Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Sixteenth Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4369]LuckyDucky

Dec. 19 4:54 A.M.

Smells like meat...but I'm not hungry. According to the map the only thing between us and the Hospital entrance is one block, and several hundred zombies. I've spent most of the the night reading through Tick's journal, at least he got back together with his brother before death...But his last passage has me thinking, he writes on how calm everyone appears to be before death...they laugh, they drink, and above all..are happy. Perhaps because that is the only end, that we are just prolonging the inevitable, there really is only one ending, death. And perhaps there is no success in this chaos, but only one alternative, to die.

I should not think on a dead man's last words.

Another has joined us today, but not without entry fee from Allane, a bullet to the arm. Ruukil, will get over it, and it's not a serious injury.

It looks to me as if there is one defining difference between the Horde and the select few recognizable zombies such as the Hunter, Witch, Wheezer, Fat man, and Tank...those five seem to communicate, they use the mindless horde to slowly hurt us and kill us off, but time their attacks to when we least expect it, and when we are weakest. The leaders of this new horror of an army? Perhaps they are the answer...but what is the question?

I will close this entry for now, these thoughts depress me, and I need the sleep.



[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]December 19th 02:30

Walker was able to walk on his own two feet today, which was a good thing. Glad I dont have to use the wheelbarrow. Went a couple blocks and ran into a local horde. We managed to get inside a little restaurant type place to make sure they had only one place to go. Managed to kill them all no sweat but Allane managed to hit a person! He actually shot a guy in the arm. Lucky for him it was just a flesh wound. Nothing serious. Gave him the last few pain pills I had. Walker learned his lesson MIGHTY quick about that infection of his. Damn near used half the bottle of Iodine to sanitize the wound!

"just a flesh wound" HA god I loved The Holy Grail. I wonder if we make it out of this, if I can see that movie. Its one of my favorites. Phone is charging, and Allane is fixing us some steaks. GOD AM I HUNGRY! They smell SO good. I wonder if this place has any of Paul Perdome's Meat Magic? I could really go for some of that on my steak...MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM so yummy. Steaks are almost ready, so I will stop this for now.


Well just one block between us and the hospital....but so many zombies. Going to have to think of some huge battle plan to take care of these fuckers. Damn there are so many....A couple thousand I would estimate. What to do........

HOLY SHIT!!!! I got it!

This place has got to have a bunch of propane canisters, the ones that you might use on a gas grill. I saw this on an episode of Burn Notice....(I miss that show....it was the shit and besides, who said TV can't be educational?). If we shoot a canister of propane, nothing happens, all you get is a little hole leaking out gas. What you need, is a spark AFTER the gas is leaking out. That is what will create the massive explosion. We could tape the rest of the pipe bombs to them to set it off!!! This is going to be quite the fireworks show. Now off to find those supplies!


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 19th

I started spilling my guts to these guys about what I've gone through the past weeks. We talked about what we'd done to survive and what we'd seen. It was really settling to be able to talk again. I feel more at peace. I asked if they wanted to go back for ammo, but they refused. I think with the six of us we can probably get through most of this.

As long as we don't shoot each other.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

Dec 19th,

Our local boyscout, Potemkine, has seen way too many episodes of Mythbusters or something. He's building a huge makeshift bomb out of propane tanks and some of those pipe bombs Ficet found. I don't know if I admire the guy's McGuyverness or if he scares me a little.

I'm no help here, I don't know shit about explosives; I was a nurse-in-training, not a saboteur. It occurs to me, though, that if these propane tanks work out, we could also get our hands on some oxygen tanks once we reach the Hospital.. the same idea might apply.

In the meantime, I'm gonna warm up the other half of the steak Allane cooked up lastnight. Man that shit is tasty.

...How are we gonna plant the bomb? An explosion the size its likely to make will be considerable... and the contraption looks like it'll be pretty heavy when he's done.

I wonder if we could set a lure to get as many zombies around that bomb as possible? Those fat-fuck boomer things are around constantly lately, every time we try to move.. I wonder if we could arrange for one to puke on one of us to draw as many of those things as possible. It seems the pheremones (or whatever the hell is in the vomit that draws them) work from a sizable distance. And that, so far, the blippy red light of the pipe bombs trumps out the boomer goo as long as the infected horde SEES it.

Gotta be able to use that somehow... Cuz it looks like about a thousand fucking zombies are between us and the hospital.. and the rescue chopper.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3006]Allane

Dec. 20 5:00 PM

We're just a stones throw away from the hospital. Potemkine rigged up some kind of massive explosive. It kind of looks like one of those bombs you see jets carry. The ones that make VERY big and destructive explosions. I don't know what plans he has for it, but he's been sitting there looking at it for a while. Maybe he's going to set it off at some point?

I've cooked us Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner here. Who knew that going to culinary school would pay off so well in a zombie apocalypse? My arm is starting to lose the dull ache of pain, and now just feels numb, but not that painful or strange tingling, just an inability to feel it. I can tell Walkerxes is feeling better after getting some good and solid food in his stomach. He doesn't seem to have a fever anymore, and his energy is coming back. There's only supplies here for a couple more days at the rate that I'm cooking this food, so we may have to either ration, or keep moving.

Potemkine doesn't seem to want to leave without the bomb, so we'll just wait until he finds a use for it. (He did steal some of the propane I needed for the grills though... dangit)

Lucky looks bored as hell. I haven't heard a whole lot from him since this "adventure" started. I don't know if he's just being subdued by the apocalypse we're going through, or if he just doesn't have the will to live anymore. I'll keep an eye on him, as I don't particularly want to lose him.

Ficet is sitting over in a corner somewhere grinning his face off. He may have the deck of cards and is playing Solitaire to pass the time.

Ruukil keeps giving me these looks like he wants to lop my head off. I don't think he's particularly the forgiving type when it comes to shooting him.

I'm sitting here writing this journal, and also reading a cookbook, should I ever be able to find a military camp. With survivors of course. But right now, these people are my family (though they probably don't feel that way), and I should keep going with them. Besides, we're so close to our final destination, who knows if the chopper will be there or not?



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 20th

It's late I went to find a place to hide in. I don't like staying out here in the open at night. I think the injured guy might be infected... Walker. I'm putting a note here in my journal about this so I don't forget. Something about him just doesn't seem right. The gun wound still hurts, but only when I move the wrong way. I've been watching the infected through my scope. I look for people I know, but mostly I'm studying them. Now that I'm having to watch my own back I can get a good look at them and see their tenancies.

They seem to have dulled senses. It's like their mind is working at a different level. When they hear anything unfamiliar they perk up and look around, as if looking for where it came from. Whats strange is even if they look straight at you they don't seem to notice. They might be aware that you are too far away to peruse. Other times I suspect that they just can't see very far. Some have already began to rot, their skin looks cold and their hair has begun to fall out. Some lack limbs or are missing eyes.

I am watching one specific one that appears to be a young man with his legs torn off. Before he was infected he must have used tourniquets to cut off the blood flow. He crawls around using his arms sometimes. But for the most part he just sits there. I wonder how much they eat, because the body requires energy to live they must have some source of energy that their body feeds off of. I never see them eat each other so they might be feeding during the day time when most of them seem to disappear. I am not much of a scientist.

I want to listen to music. No one else here has a music player so I'm stuck with myself. I humm old songs to myself and I have this rubber band that I play a few notes on. But, it's not real music. If we ever find out way to a store with an MP3 player in it I'm grabbing it and dumping as much music as I can on it.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]December 21st…..01:30

Wow….. so much has happened.

I finished my explosive device. Oh it’s going to be so big. Watch out you mother fucking zombies, its going to be big!

I found an old broken down Lincoln Town Car that was open with the keys in the visor. This is perfect. Last night we went out and put it on top of the car. I lashed it to the roof of the car with the remaining rope I had. Man that bomb was heavy and it certainly did not let us down. While Allane, Walker and Ficet were helping me tie it down, Lucky started to tape up the steering wheel so that it would not move-smart kid. Finally it was ready to go. I turned on the car, set the timer for 30 seconds, and opened the nozzles on all the propane tanks. Lucky taped down the horn button so it would attract the maximum amount of attention. I put it in gear and set on a collision course for the zombie mob…horn blaring. I yelled “I hope you have a very Merry fucking Christmas you necro-masticating pieces of shit!”

It was swallowed by the crowd as the zombie minions were clawing at it as if it were their last meal…which it was about to be. The Tanks and Boomers looked on with quizzical looks on their face. Just when we thought it failed….

It was the biggest mother fucking explosion I have ever seen. It was massive. The fireball went 1500 feet in the air and out in every direction. The effect on their emaciated bodies was devastating. Body parts went all over the place. Arms, legs, torsos and heads…all over the place. The concussive force was more than I thought. We were a good 2500 feet away when it went off, it picked us up and tossed us back like rag dolls a good 12 feet. Windows shattered all over the place. The shockwave destroyed all the Boomers coating everything around them. Including other zombies. Of the 4 tanks, one tank was vaporized, a Boomer blew up all over another tank, and the other two were knocked unconscious. That was the best thing I saw. Zombies started attacking the tank and it was a sight to be seen. Trying desperately to defend himself, he started flinging zombies all over the place. The sheer number of the zombies clawing at him finally wore him down and the others began to feast on his rotting flesh.

The surrounding area was bathed in an orange glow from all the secondary fires that the initial explosion created. The entire area was illuminated and it was a fantastic killing field. The 6 of us aimed our weapons and proceeded to empty our magazines into anything that moved. It was sheer slaughter. It was beautiful, my god it was beautiful.

I need to stop writing, my arm is killing me from that close in combat earlier. Will write more.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

Dec 21st, early AM,

I'm not sure of the time, as when Pote's bomb went off we were thrown to the ground and I smashed my watch against the concrete.

We may be fastly approaching Christmas (holy shit, can that really be??), but it was like the 4th of July tonight.

His bomb was a beautiful sight, took down a shit-ton of zombies, and even managed to obliterate a tank, while incapacitating another two with its concussive force. The zombies actually ate the 4th tank.

Once we recovered our wits from the blast, we set up a killing ground. Anything in the open, we killed. Once the area appeared clear, we ran like hell for the hospital.

They weren't done with us yet, though. Those long-tongued wheezer fuckers were waiting on rooftops and tried snagging us up. There were enough of them up there that their telltale coughing couldn't warn us in any specific direction. The first tentacle-tongue shot down from somewhere behind us and snagged Ruukil as we ran for it, dragging him back and up, crushing the breath from his lungs. Pote spun, aimed, and fired up at it, nailing the bastard in the head and exploding it into a cloud of smoke. Ficet veered back, and helped Ruukil to his feet.

I heard the scream too late and a sudden impact knocked me to the ground, and a Hunter reared back its hands in preparation to claw my face off, but Allane put the kibosh on that right quick, flipping his pistol around and swinging the butt into its face like a hammer, caving in its nose and dropping it to the ground. I could hear more screaming and looked up as Allane helped me to my feet, and watched as two more leapt their way towards us, propelling themselves off of walls like gravity meant nothing to them.

Lucky brought up his shotgun and blasted one of them to paste as it leapt at him, but the other one bounded past and dove on Ficet. Rukkil, injured arm ignored, calmly put his weapon to its head and fired, taking the other side of its skull off.

Pote covered the rooftops, trying to kill or keep pinned down the wheezers. I brought up my MP5 and began firing short bursts into as many infected as came at us, ones that didn't get caught in the blast.

All the while we kept moving toward the hospital. And it looked like we were going to make it with little difficulty.

Which is when it all fell apart.

Crap.. I hear something, or someone, outside the saferoom door. Gonna go check and see. I hope its one of them, I haven't seen them since those tanks came to and we got separated... I'll pick this back up when I can.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?