So since many of us have been able to command for a few rounds, I figured we might as well start this up. Given how new the game is, none of us are experts, I know I'm not, but we all have picked up a few tips and tricks, as well as opinions on how things work, so let's post it here and help to improve all our skills.

+Place Supply Depots in groups of 2 if possible, a single Supply Depot will not be able to heal an exo fully
+Look for places you can build on roofs
+Your troops don't know the health of your buildings unless they're close to it, call out what is getting hit and needs to be repaired
+Try to place your buildings in protected areas, long line of sight is an advantage to the enemy siege exos
+Giving orders to your troops is a good thing for everyone. It allows you to direct them and it gives them extra points for following orders

And here are some opinions that we can discuss. As I said, I'm not an expert, but they've worked for me before.

+If you get command early, expand aggressively towards mid: I find this my number 1 priority over research towards siege or anything else, get your power net up and get a forward spawn. Weight of numbers will win out on the crucial mid point in the early game
+Siege is secondary(unless you have a very late start as commander), but should be started as soon as you get that forward spawn up, it'll take about 2 minutes to do the research and building, if you have the resources.
+Transport gates are relatively cheap, feel free to toss those like fruit at the end of your power lines, and don't hesitate to sell them if they're going down or if they're no longer useful.
+Expand to the major secondary point, if you don't get it, the enemy will, and often they will be sending their power lines to try and flank you once they realize they can't get mid. A spawn close by will prevent that
+I generally hold off on researching commander abilities until they're stuck in their base, at best you'll kill 4-5 of them for some resources that you'll not get back. Better in my opinion to secure an area of the map with more power repeaters, supply stations or a turret.

So what do you guys think?