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Thread: Pity my EgO, but...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Just noticed kracker's new post... :5

    I have nothing more to say here.

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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Seems the problem isn't with ev0 at all, but yet your leader of l4d.

    Honestly though, not allowing anyone new to play with you is not being a teamplayer in general.

    If this is totally legal then why would TTP even host an l4d instance?

    Isn't our common goal to grow an expand as a gaming community? Can you see how this prevents us as a whole from doing that?

    If you agree, then the problem is clear.

    Arreo my free grammar check*

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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hocus Pocus
    Seems the problem isn't with ev0 at all, but yet your leader of l4d.

    Honestly though, not allowing anyone new to play with you is not being a teamplayer in general.

    If this is totally legal then why would TTP even host an l4d instance?

    Isn't our common goal to grow an expand as a gaming community? Can you see how this permits us as a whole from doing that?

    If you agree, then the problem is clear.
    Exactly, if it weren't' for the random people connecting to join games of L4D then I never would have met some really cool people (AxisofLint instantly comes to mind).

    Also, it prevents us, not permits us :P

  4. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by 33knight33
    ---- Has it been established that the practice of lobby kicking or vote kicking someone to allow a previously playing member to rejoin, is in fact against the standards of TTP and should be discontiued by all?
    Yes. See the Thread "Thanks" for details.

    gimme a sec to get quotes

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Kraker Jak's Avatar
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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    Quote Originally Posted by JBMCW2010
    I think Arreo is referring to the posts made by Kraker about it being a friends game. None of Evo have said publicly that he is wrong. Where I believe most of the trouble with EvO is coming from is those posts.

    This is what really troubled me, and still troubles me:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraker Jak
    Listen kids, Left4dead is a FRIENDS GAME. This is why we have lobbys. To comment on why this thread was started, we kicked cojiro because frag got DCed and was trying to join back in. If you play l4d, u understand that we dont have time to wait for people to connect, then ask them to leave. The other player is trying to get back in.

    Back to the lobby thing. If i start a lobby, I make it a FRIENDS only game, not a pub game. If you are not my friend, dont bother joining MY lobby. Now, if we decide to get into the TTP servers (there are 4 of them) then we are still doing our friends game. If you see someone leave and you just troll it until an open spot, that is rude. This isnt like CS where you wait for an open spot. You get 4 players on your team, and you will not win/enjoy the game unless you are playing with people that are like minded like yourself. I know us EvO guys have been practicing for l4d CAL lately.

    If our practicing goes against TTP rules, (as in us wanting to play with friends not randmon pubs, but again, there are 4 servers.) Then we will gladly not use up any TTP servers. We enjoy playing on TTP cuz it is our home. But if a game is already in play, you shouldnt barge in then be pissed that you were kicked. Cuz you have no idea why the spot is open in the first place. Furthermore, wait to be invited to a game, especially if it is a friends game not a pub game.

    Again, Iam ONLY talking about VS here, not coop.
    It got addressed, multiple High admins told Kraker in no uncertain terms that this attitude was unacceptable. And yet, in the very next thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraker Jak
    Listen here mother fuckers. dont bring my name into this.

    If dave wants to be a faggy stat whore, so beit. And I dont think i have ever raged quit, have I been DC'd? yes, do you think it was a rage quit, yes, cuz you are gay.

    Lady, you and angel are excellent players, that is why i invite you all the time. but what EVERYONE doesnt understand about L4D, is, that it is not about pub games! Left 4 Dead was made to be a friends game, this is why we have friends lobby's, this is why the fucking commercial for the god damn game is this:

    This game isnt like CSS, TF2, COD, or is like a match everytime you play because it is 4 v 4. This game is sooooo heavily hearted on TeamPlay, that the best bet is to PLAY with friends. (hince the marketing campaign)

    ANd dont fucking talk to me about the Values of TTP. I have been here alot longer than most people, and what us "EgO" guys do is ACCELERATE in the art of teamplay so much that it pisses people off.

    Lady, and angel. Continue to do what you do, cuz we need people like that. And i thank you for it.

    But as for vedic, smoken, lefty, big bird, dave, silas, knight, kitty, enf, ewok, oewyn, Walker, Kanati, bunni, spike, bigag and others (i know iam forgetting some) we will continue to pack the l4d servers EVERY night and play this game to it's fullest.
    The problem hasn't been addressed or fixed in my mind. It is still present.

    So maybe the problem isn't with EvO, but it is with the attitude of it's L4D Division Leader.
    jesus fucking christ people.....READ WHAT I PUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let me break it down...

    Ok, dave wants to be a stat whore...fine, let him. Iam not a stat whore, i dont care about stats or anything they represent...fuck i see peopel on CSS type stats me top10 blah blah blah all fucking day!

    In the first post i put...YES EvO does PLAY together and YES we do not go random.


    When I found what had happend WAS illegal, we STOPPED DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This issue has been resolved. Get off EvO's back about shit. We uphold EVERY law TTP puts forward to its upmost. ME especially

    What i meant by this statement

    "If our practicing goes against TTP rules, (as in us wanting to play with friends not randmon pubs, but again, there are 4 servers.) Then we will gladly not use up any TTP servers. We enjoy playing on TTP cuz it is our home."

    Was if our ways of doing things NOT PRACTICING AS SCRIMING!!! But the practice of medical practicing...

    So, this meaning...let me rephrase. If us wanting to vote kick someone out of the TTP server cuz one of our players got DC'd, then we WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN!!!!!! That is what i was saying, and I wish some people would just ask me before they go off throwing me to the flames.



    ALL I WAS TRYING TO SAY is let dave be a stat whore, who cares. Let lady and angel play games where they invite the public, ok great! Let us play a friends game! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SPENDING 50 DOLLARS to buy a game, to play with your TPP BUDDIES! That is all Iam saying. Non of the people i listed that we currently play with everynight EVER open the lobby to friends game unless they are CERTAIN that there are no TTPers on that want to play.

    THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. This is how the game is, this is how it runs. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE 4 L4D SERVERS!!!! THis is why we have the option to FORCIBLY CONNECT TO THE SERVERS STRAIGHT FROM A FRIENDS LOBBY

    Iam not going against TTP. I love TTP, always have, always will. I misunderstood a rule, and I put up a vote to kick someone. I thought if you could votekick out of any other game, then why not this one.

    SO AGAIN for the RECORD!


    Let it go, let's get back to gaming PLEASE!


    Kraker Jak

  6. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quotes as mentioned, now to read the book above. Gawd Kraker you are really making me work here
    Quote Originally Posted by JBMCW2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Vlade.the_medic
    Texan the point Imis is trying to make is exactly that....we don't just kick random people for no good reason...I've vote kicked a guy from TTP because he kept running off not staying together and was taking peoples medkits we all have a reason for a kick I'm sure....
    in that case it is too bad an admin wasn't around to ban him for non-teamplay

    Asking players as fellow players to leave to allow a friend back in who disco'd is acceptable but if they choose to stay and you throw up a vote kick with no other reason that becomes an issue.

    Fellas, this is how the admins see it on the votekick issue:

    Every connection could be our next regular, admin hell maybe our next...well a few down the line...high admin. We should not discriminate. TTP servers are PUBLIC not our private games. If someone loses their connection tough cookies. If they can get back in SWEET but if not, too bad. I will tell you this. If I am a non reg or even a reg like cojiro, and I get vote kicked when I join a server I'll be less likely to rejoin it in the future. Which is bad for TTP.

    This isn't to make you all go play other servers but this is a reminder the TTP servers are public servers and who ever will join may join. The votekick is a tool that you are given and if abused it will be taken away aka end up in the banned forums. You are all responsible adults and young adults. If you can not be responsible on our servers you will not be allowed on them.

    Abuse of this privilege should not be taken lightly by the admins.

    IF there are any questions, post em here or PM me.
    Quote Originally Posted by JBMCW2010
    Unfortunately Pineapple however much I respect yall over at Evo, this is TTP servers not Evo servers. You have admins in the L4D core. Listen to them.

    This is TTP property therefore under TTP law. TTP law is accept everyone. I've seen Bigdog post in many places even back when we first got these L4D servers that all TTP servers are to remain open to the public. Once someone starts limiting that, it is no longer TTP.

    If you need a place to play friends only buy your own private server. If you need a place to do scrims buy your own server. Or hell, fire up a TTP Practice server put a password on it and you will never be bothered by TTP regs as long as it is private.

    The fact that it was Corijo is just icing, your team was straight up rude to someone that you all know. W/o reason explained to him, he found himself vote kicked.

    As I said before, abuse of the privileged granted to you (as in everyone) it will be taken away.

    And as to the witch hunt. I didn't even think of Evo in honesty until Kraker followed by Frag and your replies. I think we should just drop the name of singling one person or clan out. This is a learning process and we all now know TTP's stance.

    TTP's stance is these are public servers. Do not abuse the vote kick for DC'd friends or you will suffer the consequences
    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
    This is about as anti-TTP as you can get. If you want to create a lobby, make it private, and invite only your select few then feel free. Once you join a TTP server then you, especially as a resident clan member and admin, are representing TTP, and not just yourself. If you want to be a jerk then pay for your own server, and do it there. You can gripe all you want about needing practice, but NONE of the 4 TTP servers are labeled the EvO scrim/practice server last I checked.

    Once you connect to TTP you will welcome all players. If one of your selected 4 or 8 get DCed and someone takes their place you can ASK them to leave to allow the other player back in, but they are not obligated to do so. If it is so vital that you have an exact 4 or 8 then start a new lobby, don't vote kick someone from OUR server,
    not Kraker's or EvO's. I hope this is perfectly clear to everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraker Jak
    Listen kids, Left4dead is a FRIENDS GAME. This is why we have lobbys. To comment on why this thread was started, we kicked cojiro because frag got DCed and was trying to join back in. If you play l4d, u understand that we dont have time to wait for people to connect, then ask them to leave. The other player is trying to get back in.

    Back to the lobby thing. If i start a lobby, I make it a FRIENDS only game, not a pub game. If you are not my friend, dont bother joining MY lobby. Now, if we decide to get into the TTP servers (there are 4 of them) then we are still doing our friends game. If you see someone leave and you just troll it until an open spot, that is rude. This isnt like CS where you wait for an open spot. You get 4 players on your team, and you will not win/enjoy the game unless you are playing with people that are like minded like yourself. I know us EvO guys have been practicing for l4d CAL lately.

    If our practicing goes against TTP rules, (as in us wanting to play with friends not randmon pubs, but again, there are 4 servers.) Then we will gladly not use up any TTP servers. We enjoy playing on TTP cuz it is our home. But if a game is already in play, you shouldnt barge in then be pissed that you were kicked. Cuz you have no idea why the spot is open in the first place. Furthermore, wait to be invited to a game, especially if it is a friends game not a pub game.

    Again, Iam ONLY talking about VS here, not coop.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Kraker Jak's Avatar
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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Let me add this just incase anyone is new to me here.....


    sig that

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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by X

    The problem hasn't been addressed or fixed in my mind. It is still present.

    So maybe the problem isn't with EvO, but it is with the attitude of it's L4D Division Leader.
    ....this thread wasnt created to call our Kraker, but I see it has drifted that way.

    I am not trying to stir up a bunch of shit again, this was for me personally to get some thoughts out.

    As kraker just said though, He is with TTP regardless of rules or stipulations, as am I.

    I am not trying to incite change or rules or policies. I felt like a lot of this needed to be addressed.

    About to play some L4D though-

    and thanks for the research walker!

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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    how are you supposed to make new friends, and how is TTP supposed to grow...if you kick all the people you don't know off the server when you play?

    that's not teamplayer. That's not us. You want to play a private game, then you get your own server. You want to play on TTP property, then play nice with others, even people you've never met. there is no price of membership, or time online requirement we place on people to be the shot caller, or the squad leader, or the pilot, or the commander, or the lobby leader or member.

    Never. Get caught pushing people around because they aren't TTP enough for you.......and you get banned for being a non-teamplayer.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Pity my EgO, but...

    Walker hasn't posted here bro

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