Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Seventeenth Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

Dec 21st, later,

It was Pote at the door before. He was in pretty rough shape, he may have a concussion, and at the very least, a sprained ankle. I couldn't detect any break, but the doesn't mean a small fracture isn't there. In the meantime I've got his ankle bound up and elevated and have bandaged his more major cuts. I've been periodically checking his level of conciousness. For a change, I came out of this altercation with relatively few injuries. No sign of the others yet. I hope they're ok. In the meantime, Pote and I are holed up in this safe room just inside the hospital's main entrance.

The two tanks that had been knocked for a loop by the blast of Pote's bomb came to. We heard it as twin growls that we knew weren't from the other special types. In unison, we turned and began to fire at them.

"One at a time!" Ruukil shouted. And he proceeded to try to take aim at the closer one's tiny little head. Had his good arm not been injured, he might have gotten a clean headshot as it began to stand up.

Keeping out of Ruukil's line of fire, Ficet strafed to the side and then charged the thing, unloading his auto shotgun into it. I dropped to a knee and unleashed the MP5 into it as well, emptying the clip. Lucky, Allane and Pote all concentrated their fire on the same one as well.

Whether it was due to more and better firepower since our last tank encounter, or because the thing was still injured from the blast, we brough it down before it could reach any of us.

But the second one was up and moving too, and the other zombies weren't standing around waiting for us to shoot the tanks.

I heard Allane grunt from off to the side and turned to see three infected grabbing and clawing at him, one was even kicking him. I dashed over and shoved them away from him, then pulled out the .45 and shot one while Allane turned and took down the other two. I reloaded the MP5 and turned to see the tank headed straight for us.

Allane and I split off in either direction, both firing at it.

I could hear coughing and screaming above and around us, and knew we were in serious trouble.

"Get to the hospital!" I yelled to them. At that moment I heard a loud hack and saw a tentacle twine itself around Pote, wrenching him off his feet and towards an abandoned ambulance. I ran for him, stomping on the tongue as I got to him, and shooting a volley into it. The bullets tore through it and snapped it off. The thing slinked behind the ambulance before I could shoot it.

"Get up!" I said to Pote, and turned to chase down the wheezer before it could snare another of us. It had ducked inside the ambulance, so I jumped inside and shot it point blank.

Immediately I started coughing as it burst into smoke and a spray of flesh and blood. I could barely see. I turned to leave back out of the side door when I heard a roar. Looking out I saw a car flying towards me, barely missing Pote as he dove to the side. I ducked back into the ambulance just as the car slammed into it.

The impact tipped the ambulance on its side and I was thrown around the inside like a ragdoll.

Dazed, all I could do was crawl for the hospital entrance.

When I got there I found this safe room.

C'mon guys.. get here, damnit.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 21st

I never made it inside. I had to run though so I did. They got between me and the others. I'm in the back of an armored car. I closed and locked the doors. They don't know I'm here, but I see them and it doesn't look good. My gun barrel won't fit through the slats and it looks bullet proof.

It was good knowing those guys. I hope someone survived. I found an extra set of armor. Most of it fit, but the helmet was huge. I've got SWAT body armor boots and gloves. There was a thing to put clips in and hold extra shells. It works better than pockets and I can move my legs around better. I'm going out of here at first light. I'm on about half ammo and I'm almost out of water. I have no food.

I've still got my laser pointer. If I ever see them I'll try to contact them.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2478]Ficet99

Dec 21

I'm hiding in an alleyway right across from the hospital, I don't have much time to write because the infected seem to be in a bad mood and might come across me at any moment. There is a huge mob of them between me and the hospital which I saw both Pote and Walker get inside of. I also saw Ruukil (most annoying man I've ever met) duck into an armored car where he is now trapped. We need to move before the horde around the hospital gets thicker making it impossible to get there. Luckily I decided to save one last explosive from the stash I found, I'm going to throw it near the armored car which will draw away the infected hopefully giving me and Ruukil the chance to make a run for it. I just hope he gets the idea since I have no way to communicate with him. I'm about to light the explosive, good luck Ruukil... God watch over us both.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4369]LuckyDucky

Dec. 21st

Several were able to make it inside the Hospital. I don't know how many of us are outside, but we are all scattered around the street, with hundreds of them running around. I'm sitting it out inside an ambulance that was parked outside.

I hear that familiar beeping of the homemade bombs, now is my chance!


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3006]Allane

Dec 21.

Damnit, I got separated from the group again. This time, I'm not sure where I am. I don't have a line of sight on the Hospital, but I know I didn't go far when that Tank split Walker and I.

That explosion was simply MASSIVE. The force from the blast was enough to knock us off our feet and get thrown like ragdolls, and send two tanks unconscious. One of them seemed to just fall apart in the blast. One of those fat guys that blow up with zombie attracting goo exploded on the fourth tank, and the ensuing (though smaller) horde proceeded to try and tear apart the Tank. The Tank freaked out and started flailing its arms, taking out a handful of zombies each time. We took advantage of the confusion as soon as we got over the blast and starting taking out the tanks, as well as the various other INTELLIGENT zombies. A couple of times they almost had us, and they succeeded in separating us.

Hm, beeping, I know that sound!


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5252]toofpick

[McHaley Jail Warden Log]

We visited the infirmary earlier. It was a charnel house. Blood, limbs, and other stuff I don't want to think to hard about were... everywhere. Saw Doc Gormez. Well, we saw his head at least. Not sure where the rest of him went.

Bad news is that I didn't find a crutch. That damn wheel chair squeaks like a guinea pig in blender.

Squeeking through the prison is like a saunter through hell. Arms reach through the bars of cells, their fingernails covered with dried blood. They scream too. I hate it when they scream. Reminds me of my ex-wife.

Anyway,we're heading for the vehicle bay. Hopefully that armored prisoner truck is still around.

We gotta get out of this hellhole. They know we're here.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2478]Ficet99

Dec 21 night time

We've sat in this hospital safe house not very sure what to do. My distraction worked well enough for Allane and me to make it... But Lucky. As soon as the others heard the familiar beeping they began to run just like me, Allane came from an alleyway not very far from mine, and Lucky shot out from a nearby store he'd ducked into and was the closest to the hospital.

The bomb went off and the body parts started flying. We just kept running shooting anything in the way hoping not to get hit by any of the more intelligent ones. When Lucky got close to the hospital he turned around and started providing cover fire from the massive horde of zombies behind Allane and I. I was in front of Allane so I stopped next to Lucky to help provide the supportive fire. Allane made it to the hospital and I told Lucky to just go but he told me to go instead... With there being no time to fight I ran for the hospital expecting him to behind me when I heard Allane shout his name and start firing madly at something behind me.

Lucky was being pulled into the horde by one of the wheezers and its long tongue... All Lucky could do was yell as his screams were drowned out by the massive horde that swallowed him. I saw Hunters, a tank, and a few more Wheezers along with the massive horde coming for their next victim so there was nothing we could do. I just kept running and now I feel like a coward.

Now here we sit, I'm not sure if the others will want to move out tonight considering what just happened. His sacrifice probably saved us all, had he just taken his chance to run for the hospital the horde may have gotten Allane and I. Had he ran when I told him to... That may have been me. I never knew Lucky real well but he was just a kid... like me.

Ruky (the nickname I had given him) never made it either... If he was still in the armored car he may still be alive but I don't see how he'll escape. Nothing we can do for him now though.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

[size=7pt]December 22 00:00

Well, we set up a killing field and took out everything that moved and we started for the hospital. Problem was all those special zombies started attacking us. We did the best we could trying to clear a path but we got split up. As we were making a run for the hospital, those Wheezer things with the long tongues started to have their way with us. Or so they thought. One actually got a hold of me and started dragging me off. Thankfully Walker shot him and when he came back from around the corner, I saw he was covered in blood, but with a smile on his face. Good for him.

We managed to kill the third tank but the fourth forced us to split up. I saw Ruukil head for an abandoned SWAT truck (lucky bastard, I wish I could have been in there). Saw Walker crawling into the darkness, Ficet dove into a store near by and I dont know where Lucky went. I was unfortunate enough to get stuck with the last tank.

My was he pissed. I did the best I could to take him out but not before tossing me about. On his second toss, I landed on my ankle and then my arm. I felt a warm liquid dripping down my face and felt quite dizzy. I vaguely saw an outline of what looked like a tank so I just blind fired. I just pressed down the trigger and pointed it at the general direction of the tank. He fell inches from my torn body.

After a few minutes I managed to get myself up and started for where I last saw Walker. Luckily for me he caught me just I was about to pass out. When I woke up he explained to me what happened as far as he knew. I decided to write this after my arm felt better, but now I am just feeling really tired. Walker says I may have a concussion. I know sleeping isn't exactly the best thing for me right now, but I feel so slee.....


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes


Ruukil and Lucky are missing. And from the sound of it, at least Lucky is dead. In spite of the bomb, there was just too many of them for Ficet and Allane to turn back for Lucky.

God damn shame. He was handy with that shot gun, and brave as fuck when it mattered.

We're back to 4.

I hope Ruukil survived, but chances are that he's as dead as Lucky.

Ficet is taking it hard.. Survivor guilt, they call it. I tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but he feels that if he'd insisted Lucky go first, Lucky would be here now. He's forgetting that it would likely be Ficet out there dead instead. Either way, we'd be mourning.

There's a tank outside the door we came in, but so far the reinforced door is holding. We've added some extra barricade to it, just to be sure. No going back that way.

The only way to go now is deeper into the hospital. We're going to try for the roof as soon as we're rested.

It's our only hope.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?