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Thread: Golden Guns?

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    As a reply to the origional post

    Alot of what people are saying is describing a comply different game than l4d. I agree that the game should be in a different country, but I think it should have the original 4 survivors because we all know they are the best... but Bill is dead now, which is depressing and posses a problem to the original survivors in l4d3... Anywho I think the game should take place up in Canada with the first level being "I Hate Mountains". Everybody on the 360 platform wants that as a dlc, but you know it is not going to happen, so that is why they should put it in the 3rd game and base it off that. I have not played "I Hate Mountains" but having watched hours of youtube videos on it I think that the other levels should be designed like that, longer and more complicated and greater attention to detail. I also like the idea that amo is starting to run out and it is a little harder to find, and that melee weapons also break after awhile in use. As for the new guns, use Canadian wepons and guns that you would find up there. Sneaking around in the level to avoid zombies is also a great idea because in a real life zombie apocalypse, you would probably try to hide more than fight.
    The special infected introduced in Left 4 Dead 2 should be left out because to me they were kind of a joke. They didn't scare you like the special infected in the first Left 4 Dead. They can be left out easily just by saying they dont survive well in the colder weather, which makes since when you think about it. So new special infected would be needed to partner up with the original 4 special infected... I would say only two more would be needed, two good ones. What they would be, I have no clue, but they most certainly should be nothing like the new special infected in Left 4 Dead 2. Uncommon common infected would be a good idea to bring to L4D3 as well, like Mounties.
    As for the levels go, there should be no more than 5 because that would cause the developers to get lazy and the quality of each of the levels would go down. To me, less is more, especially if each of the levels have 5 sections and have the same detail and complexity that "I Hate Mountains" has. So the first level of the game should be "I hate Mountains" Like I already have said. The second one, the sea plane they got away in should land in search of more fuel. Once they flip the switch to get more fuel, the plane should explode alerting the horde and starting off the level. Because it was a sea plane it should land in a lake, so the level would be based in a small lake side fishing village somewhere in a forested area in Canada where it is just starting to snow. It would be cool if it was at sunrise, so the whole time the sun is just peaking over the mountains and the level would be called "Dead Before Dawn" (I know that is a name of a mod already, but I like it better for this level). Probably getting rescued by a helicopter, the helicopter should crash outside a little town, much like the town in "Death Toll", taking place at sunset. The survivors would have to navigate to the center of town where there is a Cathedral where they notify surviving mounties and they tell them to go through the catacombs to come out on the other side where the mounties would be waiting for them as zombies... dont know about the ending for this one yet or the name of it. The fourth level would again take place in a forested area, but this time in a logging community where they make their way though the town and across the river, which is chocked with logs and very dangerous, and the ending should be in the giant logging factory where they get rescued by a boat of some sort. A cool name for that level should be Logged Zombie. The Last level of the game I dont have any idea on as of yet, but it should be in a big city, it should be snowing, and they should be trying to reach a hospital hideout, or a fabled community where the infection does not exist.
    Those are my ideas for a Left 4 Dead 3, that would in my mind save the Left 4 Dead games from dying a horrible death that is looming over the horizon thanks to Left 4 Dead 2...
    In all reality these ideas we are all saying is for a Left 4 Dead 4, because Left 4 Dead 3 is probably almost done or already halfway done where none of these ideas would even make it. So lets hope for an awesome Left 4 Dead 3, and that valve will read these ideas and make an even better Left 4 Dead 4!

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electric Worry View Post
    In all reality these ideas we are all saying is for a Left 4 Dead 4, because Left 4 Dead 3 is probably almost done or already halfway done where none of these ideas would even make it.
    I don't know in what reality you are in, but Valve probebly learned from their hasty release of L4D2. Seeing how they are stil keeping it up and running with DLC and mutations, L4D2 hasn't been abandoned yet.

    Next to that, Valve is probebly working on Portal 2 instead of the L4D franchise, and when Portal's done they might finally lift the curtain an inch about Half life (episode) 3.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by DodoDave View Post
    I don't know in what reality you are in, but Valve probebly learned from their hasty release of L4D2. Seeing how they are stil keeping it up and running with DLC and mutations, L4D2 hasn't been abandoned yet.

    Next to that, Valve is probebly working on Portal 2 instead of the L4D franchise, and when Portal's done they might finally lift the curtain an inch about Half life (episode) 3.
    I do admit I live in a different reality then most, but it was mentioned of the work on a l4d3 right when l4d2 came out. Yes they havnt said any more about it since, so either they abandon it (which is unlikely) or they are just keeping hush hush this time.
    You are very much right with the mutations and all for l4d2, but you can deny that the overall game wasn't that good and these mutations are trying to fix that. But even with the different game play, it still isnt that good. Completely new levels in my opinion would be alot better, especially with the original L4D. That was the mother ship and should not be left to die.
    I dont know much about Valves other games, but you are probably also right with them focusing more on the other games and taking a break from l4d for while to keep the other fans happy.

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    my idea is while l4d2 was happening these survivers megan 19 year old girl dropped out angel a buisness man david a gun spezelizer and joe a vietnam veteren find eachother in a airport and contact a plane pilot across the flying floor and they have to get there so when they open the doors an alarm turns on atrracting the horde so they run killing zombies so the common and uncommen appear but there is 2 new ones one is called splitter cause when u kill it his waist up split from the legs stab the survivers with their spine and control u and the second one looks like a commen infected but when u shoot it it will explode and take 35 hp away continuing with the story when they finally arrive they get on the plane to go to alaska where there are alive people and on the w2ay the pilot had gotten bitten so they killed the pilot and were going to crash so they jump off with parachutes and landmillitary base where it is full of nukes and goes on

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Set it in California next and add a new mode where you are part of the military and play through the Campaign after the Survivors leave. You know, clean-up operations.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    From what I have seen from the Passing, if they make it more like that it would be fun. Keep the Linear design(stop with this sandbox crap, it sounds realy cool, and I would like to see a zombie game like it, but it just aint L4D. Besides Karma Charger might get you.), but make it where you have multiple paths like the grave yard in the Parish. Have it like that but for the entire lvl.

    More weapons would be fun. Flamethrower is a must. Plus the addition to refuel it and the chainsaw with the gas cans. It makes me sick to see a gas can and I cant refuel the dang thing. Duel wielded machetes would be cool. Axes and what not would be to big to duel wield. If you did duel wield a secondary weapon their would have to be some sort of penalty. I can't think of one so... Dual wield primarys, but you cant have a secondary. Have it where you could individualy fire them. Maybe even have to diferent types of guns. Like a shotty and a M16 at the same time. That would be cool, but it would be too easy. Having close quarters combat and medium range gun is just way too unfair. The custom day or night would also be a great addition.

    New SI. The flying zombie is very popular and might be considered by Valve. It seems a bit too sci-fi though. The Old SI should be stronger. They did this in a way by making the secondary of the L4D1 SI one hit kill CI instead of 3 or 4. They didn't make there primary or secondary any stronger against the survivors though. If they are stronger have them be bulkier or something like that.

    More cariable items. The frag rounds and the fire ammoo was a great addition along with the adreniline shot. Have a ammo box that disapears after every one uses it. They mention it in L4D2's commentary but they decided not to use it for some reason. Some type of new throwable item, and some type of new temp health.

    Thats all I got for now.

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    "Though, might be interesting if they gave the opportunity to create your own survivor or something. Customizing appearance and a set of voices maybe? Only they probably wouldn't be able to include names in the dialogue, and I'm sure they'd be some other problems..."

    With the name choosing you could have a list of names that have been programmed so there is no difficulties

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcclaud View Post
    I've noticed there are wishlists and infected ideas for Left 4 Dead 3, so I decided to make an Game idea thread.

    My Idea

    The game takes place in New Orleans, 3 weeks after the events of L4D2. You play as a single stranded survivor who failed to make it to the military evacuation site. Everything has been abandoned, nobody knows you exist and the amount of Infected have risen beyond count.

    Daily life is a struggle as the amount of Infected increase, and the amount of supplies decrease.


    Unlike the previous L4D games, L4D3 should be set in an open world sandbox environment. Your character is able to complete missions, interact with other survivors and eventually form a group of survivors.

    Exploration is a major part in the game since you'll need to be on the move to keep yourself and your friends alive. You can explore New Orleans and it's surrounding countryside freely, but don't expect the Infected to host a friendly welcoming committee.

    Vehicles will help you move around the city with a bit more ease, but they aren't indestructible. Vehicles range from motorbikes and cars, to the US Army M1 Arbrams tank. However, they are limited, require fuel and can be destroyed by the Infected.

    With the New Orleans AFB near your characters home, you have a reasonably close location to resupply your ammunition and other supplies, but don't expect the Infected or the US Army to give it up freely. Entry cost depends on its occupants. US Army: $5000, Infected: Lots of zombie blood.

    2 new Special Infected: The Creeper and the Behemoth, both ready to spill your blood, either by slicing you to pieces or turning to into a pavement pizza.

    New weapons: Sledgehammer, Concrete Slab, Wine Bottle and even the RPG.

    Team Command: Allows you to command your team of survivors, such as collecting ammo, medicine, food, etc

    Day and Night system gives it an easier feeling during the day, but a terrifying experience during the night.

    Post your ideas for Left 4 Dead 3.
    it would be a good idea if the game placement came to the united kingdom london maybe the team makes to the uk and i also think that there should be dogs or animals in L4D 3 i have spoke to many people that i play online with and they said that the placement and the animals are a really good idea

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    - West Coast setting (California, Las Vegas, etc.)
    - More weapons (MP5, Flamethrower, Claymores/Mines, etc.)
    - Larger amount of campaigns
    - Four new characters
    - Some form of customization
    - Return of eerie, dark maps
    - New special infected
    - Better graphics
    - More detailed environments
    - Screamer special infected (Versus only?): Alerts zombies to survivor presence or it can force a group of common infected to follow it.

  10. Just getting started
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    This idea just popped in my head from thinking about left 4 dead, i think in the third game th woman should be a celebrity because at first i would imagine a blonde girl in l4d3 because we have had brunette (zoeyxxxxxxxxx) and black hair (rochelle) and not to stereotype but when i imagane a blonde girl she is generally sexy and they are more the type to care quite a bit about looking hot so i think she shold be a blonde singer or actress. Also the reason why i think it should be the girl is because one there is always one girl and the girl has nothing special and the second reason is because i dont really picture a man for that personality type not to be sexist. Also it would be quite interesting to see how a celebrity would cope and adapt to fight for survival when in reality they have a lot of money and life is quite easy. Also throughout the game if in a city campaign there ould be posters or massive boards of her for like a new film or modelling. And the other survivors are greatfull to meet her and they could sometimes fight over her and take turns to flert. Of course the celebrity would be created so she will not inpersinate anyone. so let me know what you all think...

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