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Thread: What's your best LOLWTF moment?

  1. I've done my time
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    What's your best LOLWTF moment?

    I'm sure there's others like this out there but I had to post this

    I was doing The Parish Finale with a random group of people and we were doing pretty well. We get to the 1st Tank and thats where it all went to hell, the Tank hits a car and incaps one of my buds, then he punches another one of the side (insta-killing him) and another is pounced. Eventually they all died. I had already climbed up the Gas Truck (idk how) and was looking behind me for that Hunter so when i thought i was safe i turn around and fall down one of the bridges many holes. I laughed so hard afterwards and surprisingly didnt get a Votekick.

    If you guys have any LOLWTF moments feel free to post them here.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    I've seen this a few times and even though it isn't anyone's fault it is pretty funny to see. Very rarely the Tank will throw a rock and instead of the rock flying off it will get stuck on top of the Tank, the whole game will shake like crazy and the Tank will die.

    It happened to the opponent team on the Parish three recently. The tank was behind a white van throwing rocks. The second rock shook the Earth and killed the Tank. I was surprised to not see a Restart Chapter vote too.

  3. Just getting started
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    So when this game first came out, I would only try and pass levels on Expert.

    So the first few weeks it was tough, I must've played Mercy like a million times, and it becomes impossible if someone quits cause the bots always suck.

    So I ran into a dedicated team and we stuck threw it all the way until the rooftop ending.

    Right when the tank dies and the helicopter is fast approaching, we all bee-line it up the ramp tossing whatever molotovs/shoving/shooting like maniacs.

    One guy immediately is pounced... a few milli-seconds later another gets smoker grabbed, we all get boomer bile on us..... I get pounced and I drop my controller in disbelief.

    Somehow.... some miracle/act of god.... the Hunter died.... maybe someone on my team shot him and killed him.

    I freak out and pick up my controller and run up the ramp and we won and I get the 10 PTS for it.... well on my way to getting the "What are you trying to prove" Achievement.

    But when I board the helicopter, (and I still remember this 3 years later) I let out this cheer that sounded like my favorite team just won the superbowl.

    Mind you, I'm a pretty calm gamer.....

    Our whole team was laughing hysterically.

    Good times.

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