Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Eleventh Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3006]Allane

Dec 12th, 3:00 PM

A guy named Potemkine found me when I had crossed that street. He said that he had just gotten finished with a big creature. I said that it must have been that tank I had fought earlier and which broke my arm. He said that he's a pretty good with tools and could probably fix a better splint for my arm than the one I fashioned together.

Oddly enough, when Potemkine and I started up the stairs, I recognized a shotgun that was keenly placed on Potemkine's head. Ficet though backed down pretty quick when he recognized a fellow human. I think when I was being chased around by that tank I ended up in some sort of convoluted loop that brought me back to where Ficet, Lucky, and Walkerxes were hiding out. What luck.

Potemkine had some kind of meds for Walkerxes... Where he got them I may not want to know. After Walkerxes was feeling good enough, he and Potemkine got to work on making me a better splint. They said that if I kept the splint I made, the bone would have repaired itself with a curve, which probably means it'd be easier to break next time and not be as effective. Well, at least the splint is more comfortable than that cloth. It was starting to give me a bit of a rash.

Wow, it's been a while since I've last wrote...

In the morning we decided to head out since everyone was feeling up for it. Those zombie things seem to refill the streets every night! We did our best to sneak around them rather than directly confront them and draw 5 city blocks worth of attention to us. However, at one point on our way to the hospital, some big fat zombie waddled around the corner and Ficet shot it out of reflex and it spilled some kind of zombie attracting guts on he and Potemkine. Immediately a huge swarm of zombies started running towards us. We all backed up against the building next to use and Potemkine ran to the back of our formation, with Walker and I in the center. Potemkine started shooting at head level with that MP5 I was using earlier... He seemed to be a better shot with it than I was. I'll let him have it, I do fine with pistols. I helped Ficet hold off his side because the shotgun couldn't carry a lot of shells at once. One of the zombies grabbed a hold of Potemkine and forced him to the ground. He yelled and I proceeded to take a quick shot at the zombie that was on top of him. It stumbled off, giving Potemkine enough time to finish him off and get back to holding off the dwindling horde. He says he only got a couple scratches.

We kept moving on until we found a relatively defensible position at about 2:43. We took up residence in a furnished room in a shop. Ficet thinks that it was once a furniture shop. My watch was still busted, so I threw it away. Shame, it was an heirloom from my father. A nice gold plated watch that still had the old Roman Numerals in place of numbers.

Potemkine laid Walkerxes on a big sofa so that he could lay down and rest. The rest of us took some chairs and barricaded the door. There are no supplies here, so we may have to make a night trek to the next place that has some supplies. I checked out Potemkine for any bad scratches, and it didn't like he had taken too much from that encounter with that zombie. Walkerxes' fever seems to be running pretty high and mumbled out a couple of words. I think he was trying to say that he couldn't write in his journal anymore. We told him to get some rest.

Just another day in the Zombie Apocalypse eh?


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1575]AK99

Blackberry Entry-Diary December 12th.

December 12th- National Guard Base 1709hrs.

My whole body hurts.

Frag is sleeping now. He has only been up a few times from when we had the giant incident to eat and take a leak. I have been boarding up and closing up most of the base to keep those things out for as long as we can. We have been lucky, after the first group and the giant, none of those things have come close.

Grave has been in and out of the little garage using the forklift to bring in large pieces of metal and armor, and all day I see bright flashes of light come out of the window. He just tells me to stay with Frag and watch the base.

We found the ammo and gear room towards the back of the base. Grave and I grabbed new army pants, shirts, vests, and a very nice helmet with Night vision goggles on it. We got some for Frag but he wasn't in any condition to get up and put them on. We also took all the ammo we could carry and some that we will put in the truck. While we were in there I saw a large locker in the back
marked "attachments" I pulled it open and inside were EOTech sights and flashlights. Grave mounted his on his weapon and so did I. I went over and sat one EOTech and one flashlight next to Frag's gun but again he just groaned.

I hope Frag is ok. He is almost like one of them. Except he isn't trying to kill me.

We should be out of here in a few days. What ever Grave is doing I hope he does it fast. I don't feel very safe here.

End Entry-Diary December 12th.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

December 12th.

The following is just a memory of mine.

I had just acquired the Isuzu. It was making this rattling noise that kept bothering the shit out of me. I stopped in a cleared area, probably a former buffer zone for the zombie outbreak. As I stepped out of the car to inspect what caused the sound I noticed a poster sitting there on the ground. It was stained and the edges were a little ripped. It was about a music shop down the road, it claimed to be in the buffer zone. I remembered my own own trombone that was probably at home.

I don't remember much of how I found it, but I did. It was an old music store, one of those poorly lit places that has been in buisiness far too long. I felt nostalgic. I pulled the door open and walked in. The lights were still on, I didn't bring my gun.

There were various brass instruments sitting out on stands or in cases. There was a grand piano in one of those sound proofed rooms. I walked in. and closed the door behind me. Then a feeling came over me. I wanted to play something, a song for everyone who was now something else. I started playing a few of the most basic chords. It started as a C major chord, but I added new things. My hands started flying across the piano in a desperate attempt to have too many parts going at once. It sounded beautiful in my head, then I missed a chord. Then another, and another wrong key was pressed. It became a twist of music and chaos. I wanted to yell, scream, upturn the piano and destroy the building. I stopped.

In the doorway was a man, he was just standing there and listening. He must have been the owner. Then I saw the strange pigment in his skin, the black around his eyes and mouth. The empty look in his eyes. He was crying. He was growling too. I looked around for something to defend myself with, there was a Cymbal stand with no cymbal on it. I grabbed it and held it in my hands. I stepped away from the piano so I could get a good swing when he came in.

He moved at me. Running in an awkward way that reminded me of the wrong notes and chords. I swing at him and struck him on the side of the head. He fell down and I hit him again. I clubbed him until his skull smashed in and blood stained the hem of my jeans.

I dropped the stand and left. I grabbed a trombone and a Bach mouthpiece. They're probably still in the back. I have half a mind to play it now. I also have had little water, food or any mental stimulation for a day. So I won't.

Good night diary, I'll write to you in the morning.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]December 12 4:00pm

Well we headed out since Walker was feeling better; at least temporarily - I have a feeling the fever will get worse before it gets better. They managed to get their hands on H&K MP5 which impressed me quite a bit. Since they said I was the best shot I would get it. I didn't complain since it is a sweet ass weapon. I gave Allane my pistol since he prefers pistols. Not a bad trade if I do say so myself.

We were skirting the main roads keeping to the shadows. Ficet was on point and I was following him with Allane helping Walker and Lucky covering our 6. There were so many of those damn things! Sometimes I wonder if our air force or whats left of it goes on bombing runs to take them out en mass. Well our luck was holding until this monstrous, ugly, tumerous mother fucker scared the shit out of ficet. He opened up of course ( I dont blame him) and we were both showered by this ooze. It was the nastiest thing I have ever been in. The group looked in horror and shoved me to the back of the group. I later found out why.

Not 30 seconds later a massive horde just inundated us. Later I found out those zombies are attracted to that ooze. Ick. While in the middle of mowing down those mindless drones, I got knocked over by one of them and it stared clawing at me. I yelled out and Allane took him out. He says I am a better shot but sometimes I honestly wonder if he is just patronizing me. We manged to kill the local herd and found our way to a furniture shop to rest and so here we are.

Walker is still pretty weak. He is damn lucky I got those meds to him. I managed to find a bathroom in the back where I was able to wash that ooze off. Luckily I had an extra pair of clothes in my bag. I tried to clean my other clothes off as best as I could then let them dry. Damn I hope that shit doesn't stain. While in the bathroom I noticed a couple of scratches. Nothing major, and nothing a little antibiotic ointment wont cure. My Kevlar vest is pretty much trashed. Between that witch a couple days ago and that zombie that knocked me down, I had to 86 it. Its just a useless mass of fibers. Well at the very least it served me well.

Well we will wait until Walker regains his strength. When the hell with this end? They got to be starving with so little to eat besides themselves. Oh well. We shall see.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4369]LuckyDucky

Dec. 13 2:12 A.M

We have met up with Allane and kept on moving...New guy with us...Potemkine, everyone calls him Pote anyway. He apparently killed of that "Hulk" thing....nah I like the Tank, more suited to its style, smashing through walls like there's no tomorrow. Whatever, I guess the name doesn't matter, I just hope we don't meet another.

The hordes of infected have become bigger, and more dangerous, with Walker sick and Allane's broken arm, we are seriously crippled. Pote met his first boomer today, bet he won't forget the lesson to quickly. Wasn't his fault, Ficet shot it...but hell if I was in the lead I would have too. I remember that moment so vividly, the explosion, Ficet quickly moves to the center of the group for protection, however Pote not realizing what the fat man does, was not so quick to get into formation, I shoved him behind me with the butt of my shotgun, and turned around just in time to fire a shell into the closest infected. It appears that thanks to that green muck, the infected tend to ignore anyone "clean" so they did not notice me, but desperately tried to get past me to get at Pote, not even bothering to claw at me.

After the attack we holed up in a furniture store. Walker has gotten a fever and Pote is in bathroom cleaning himself off, while I write this. Looks like we are going to be staying a little longer than we hoped... what with Walker's condition. So in the morning I will suggest to start a raiding party, and better fortify our position. Judging by the closeness of the Mercy Hospital building and the increase in horde numbers, I can assume that we are in the downtown part of this city. And downtown means shops, and shops means supplies, and we are in dire need of supplies.

So we will most likely stay here for a while, unless Walker magically heals, doubt that of course. I would assume we would need supplies for maybe 3-5 days, if Walker's condition is as serious as it looks. I'm tired now, it's time to sleep...in the morning we shall plan our next moves.



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

i dont know .. night

im fever weak. fine motor skills not there. can hardly hold pen. pills helping but too slow. infection got me good. need water for flush kidneys, help cool body temp. wish had icepacks, but its ok. need water.

pen too heavy. tired. pote knows what to do. food, water, pills. need thermometer.. cant get too hot.

ill try not to slow you down guys. should leave me behind.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]December 13th mid morning

My damn cell phone is out of juice. I have to plug it in, I just hope there is juice flowing through the system otherwise I have to rely upon my solar powered watch and that's not reliable in the winter months.

Walker was mumbling for us to leave him. I am not going to do that. I already led someone to their death. I am not going to do that again. Not when I can prevent it. Besides, we all agreed we were not going to leave him. We may not be military but we do abide by the same code: "Leave No Man Behind".

Upon inspection of the store I found some Mydol under the counter by the cash register. I guess the owner was a girl who suffered heavily from PMS. Well on the bright side, this should help break his fever a bit. At least we will have something to break his balls about when he gets better. I know he will get better, its only a matter of time. But unfortunately time isn't exactly something we have in great supply. He needs to get a lot of fluids but I really dont trust the faucets in the back to bring in clean water. Guess I am going to have to go old school and boil it, but we dont have anything to burn without attracting a lot of attention. Luckily though we are in downtown and there should be enough stores around that can help us.

We decided to take turns to stay behind and watch over Walker. I am taking the first watch because I know a bit more than his condition. Damn I had no idea my training was going to be in such demand one day. The others should be returning in about 30 minutes or so. I hope nothing happens to them.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2891]FragRaptor

DeC. 13 noon

Those hands...

Those huge hands as large as my body...

I can only remember bits and pieces of the battle with that... tank... What I can remember is scrachy from that cuncussion...

I remember first hearing AK tell me to distract him... The only thought going through my head was "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!??!!!"... I trusted AK... Enough to get me this cuncussion and a broken leg...

I can remember deprately weaving in and out of some pillars and shooting him with everything I had... I remember I took a finger off... It's now hung around my neck as a trophy...

The rest is a blur........


Dec. 13th 5:00 pm

I'm feeling better. I still have a headache and a broken leg with a makeshift splint, but im doing well.

The base is basically a fortress but there's not many provisions here and we have to get out. The zombies are pounding on all the fortifications but not doing anything. The pounding echos throughout the base... Deafing echo's in the silence...

The only working vehicle we have is the fire truck. Grave has been fortifing it. Metal all over the windows and this thing looks like a train. Gun's and ammo all over the seats. Food and water in the cargo. We mounted a mini-gun on the top... It's mine...

This thing is looking badass and we are ready for all those mother fuckers outside... I strapped my splint into the top of the bus... and we are ready...

We begin to open the garage and start playing some music... The automatic door moves slowly...


The garage is open and we are ready for business...
AK Floor's it. I warm-up the mini-gun.
*Heavier music*
Zombies being crushed under the truck... Zombies being shot to pieces... We roll out...

"America! Fuck ya! Comin' again to save the mother fuckin day, YA!"

We roll out singing some team america magic... Clearing out the zombies 50 bullets at a time... Heading to where grave says is the next best place to be...

"America! Fuck ya! Freedom is the only way, YA!"


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?