Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Fourteenth Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3088]619summon

As I make my way to the armory I see some zombies and dead inmates. I say to myself "what do i know about zombies?"
Nothing really other then what ive seen in movies, TV and comic books. Why do some people just die while others become a zombie?

its one or two things.

A: this is in fact biblical armageddon, In which case Ill curse myself for being an atheist then I should find a god damm chruch and pray to see if I cant save my ass and get in the almightys good graces.


B: These zombies are not real undead, but infected with a very nasty bug, so if you die before the infection gets a chance to fester you dont stand up and become the quintessential undead zombie.

Well since im an atheist lets say some real life gary larson cartoon shit happened weres some pinn headed scientist in a lab coat says "well look they are just baby zombies, how much trouble could they cause?"

My train of though is broken by a distance voice echo down the halls "Help is someone there" since im not bening very quite im guessing he heard the gates open and close behind me and unless these godless fucks can talk I guess I should check it out.

Im on the ground floor now and hang a right, toward the court yard and the voice I call back " Yo buddy I hear ya keep quite" thsi place is startin to stink to high hell, i leap a pile of bodys and see the source of the voice. Under my breath I say "fucking pinky great"

A pinky is someone in selctive confinement wearing a salmon colored uniform, meaning they are either cops, celebs, suicidal or child molesters that cant be in general population because they tend to die.

This pinky inperticular I knew of. Hes name was jerry somefuck, he was standing in the outgoing room for the courtyard. Side by side barred rooms which let one group in and one group out VIA automatic doors which let the warrden open/close without being in harms way.

"yo buddy what the hell is goin on?" I ask swingin the keys I have openly. jerry says " I have no idea, the power was out for a day and all hells broke loose, the gurads say its all over the city too."

I take out the last cookie and starting eating it before he asks for it, I ask him "how did you get in here?" he uncomfortably says "I was left here to die the last of the guards left yesterday and there was no room for me in the van"

I clap my hands side to side shakin the crumbs out and ask "what are you in for" though I already know, jerry is a child molester just wanna see if hes an honest man at least.

jerry while sratching has chin with the tops of his finger nails " The prison doc took me off my meds, and I tried to kill myself a few times"

I take a deep breath and say " jerry jerry im gonna let you out, but i gotta tell'ya there is one thing I hate worse then lairs and thats child molesters"

I walk over to the control panel that opens the gate. jerry says with panic starting in his voice "yo man thats thats the wrong panel, look bro im sorry you know how guys like me are delt with, I I...I just wanna get out of here...can you help me out. putting the key in the panel "im a man of my word jerry"

looking at the door to the court yard jerrys says "come on man quit fucking around and let me out of here!!!!" I turn the key so the green button flashes. "At this point jerry Im gonna let your fucking coward, yella bitch-self have a fighting chance, which is more then you fucking deserve"

jerry spits at me " FUCK YOU!!! FUCCKK YOU!!!" I turn my back on him " no jerry fuck you" I press the green button and the door starts to open.

The door opens fully and the cold air rushes in. jerry backs up to the very back of the cage and looks toward the door. A moment laterI hear this sound like a distorded belch and deep gaging sound as a shadow covers the door. Then like bucket of green bile that smells like sickly sweet puke splashes on his face and chest. I hear the thudding of dozens of feet and the riotous tones of a wave of zombies that flow in to the room like water filling an open space "arRRrggGggg" "whoa jerry didnt expect that" I take the keys out and start back to the second floor "lunch is on me boys"



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3006]Allane

Dec 17, Noon

We've finally started making progress towards the hospital. Walker is still pretty slow, as he hasn't completely recovered from his illness.

Before we could make our way out, we had to fight a massive horde of zombies. Well, not fight, because Ficet decided to light a pipe bomb and through it in the opposite direction of our way out. We hurried out that door, but soon afterwards there were zombie bits flying every which way. Still disgusting if you ask me. Though one of those Leapers got a hold of Potemkine, who was escaping the blast right behind me. They don't seems to be attracted to the beeping and flashing commotion of the pipe bombs. Though I don't doubt they would burn nicely with a moltov. Anyways, I kicked off the Hunter as he tried to tear Potemkine to shreds and put two bullets in his cranium. He didn't look too terrifying then, but damn he had some serious claws. They reminded me of large cat claws, those ones that can cut through you without even stopping.

The problems didn't stop there. Walker starting becoming a hassle to carry around because of all the alternate routes we had to take. I swear, we almost had to make a full circle just to get around one road block! Who designed this city!? The zombies were pretty numerous too. Once, we were fighting a small horde in a street when I fired at a zombie, only to have the bullet come out the other end and strike a car with an armed car alarm. All at once it seemed like the entire city was bearing down on us. They seemed to be thick the closer we got to the hospital. We hurried Walkerxes into a nearby vacant building while Ficet lit another pipe bomb and (thankfully) threw it away from the alarm car. I'm glad those things work pretty well at blowing zombies up, even if they do leave quite the mess.

Right now we're stopped in another of those red cross houses, not too many supplies though. There's only enough for tonights - it's almost as if someone had been here before us.

There's a large amount of zombies outside. A real shame, because there's so much light out. Maybe if we let them calm down for a while and let them wander, we can head out before dusk. While we're this close to the hospital, I don't think it would be too bright to reach the hospital in total darkness. The zombies get so thick.

Thinking about our situation,


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2478]Ficet99

Dec 17 mid day

Walker is able to actually walk now. He's a bit slow and wobbly but it's better than pushing him in a wheelbarrow making us even more slow and vulnerable. We began moving, we weren't very far from the hospital according to the map but the map also didn't account for zombie apocalyptic conditions. Actually when I think about it, why isn't the world more prepared for the zombie apocalypse? Maybe we were just thrown off by the fact that these aren't normal zombies, but how can something fanatical be normal? Now I'm just fighting with myself... No one here is willing to get into stupid arguments like that which makes me miss my friends a bit.

The infected had massed around the front of the store, there was just so many. There was no back way out so we were going to have to force our way through. I lighted the fuse on one of the explosives we'd recovered (pipe bomb or home made explosive sounded appropriate) opened the front door, threw the bomb in one direction with it beeping and flashing, and we ran as fast as we could in the complete opposite direction. The things were fighting each other trying to get the bomb, there was just so many. Then when it went off, the street was no longer recognizable with the blood and body parts splattered across it.

But the special zombies... They aren't attracted to the bomb. As we were running away (With Lucky helping Walker along as best he could) One of the Hunters actually tackled Pote who was in the rear, that blood curdling scream made me shake every time I heard it. Allane was just in front of Pote and gave the thing a nice kick to the face to release Pote then he just unleashed two shots into it's cranium dropping it and we got back on the move.

We ran for awhile running into blockade after blockade and encounter after encounter. Walker needed to rest desperately and we happened to come across this new supply house. Were going to rest here for a few hours but we need to get moving as soon as things quiet down outside and the raging mob wanting after us like teen girls to a rock band calms down so we don't waste the plenty of day light still left in the day.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5252]toofpick

They said I was crazy. They said it was just a bad flu that was going around.

They were wrong.

They're all dead now. Well, sort of.

I got to the jail early that morning. Bill was just getting off the night shift. He said that some sort of sickness was spreading through the inmates. Made them all go apeshit crazy.

I'd heard about what had happened in Minneapolis earlier today. The government had bombed the airport.

The government!

They said it was some sort of sickness, and there was a quarantine. And now Bill says we got some kind of virus in the cells?



I don't know how long ago that day was. I know that I've been here in this security room for more than a week.

Phone still doesn't work.

And the inmates are still... screaming.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

Dec 17th, 10:45PM,

I am utterly exhausted, my head is killing me, I'm sweating like a pig from this fever, and I hurt all over. On the upside; I am alive, I know my fever is slowly receding, along with the infection, and none of us have been seriously injured. Allane's splint is holding, the events of the day have not caused any issues. He has feeling in all his fingers and they move on his command, which says there's no noticable nerve damage. Near as I can tell, it's healing clean so far.

I'm no doctor, but I've instructed him to take one of the bottles of oxycodone Pote brought with him and use it on a PRN (as needed) basis, as long as he does not exceede the recommended safe dosage labeled on the bottle.

As for me, I'm continuing to take the Vancocin (the oral vancomycin), doing the best I can to evenly space the doses throughout the day. Difficult when on the run and fighting zombies. I've got my bottle of hydrocodone I ganked from.. where the hell did I get that bottle from anyway? Everything seems like such a blur.

This fucking hospital is taunting us. We can SEE the fucking thing. We have a map that shows us how to GET to the fucking thing, but between zombies, abandonded cars, and yes, building destruction, a clear path is impossible. It's like a war zone out here. I swear this city looks like Berlin must have at the end of WW2.

We paused at a safehouse earlier today, but it was understocked, we left what little we could afford to while we rested, but then we had to move on. The closer we get to the hospital, the tighter the zombies are on the streets, in the buildings... everywhere. And beyond them are the noises. Those specialized ones are out there, stalking us, ambushing us, following us, or just laying in wait. I'm not sure of the average zombie horde, but I KNOW those other ones must think, and even somehow communicate. Even the horde seems to act on some type of thought process, as basic as it is. It's almost a hive mentality, in a way.

But the thing that boggles me the most is that EVERY SPECIALIZED ZOMBIE LOOKS THE SAME. All the fat fucks the puke and blow up look a like. All the screaming, leaping "Hunters" (I actually kinda like Ficet's name for them... bastard.. he had to come up with something cooler than my "Leaper" name) wear the same tattered hoodies. We don't see the Wheezers as much, and don't get a close look at them when they do attack, usually.. but that tell-tale coughing never sounds different. ...and I know for a fact my favorite women look the same.

I will assume the Tank's do too... but so far (and I'm crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, and any other superstitious act I can do) we haven't seen another one. Yet.

But why?! I'm a scientific sort.. there HAS to be an explanation? Are they some fucked up govornment experiment gone bad?

The one good thing that happened today, aside from me getting my MP5 back (though it stayed slung over my shoulder most of the time, as I was too busy hanging on to whoever was supporting me, sticking mostly to the .45), was that we passed a cellular phone shop, so we pilfered it and I found a charge cord that fit my phone. The downside, this saferoom has no power. Best we have are some candles that someone left on one of the shelves.

But as soon as I can, I'm charging my damn phone and calling my brother.

For now, I'm going to sleep. Writing by candle-light has not helped my head.

(entered a few minutes later)

Shit... I just heard a female crying start up somewhere on the other side of the saferoom door. It sounds like it'll be right in our path. So much for sleep.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2478]Ficet99

Dec 17

Were currently held up in this safe house and I've got first watch just in case those things can in fact break that door down.

I'm bored and just taking a moment to go through all of this in my head. How is this happening? Did the gates of Hell suddenly open up (probably opened up in some place where evil is concentrated... like LA) releasing demonic spawn that infected the nearby radius causing it spread and multiply? Maybe this is an alien infection the martians are using to slowly kill us all... Or maybe some kid got a severe case of the sniffles that caused him to go insane and spread like the flu. I wonder if they have a leader like a queen or something. All I know is that they are infected with something and I'm lucky enough or maybe even unlucky enough to have a slight immunity to it. I just can't help but ask my self freaking why.

It all happened so fast to, one day I'm at school hanging out with my friends while there is some type of flu going around that's making everyone sick which is common being that it's flu season. Then one of my friends go mad and try to kill someone, big deal he was crazy anyway. But when our teachers got all crazy and started making us learn things in school I knew the world must have been going to heck and I barricaded myself in my basement forgetting the rest of my family since I figured that maybe they had gone crazy to when my Mom forgot to sweep that morning. Either way I was determined to be the last sane person in the world, but Allane may beat me.

Wow... I need a freaking hobby, I wonder if Rambo could in fact beat the zombie apocalypse with arrows made from their own skin? In an effort to keep myself from going mad I'll think on this, this journal really is the only thing keeping me from going insane (If I'm not there already after read the previous line) I want to survive every encounter just to get the thoughts down here. It's just a small purpose other than actually trying to survive I guess... Were heading out in the morning, I'll pass the time by reading Walker's personal thoughts to calm me down. I must stay calm so I don't panic... To panic means to die and I'm not sure how much more of this I can actually take, I'm sorta falling apart on the inside.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5252]toofpick

The inmates haven't stopped screaming. They never have. They have been in their cells for weeks now. No food. No water. And still they scream.

I can't sleep any more. I've been taking those sleeping pills bill stashed in the drawer. They help. But in my dreams, I can still hear the sound of broken fingers hitting cell doors over and over and over...

I can't live like this.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]Late December 16th early December 17th

I always wondered what a war zone might look like. Well....I know. Sadly. The hospital is SO tantalizingly close yet with all this debris and zombies its hard to move. Especially since we have to drag Walker's fat ass.

Minor altercations with the horde here and there. Just another day in the zombie apocalypse.

On one of those encounters one of those leaper things....I think they are called hunters grabbed my leg. Allane double tapped him to the face blowing off the back of his head. We managed to get into a safe house near by. The zombies were clawing at the door for a while....they stopped about an hour ago.

We have been hearing a quiet crying coming from just the other side of the wall. It has been going on for the past 15 minutes. I am getting so sick and tired of it. I borrowed Ficet's auto 12 and went to investigate. As I suspected a fucking witch. I walked right up to her, tapped her on the shoulder and when she looked at me, I put a round right into her face, nearly taking off her head. It was just a gooey, red mush on top of a stump. I felt quite satisfied. I returned Ficet's shotgun, said thanks and promptly got my self comfortable to take a nap, waiting for daylight and for us to move. I hope we get there and there is help. We should probably get there by tomorrow.

About a dozen more showed up outside after hearing the blast, but since they are mindless drones and couldn't find us, they just kept milling about outside.

Fuck them, I am going to get some sleep.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?