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Thread: Left 4 Dead 3 Coming?!

  1. Just getting started
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    Left 4 Dead 3 Coming?!

    Well what do you think? Ive heard rumors, but no official news, I also read HERE that there is going to NOT be an announcement at E3, wtf? But that link is a fansite, how can it be?

    Also FANPAGE - I think we may be getting close

  2. Community Staff
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    Valve said quite awhile ago they won't even think about number 3 before half life 3 is finished. And honestly, it would be the biggest mistake they've ever made if they announce l4d3 at this point in time.
    They might of changed there mind but I'm highly doubtful, considering there apparently working on transferring campaigns over still to number 2.

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  3. Banned
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    Nope no chance, there will not be a L4D3 at E3. Those "rumors" are just making it up to stir up a reaction. Valve will release DOTA 2, CS GO and HL2: Ep3/HL3 before L4D3 will be released and I'm 100% sure of that.

    Valve are obviously working on HL2: Ep3/HL3 (the name is almost insignificant compared to the huge wait for the game) behind the scenes along with DOTA 2, CS: GO so there won't be a L4D3 for years. Maybe there will be an announcement of L4D3 in 3 years time but deifnitely not at E3 or even this year.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Lol they haven't even given L4D2 on xbox their big update, so if they can't even get up and do that, how the hell are they supposed to make a whole new game for it?

    R I P forum.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    I'm at least 95% sure that they will NEVER be a L4D3. Valve obviously do not care about the series and couldn't even get the DLC for L4D2 out on time. A Left 4 Dead 3 would be great but it's not going to happen.
    He's like a five year old! A five year old with guns and a comprehensive knowledge of every swear word in the English language!" -Nick

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