Quote Originally Posted by Tenrou View Post
I have to agree with pizza here on this topic. If the scenario was that alien swarm was a full game with a large amount content I'd say do what you want. That's not the case we only have one campaign, and Big has already said if the content isn't there our servers will be cut. We need focus our energy on things that will make this game grow content wise before we talk about full on mods. I'd say use all that time for making a campaign for us before you think about adding a mod to the mix.
I think you and pizza both missed the point, being that I wasn't planning on this mod, just that I thought it was a good idea. I wasn't planning on making it since I don't know how to re-skin the existing player and npc models either.

This was just an idea for future thought and I posted it here since a lot of folks don't keep up with some of the other (and some more involved) ideas that are at swarm armory.

If you guys have more standard ideas then by all means open up hammer and learn to do it. I am always learning new things about hammer myself.