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Thread: You'll see me from time to time

  1. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mince View Post
    Eh. I have not noticed an abundance of pills or adrenaline. I don't get the "X takes more skill" argument based on a few item differences. The survivors are still overpowered in both games in all official modes.
    I'm not saying it takes more skill because of a few item differences, I'm saying L4D1 isn't just about rushing. Take the fact that in L4D2, if ONE person alone makes it to the saferoom, you get a decent amount of points for rushing and ditching your teammates. That's cool. Right? But in L4D1, ditch your teammates, rush to the safehouse, you get what, like 50 points instead of 200? You are almost required to stick with your team in L4D1 to beat the enemy teams score instead of rushing ahead to the saferoom for a guaranteed 100-250 points.

    The survivors are only as powerful as the people controlling them. People are stupid as hell in this game, and they play poorly. But they have GUNZ, they're overpowered. You're overpowered if you have amazing skill at the game and NOTHING CAN TOUCH YOU. Put strategy as infected against the survivors and they're not so overpowered, huh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bills Bloody Beard View Post
    I've said it once ive said it a million times! Lol I don't play l4d1 anymore by myself I can hold out pretty well but it seems like I'll need a team and I don't go out of my way to form a team for a game that's much older.. It takes more skill haha not as close, it just takes well timed attacks and cooperative players both of which are hard to come by..

    Well-timed attacks and cooperative players sounds like skill, BBB.

    Anyway, like Courtney said, agreeing to disagree now. Enjoy the stay, BBB.
    "I'm a pub, but I'm the Yogi Bear of Pubs, better than your average pub."
    One of the many derp infected
    Team 'madbro? member

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smallclaw View Post
    It takes more skill to play L4D1 than it does to play L4D2; it's all about "rushing", ignoring teammates, and it almost entirely disregards the strategy used to get all four survivors into the safe room with health kits. Trying to avoid the original AI, plus an additional three that are completely useless just to hurry isn't fun. It's boring.

    Anyone can play L4D2, forget the medkit spawning in L4D1, forget the pills spawning - I have played matches where practically neither spawn an entire map. It's about strategy and that makes it more challenging. I prefer a challenge. Not running through crescendo's with an axe, chopping at everything that gets in my way.
    I don't really get this post. Anyone can pick up both games, what's the point? People can also rush in both games. It's mostly pubs without a clue who like to rush rush rush in L4D2. You can't base an opinion on how much skill it takes to play a game off of pub play. How are the three new special infected "completely useless"?

    And before other forumers come up here and try to bully me, I'm not being a "L4D2 fanboy", I'm trying to get clarification on some points in a post I don't get.

    Quote Originally Posted by KillerJay View Post
    The survivors are only as powerful as the people controlling them. People are stupid as hell in this game, and they play poorly. But they have GUNZ, they're overpowered. You're overpowered if you have amazing skill at the game and NOTHING CAN TOUCH YOU. Put strategy as infected against the survivors and they're not so overpowered, huh?

    The survivors ARE overpowered in both games. When you play one of those games like FYOK or SWO, or Realism Versus, what do they do? They make the game harder for the survivors. I don't see any special rules that make it harder for the infected. Most of the updates VALVe have made have been to make the game harder for the survivors.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  3. Junior Member
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    Well I'm not sure if my comment went through but I said if I said it once I've said it a million times! Lol I don't play l4d1 it's just not my thing and like gears3 is coming out like next week then operation raccoon city both which destroy l4d1s multiplayer! But I'm pretty sure you guys beg to differ, that's cool but do I want to rip peoples arms off or play l4d1 in dead lobbies??! Hmmmm..

  4. Junior Member
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    Well thanks mince you seem to know were I'm aiming from cause like I never said any of the games were bad one of you guys did. To many comments to remember who but I feel both are enjoyable to me. Lol apparently I already have a nick name from... Um smallclaw already haha well nice chat guys thanks for the input

  5. Smoker
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    My point which you so elegantly failed to recognize lol is that L4D2 is obviously made for rushing. It doesn't take any strategy to get to a safe room as fast as you can - "screw health, just live." L4D1 is getting to the safe room the most effective way possible.

    And the useless SI? Lets spit on campers to break them up; it's not a team effort. None of it is. That's why melee weapons kill a common in one hit, so you can hack at them in bulk while you hurry. IMO, I would rather be premeditated with getting through a map.

    I'm not trying to bully you? I'm expressing my opinion. lol
    purple's on the runaround

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smallclaw View Post
    My point which you so elegantly failed to recognize lol is that L4D2 is obviously made for rushing. It doesn't take any strategy to get to a safe room as fast as you can - "screw health, just live." L4D1 is getting to the safe room the most effective way possible.

    And the useless SI? Lets spit on campers to break them up; it's not a team effort. None of it is. That's why melee weapons kill a common in one hit, so you can hack at them in bulk while you hurry. IMO, I would rather be premeditated with getting through a map.

    I'm not trying to bully you? I'm expressing my opinion. lol
    I disagree. Yes I agree melee weapons are overpowered, I think they should have a cooldown after maybe five or six swings, or break after a predetermined number of swings. I still say it depends on the team. Some people will rush, some won't. Personally most of the pub games lately I've seen on both games just rush a lot. Rushing is worse on the default maps, mainly Dead Center and Dark Carnival. Personally I think those maps are the worst in versus mode. The rest of the maps, and the DLCs are better. I can't wait to play the rest of the L4D1 maps with L4D2 infected, I enjoy No Mercy a lot.

    Are you saying you want the infected to have a tough time? You can't just spit on four survivors and expect to kill them, you still need help from your team to keep them in the spit, or crowd them together for more damage. It works as a good tactic to stop campers. Yes, I know people will say "But the Spitter sucks and people still camp", no, you do not see as many survivors under the pipes at the crescendo in NM2, or by the elevator door on NM4. It's the same for the other new infected as well. They don't "suck", and I don't see how they'd suck if they are good at killing the survivors? That just makes no sense at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  7. Junior Member
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    Dude smallclaw we already covered this with um killerjay by saying if someone rushes on l4d2 that's your trams problem that you let him slip. But I understand it's your opinion I just thought it was aside comment cause we weren't really talking bout that at the time. But thanks for your input though, may I ask why are you guys msg new people I just did it cause the site told me to lmao

  8. Junior Member
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    Ya I gotta stand next to mince on this one, he sure as heck knows what he's talking bout fo show!

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    "my game's better than yours"

    "nuh-uh, mine's way better"

    "well my game takes more skill"

    "my game has fewer items in it, so it's better"

    That's what I just had to read. Great first impression you're making on a new member.
    Mince, Jay, take your posing and posturing somewhere where the rest of us don't have to read it.

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