Quote Originally Posted by 619summon
Quote Originally Posted by rv2pc3d
Quote Originally Posted by Allane
Well I'm trying to get into playing BF2 again so that Rv can beat the crap out of me.

Keep out of range of Summon: keep away from his nades, keep away from his tubes, keep away from his broadsword, and most importantly, keep out of range of Summon.

Unless he's on your team, then make him go kill everyone.

Good to see you, well, some of you guys here. I enjoy playing with you HRD folks.
Cool Man!

All you guys keep this game a blast.... and believe me when I say, that I do so very much love the intense competition. The better my opponent is, the more fun I have, the better I get.

I'll be back again tomorrow, around the 4:00 hour, and I'll be blasting some fools with my little 4 round burst BB gun.

Summon.... he's one bad MOFO, no doubt. But soon, very soon, he shall fear my presence; as I too am one bad MOFO!
Standing in the face of incoming fire as bullets and nade blasts fall about, you just stand there eyes on your target taking your cool steady m16 blasts.

now thats a phyco if i ever seen one.
Wow! That about sums it up Summons.... I did have the good fortune of shooting once or twice yesterday, and I guess you may have taken a look at my style of fighting..... calm and collected. I'll see if I can do some more of it later today, so see yo guys there.

Thanks W4jchosen, it's great to be back. Many congrats to you!