Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Twenty-first Entry

Case Subject: [url=;u=2597]Anti-Squeaker

December 21
Don't even know what day it is anymore... Going to rest, maybe make some food....will write back tired..._________________

December 24th:
Don't really know whether i should be writing in the journal. But, assuming someone reads this, i guess i should introduce myself. I am Father Miguel, priest of the Hackberry Catholic Church. Now, I am the only one left. Late last night/very early this morning i heard a knock at my door. Pulling out my shotgun, i rushed to the door. I saw this poor child wrapped in a blanket, soaked in blood. I noticed he wore a pair of dog tags, with the odd name of "Anti-Squeaker" Glancing quickly around, I gently picked him up, and ran him off to my surgery table. Before i was a priest, i was a doctor. I am sure i can heal his body, but only God can heal his soul.

Later on that day: Squeaker died during surgery. Three times. I managed to keep him alive with the paddles and adrenaline. This child is really torn up. His clothes are ripped to shreds, and are covered in vomit. His torso was a bloody mess by the time i had him prepped for surgery. I didn't even have time to anesthetize him. I hope he can forgive me. He was moaning the entire time i was operating, saying he was "sorry, so, so sorry" and asking "is there anyone left? Am i the last one alive? is there anyone, anyone at all out there?" He is resting now. I must rest as well. Night is in 4 hours, and i must be well rested if the soulless come again. Will write again in the morning.


Case Subject: LuckyDucky

Case File Note: The remainder of Lucky's entries appear to be written in blood.


Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

Merry Christmas... The 25th, right?

I just sat around and listened to Christmas music today. I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat on a rooftop. I just watched the hospital and remembered those who had survived. Something happened on the roof up there but I couldn't see it well enough to tell. It is all incredibly depressing.

I feel like I'm in 'The Catcher in the Rye' with my descriptions. I hated that book.

More zombies are showing up, they're all in the streets. Once I get going again I'm going rooftop to rooftop. It'll be easier that way.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt][b]Christmas Day

Christmas...HA what a fucking joke.

Ruukil is MIA. Lucky is dead, or worse yet, one of them. I have a badly sprained ankle. Allane's arm is broken. Our resque chopper has been downed. And we are freezing our asses off up here on this roof. Merry fucking Christmas.

On the bright side we did find a teenage girl by the name of Chloe. She is so emaciated. With her crying, we almost thought she was a witch. In fact Ficet almost shot her. She doesn't talk much but she seems to be opening up to me. If she were a little older I might have tried to get her to date me. But alas, she is too young. I feel more like a big brother to her now. Nothing better happen to her.b]


Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

Audio Entry:

Testing. One, two, Test.


Ok, it works. I've taken this recording device from the deceased pilot of the rescue chopper that has crashed here on the roof of Mercy Hospital. I'm sorry, I don't know his name. I've left his previous entries on here, so that whoever ultimately hears this, knows what happened to him.

My name is Walkerxes and it is December 26th.

All following entries will be from me.



I hate these things, but it seemed handier than stopping to write all the time. I'll leave a quick summary in case this recorder and my written journal become separated.

There are five of us here, currently, stranded on the roof of Mercy Hospital. We came here seeking rescue, and nearly acheived it, untill a Hunter killed the rescue pilot and the chopper crashed, cutting off our only means back down. So here we are. Stuck.

With me are Potemkine, Ficet, Allane and a young teenage girl (approx 13 years old) named Chloe. Chloe is a recent addition to our group, who we discovered in a closet here in the hospital. She has no solid memories beyond the closet, the trauma seemingly too much for her.

Before Chloe, we had with us two other survivors; Lucky and Ruukil. They were separated from us in the fight to get to the hospital, and we presume they are now dead. We're fairly certain about Lucky's death, a wheezer (some of us call them "smokers", I preffer "wheezer") pulled him away and out of reach, into a mob of the infected, as we ran for the hospital. Ruukil, though... well. It's hard to say. We can only hope he made it, but his chances are slim, at best.

And here we sit. Stuck on this roof.

End of entry.



December 27th.

We're still on the roof. We're starting to get hungry. Our temper's are running short. Especially mine with Chloe.

It's not her fault, really... she just looks very much like a human version of a female special infected creature I call witches. And her crying sounds exactly like one of them. And cry Chloe does. Often. In fact, she's doing it now.. listen.

(a girl's crying can be heard faintly in the background)

Pote has become very protective of her.. and really, I am too, in my way.. it's just that crying...

(a voice in the background) 'Hey Walker! We found something!'

'Yeah, hold on a sec, Allane, be right there!'

Ok, that's that. End of Entry.



Case Subject: [url=;u=3006]Allane

Dec. 26

What a horrible Christmas... if zombies celebrate Christmas, which I doubt they do. Just as rescue was coming, our hopes were shot down in flames by one of those Leapers. The helicopter came just when we thought our little escapade was over. The helicopter flew around the building to get a better angle so he could land or at least get us into the chopper. But just as he got into position, one of the Leapers broke through the glass of the cockpit and sent the helicopter spiraling out of control. It slammed into the elevator area, so now that place is blocked off. As far as we know, there's no other way off of this cursed rooftop...

Chloe is gradually getting more annoying. I've never seen one of these "witches" that Walkerxes claims to have had experiences with, but he says her crying sounds just like one of them. I'm more annoyed that it's happening constantly. In this mood, I get cranky when it comes to sounds. I'll just have to find something to do and keep my mind off of our problems. Maybe I can see what that wreckage has later?


27th, still can't tell what time it is, surely after noon.

Bingo. I searched the helicopter wreckage and found a rope ladder. Walkerxes looked like he took the pilot's voice recorder, and was recording an entry in it when I called him over. He probably didn't notice the ladder because it took a stubborn me and 2 hours to find out that the ladder was in a black box under the pilot's seat. The shadows from the chair completely hid it from view. Anyways, that area under construction we came through beneath us is still there, so we can still get in there. Potemkine suggested we break off the rungs to double the rope's length. He says there's some kind of knot he was taught somewhere that was used to lower injured people using rope. He says that as long as force is applied in the right direction, the knot will not slip.
Alright, we talked this out for a bit. Since Potemkine knows most of what he's doing, he'll be the last one to go. I'll be second to go. Walkexes is going down the rope first. We tied the rope to a metal pole on the roof, so we don't have to worry about manpower, or the last person.

Once Walkerxes is down on the floor, Potemkine will tie the knot around me and they'll lower me down to Walkerxes, who will then untie the knot once I'm safely on that floor. Ficet and Chloe will follow. Potemkine will be last. We'll just have to leave the rope there. Once all of us are down on the construction floor, there's no turning back.

Right now, Potemkine is showing Walkerxes how the knot is made so that he can then teach him how to untie it.

At last! We're going to get OFF of this rooftop!


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?