bunny hopping is fun and easy.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    What is Bunny Hopping? Jumping everywhere?

  9. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Neck View Post
    What is Bunny Hopping? Jumping everywhere?
    Yeah, since the Jockey's recharge time is so quick, coupled with the fact that you can alternate between pressing A and RT (or whatever you other folks use), you can jump around almost endlessly. Not to mention the fact that pressing A actually still allows you to grab onto your opponent.

  10. Banned
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    Jockey's recharge time after incap is 30 seconds which is longer than dying and respawning as another SI. Valve seriously needs to reduce the recharge time to say 5 or 10 seconds.

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