Quote Originally Posted by AxisofLint
Quote Originally Posted by FragRaptor
Quote Originally Posted by BuddyLee.
One thing new I noticed. When I fire and them melee quickly, I get a double firing sound out of the pump shottie.

That is lag.
I was getting the exact same thing earlier, really weird. Didn't seem like lag as more of a sound glitch. Could be wrong tho!

Also, not sure if it's connected to the patch or a server issue, but a server I was playing on earlier - one team had a tank spawn in a place that the other team didn't, and my team had two tanks within about 1 minute of each other (like, we killed one in ~50 seconds, then we wandered about 2% down the map and another spawned, wtf ><)
Yeah, not so sure it is lag either, I got shotgun fire then melee second fire on two different maps and servers last night and my ping was in the green. It has never happened before.