Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK! View Post
As far as I'm aware, TPG runs vanilla servers playing RVS. In other words, the only changes are the changes made for RVS. I think RVS is the best option Valve has for balancing out Versus because it leaves regular VS for newbies and people that just ain't very good, then RVS for players that want something more competitive.

But Confogl makes a lot of changes. No t2's at all. No medpacks at all. Only two shoves before fatigue. No wandering witches, and sitting witches have larger alert radii and "wake up" faster. Tanks and witches both spawn in the exact same spot, right down to coordinates. Tanks cannot be lit at all before a player takes control, and have a few seconds of lighting immunity after the player takes control. Only one of each grenade type spawns per round, and only two health pickups (pills or shots) spawn per round - less if it's a short map like Parish 1. Spawn timers are locked at 20 seconds. All hordes, both natural and Boomer/bile spawned are 25 CI. Jockey re-jump time after incap is reduced to 15 seconds (down from 30), and I believe they also very slightly boosted his damage as well (I want to say it's 4/scratch while riding plus an immediate 4 damage on jump, up from 3.) And, of course, no medpacks at all, anywhere. Oh, and pills restore their 50 health over 5 seconds (+10 health/second), rather than all 50 HP at once - a change primarily to put an end to pop-and-go during tank fights since if you pop them while red you're still slow for two seconds before you hit 40 HP and move at normal speed again.

Because every player isn't an ironman, I don't think all of the changes are truly necessary, but I don't think they're bad changes, either. Lack of t2's forces players to have good aim (though it also unfortunately means shotguns are essentially useless.) Lack of medpacks forces players to play carefully and opens up new styles of SI play - simply delaying the SVs so their temporary health bleeds away is a completely viable strategy. Reduced shoving makes it a lot harder to essentially M2-spam and end up getting a deadstop (and it also makes CI a lot more dangerous.) And so on.

Despite hating them, I'd be totally fine with playing with t2's and even RVS-style medpacks (only get the four medpacks in safe room, only pilils/shots elsewhere) as long as the consistency changes (hordes always consistent, spawn timers always consistent, tank/witch spawns always consistent) were in. And maybe the item density reduction :P
I thought Valve made that jockey damage change a while back.. maybe it wasn't 4 though. Also, they took out Jockey wobble (the second or so where you stop moving and kind of wobble around) so the jockey pretty much controls consistently and becomes more viable.