Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Eighteenth Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3088]619summon

By the time we realized there was somthing in the air vent above us, the smoker had launched its mutated tountacle. I was ensared, lifted off my feet I struggled to pull the survival knife from my belt. The riot soldier wheeled around grabbed the tec-DC9 with both hands and opened fire. There was a gaseous blast of choking smoke that filled the room, I fell to the floor on one knee and stuggled to take breath.

"The door!!" the riot soldier shouted as it broke, hanging awkwardly on its lower hinge did not slow the infected from entering the room. Through the smoke I blindly back peddled with my left hand searching for reference and my right hand working the trigger on the TEC-DC9 firing toward the door.

The gun smoke only added to the already hard to take air, finding the side of the wheelchair I pulled myself to the rear and starting pulling the chair backwards to the wall. Feeling me behind the chair the riot soldier opened up the second TEC-Dc9. "AArrggGGH" the riot soldier shouts squinting his eyes and pulling the triggers furiously.

-Ting- my TEC was empty, I reached for a Benelli holstered to the back of the wheelchair. -BOOM-chicchic-BOOM!- I start to feel the droplets of sticky infected blood splatter on my face, I turned the right as the infected started to reach our flank. -BOOM-chicchic-BOOM-

The roit soldier drops his empty TECs. Without missing a beat pulls triggers on the cocked and loaded mounted benellis on the wheelchair armrests. This buys him enough time to pull out the other two TECs at his side extending his seamless stream of lead cutting down the infected.

The adrenaline pumping at levels Ive never felt -BOOM-chicchic-BOOM- "mother fuckers!!! you want some of this shit!!!!" -BOOM-chicchic-BOOM-"go back to hell!!!!sonsa bitches!!!!""" -BOOM-chicchic-BOOM- They are close enought to smell thier rotting breath, and landing blows with staggering strength. -CLICK- the benelli is empty.

As the riot soldier fires his last rounds the infected zombie pounds his chest and head with both fists. The riot soldier sticks both TECS unders its neck then pushing out. Letting go of the guns He swiifty reaches behind his head pulls out two survival knifes, extends his arms to his side then brings the knifes back in on the zombies temples. Driving the blades and reaching the oppsing guards on each side The zombies head splits, googey brains lop out. the zombie ends its rampage.

The benellie was empty but I was fully loaded on adrenaline. If zombies had any intelligence they surely would have fled the crazy man wiedling a shot gun by the hot barrel like baseball bat hitting home runs on zombie skulls. As the last zombie stuggled for balance after a blow to its head. I moved in and pulled the tiny gun I had hidden in the radio pouch on my shoulder and fired the last six rounds into the already wheeling zombie. with a garbled verbal protest it hit the floor quivering for a moment before it reached stillness.

With my eyes stinging from the smoke and sweat I call out "hey buddy you ok"

I hear coughing and a reply "right as rain" followed by a throat clearing cough.

I look around the room " jesus H crimmy there must be three score of the fucking things"

the riot soldier replys "its taken me two to three rounds to bring each one down uless I can geta head shot." I bite the inside of my cheek and nod in accordance.

I drop the small pistol and start reloadin the benelli "I dont think we can wait any longer, we need to get the fuck out of dodge" the riot soldier pinches off his bleeding nose and in a nasaly voice says "lets do it, lets get the fuck out of here" We spend the next few minutes reloading and drinking some water.

I clear the door and push the riot soldier though the door, I spot an ipod on a table and snatch it up before we leave. The smoke from the ready room is hanging low along the hall leading to the main corridor. TECs in hand the riot soldier neutralizes a few stragglers from the attack.

When we open the double doors to the main corridor and turn towards the elevator. There looms a fat bloated figure down the corridor "BOOMER!" the riot soldier shouts. The figure turns and starts to walddle towards us. Seems like he might float away if it wasnt for the huge basket ball sized puss filled abscess weighing it down. He lets loose with the TECS and very easily pops the foul thing. With a deep explosion and a shock wave that hits us with considerable force even at this distance the BOOMERS innards are splashed along the corridor wals celling and floor. The foulest odor hangs in the corridor as we make our way though the gruesome scence.

We reach the elevator and get in. The ride down its but a single floor but seems to take long moments. the roit soldier says " you know if we get out of here your free to go, I wont say anything" I look at him and nod and put out my hand. We clasp hands in a resovling grip let go and look to the elavator doors. -Ding- the jeep is but a few hunderd yards away, but we already hear the sounds of the horde approching.

This is gonna be a fight for every foot, every inch. We will be tested, We will be found wanting, but if we want to live we must spite the odds and fight with every last ounce of strength.

-doors open- I ask the riot soldier "are you a betting man" he pouts his lower lip and shakes his head no. "me either but live or die I bet this is gonna be hella fun."



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 22nd

It's early. My watch says it's about 1:00. The car I was in tipped. Something or someone hit it. I think it was one of the pipe bombs. Right then I got scared. The very base instinct to survive took over and I just ran. My limbs hurt and my lungs felt like they were on fire. I coughed up blood. I don't know where I am. But I don't see anything around me. It's dead quiet, and not the kind when the zombies are around. It's a kind of silence that can only be heard in a place devoid of life.

The blast must have drawn all of the undead in the area. They all must be at that hospital. I can see the fires outside the hospital even from here.

The armor I'm wearing is a joke. I've thrown all of it away except for the combat boots and the webbing. I'm walking away from the fight now. They're probably all dead now anyway. I've got to forget about them. If I don't I might as well shoot myself now, the guilt would kill me. I need rest and food. I'll probably try to find some dry stuff and a backpack. I'll be starting back were I was at the beginning. Something doesn't feel right though. I've got a feeling about something. I think I'll notice when I'm not so tired.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5252]toofpick

[McHaley Jail Warden Log]

This guy is... crazy. He thinks this is fun? I used to know these people.

I finally recognized my companion. He's that guy that Santiago had locked up in solitary a while back. Something to do with killing the old prison doc. Don't know much more... It was before my time.

I'm still a bit rattled from seeing Valentino. He was all bloated... almost green, and when I shot him... POP!

There are patterns in the wall.

Yeah... I'm a bit rattled right now. Think that cut on my side is making me hallucinate.

Anyway, this elevator is headed for cell block D. The special cases ward. Death row.

With a bing, the elevator doors open.

It's a long hallway with solitary confinement chambers lining the sides. Every single cell door was open. The cells are empty.

And everything is clean. Really clean.

It's weird, ya' know? The rest of the prison is covered in blood, bodies, and zombies. But not here. Everything looks squeaky clean. I've gotten so used to carnage that normalcy freaks me out.

We head down the corridor. Ahead of us is cell block E. The psychiatric ward.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5239]Watsurdeal?

Day #8

Wow, it's funny, I always wanted to be a soldier when I grew up. But I was just a nerd, I really don't have any athletic ability. Still, that idea of me being a bad ass always intrigued me. Now, I am a soldier, but not the kind I was expecting. My hands hurt from the recoil of my gun, and I had to change shirts today because I got blood all over my other one. But not my blood, the blood of my classmates, my friends, and people who were once so nice to me or were kind enough to leave me alone. I saw my ex gf too, I didn't realize it was her until the smoke cleared. I put a hail of lead right through her, but I didn't cry. Because there's no reason to cry over the dead, at least not the way they are now. I always wanted to be a soldier, but not an exterminator.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3677]Menoske

Voice Recording:

It's December 16th. My name is Menoske and I'm a 'doctor's assistant', scratch that, I'm just a nurse who actually does the doctor's job at Mercy Hospital. I found this doctor's recorder, the guys a real TV doctor, smug and always full of himself. He always used this thing like it was cool and he was stuck in the 80s or some shit. Anyways, guess I should thank him...at least I can talk out the problems now. Where should I start?

I came in to work almost two weeks ago and I just knew something wasn't right. I guess I should let you know I work in the..'special' ward, fuck it, I work with the crazy jack asses that have to be tied down on the top floor of the hospital. When I came in to check on the first patient on my list he looked a little pale, and I thought he was asleep. When i started checking his meds and what we were gonna do for him today he 'woke up'. The dude just sat there and screamed and tried to get at me. He was biting at me and his fucking eyes...they were like..not human.

That's when I noticed it, every fucking one of these strapped down fuckers were the same way. After this guy tried attacking me it woke up every one of the others. They all were just, I can't even say yelling, they were making noises and trying to break free of those restraints.

I got my ass outta there in a hurry. Everyone else at the hospital I saw on my way in seemed to be ok...but it looked like we were short staffed. I ran to the elevator and pressed the button. I don't know if it was coincidence or what, but all the power went out as soon as I hit that button. I decided it would be better to find my boss or someone up here to see if they knew what was going on. I went back through the crazies, to my boss's office (I think hes just as fucking psycho as these guys) but I didn't see him in there.

When I turned around to look elsewhere I noticed him coming...but it was weird. He didn't look or walk right...he kinda stumbled. Then he looked up at me...with the same eyes as the rest of those fuckers...heh, I guess he really was just like the rest of the fuckers. He made the same noises those other things were making and charged at me...I shut the door just in time. I heard the thud of him hitting it. Then I heard him scratching and pouding on the door..I didn't really know what to do. I searched his desk and all I found was a bottle of scotch, a PDA, which apparantly didn't work, and a tazer. I took the bottle of scotch out and took a swig of it...I don't suggest anyone trying that if you've never drank scotch before..I felt like i was going to die.

Dammit, this voice recorder is running low on batteries, I'll have to find more...long story short, tazers dont work..but scotch really can kill.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

December unknown date.

It's either the 24th or the 25th. I have not seen anyone for days. I found music though. A whole store full. I've been sitting in here without food or water, just listening. It's like nothing else. The voices of what seem like angels. They put me in this high that I have barely slipped out of. I don't want to leave, but I'll have to. I've put all the good songs onto flash drives. I've got more than enough to last me. But I don't want to leave. I hear voices, someone is out there.

There was no one out there. It was the music. The music was talking. It made me think I'd found friends. But there was nothing. Just the empty wasteland, it's even devoid of them. I'm going to sleep now. The White Stripes can keep me company.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?