Alright, so I got my tutorial up on the front page for those thinking about makin tilesets. I have my other one finished, just needs to be double checked for errors and make sure I didn't say steps twice or miss any.

After my 2nd one gets 100% finished, I'm just gunna be playing around in SDK for awhile see what all I can pull off and writing tutorials on the cool stuff I find. If anyone wants to know how to do something post up here, and I'll get in SDK and figure it out so I can make a tutorial for other people who may want to know. The reason I'm doing this is because I think the easier I make it the more likely it'll be that people make stuff. Which in turn gives us more things to play in the game.

My next tutorial covers spawners, Doors(hackable, and regular), triggers, alignment, and slightly on objectives. It's longer than the last one, but not really by much(I tried to keep it at least two pages).

What I'm working on in SDK now is lasers. Thinking about how I can make movable lasers that force the player to jump over them. Thought it would be nice to add another element to the game other than shooting.

Anything you guys would like to see? Post up. If you have small questions feel free to add me on steam(info is under my Ava). I'm usually on all the time, or just a room over.