As you may, or may not, have noticed there has been a pretty significant reduction in the number of servers listed in our hosted server block you can see in the left side block. The high admins have decided to focus on the games that bring value to TPG. These are primarily the games that are popular among our admins and regulars, support our core teamplay values, and have the potential to create new regulars and admins.

The removal of inefficient servers was step one in the process. Step two is the removal of inactive admins, which is currently taking place. Step three will be the hiring and training of new admins, and that is where you can potentially fit in. If you frequent the TPG server(s), check the forums 2-3 times a week or more, and are willing to help promote and prime then we are looking for you.

Respond to this topic letting us know why you want to, or think you should, be an admin, and one of the high admins will be in touch with you. Applying does not guarantee acceptance, but if nothing else it will put you on our radar, so we can keep an eye out for you while we are playing for future consideration.

We hope this refocused effort will allow us to continue to provide the level of game play you have come to expect from TPG, and we hope to see you in a server soon.