So, I'm playing chapter 3 in hard rain (chapter 3's the one where you start heading back, in case you confused on what chapter's what). I'm in good health, and the rest of my team is decent. We all go through the top floor of the building near the safe house so we can drop down from the second story window and get a bit of a head start from the jump.

I'm the first one to jump, and immediately, a hunter takes the opportunity (which is impressive for an AI hunter). I fly in the air and just assume that I'm gonna go up, then die on impact. However, the hunter, instead of sending me straight into the air, sends me flying diagonally at a crazily fast pace (like, faster than falling to your death speed). It flys me over to the roof of the building that the safe house is in, and then it dies for no reason.

I ended up dying once I hit the ground, since there was no way to get off the roof without committing suicide. My teammates made sure to loot my body before defibbing me, but I must say, a hunter that can bring a man down from 90 health and then put him in a situation where he must kill himself is pretty damn efficient, as well as cruel.