Rocket jumping and stickie jumping to the middle on 5 point cp maps is an important skill both in 6v6 comp and the pubs. If you do it right, you can get there at the same time as scouts which will give you a HUGE advantage over the enemy, since it allows you to get into position while waiting for the enemy to arrive.

When rocket jumping to the middle there are a few things you need to remember. First off try and use wall to rocketjump off of instead of the ground. This way you will be propelled more horizontally and less vertically. A perfect rocket jump will send you about the same speed as a scout, will take no fall damage, and over all should do about 40~ damage. Remember also that you can only go as fast as your medic will allow, if your medic has multiple people he needs to be healing, then your not going to be able to do 6+ rocketjumps, remember to limit yourself as much as possible, because getting to mid with 50 hp is asking to get picked by a scout. Also at the beginning of the round make sure your medic knows to keep you healed while your jumping, so remember to tell you medic that your going to be needing extra heals in the beginning.

Getting to mid as soldier on CP_Granary

Starting off in spawn, when your stuck not being able to move for those first 5 seconds, your going to want to rocketjump over to the file cabinet. Normally your only going to want to take one rocketjump during this time, but since you can hit the cabinet on your way out, take as many as you can without dieing, or until you reach the cabinet.(also make sure you jump to the cabinet on your left, since your going to want to go to mid left.) once the round begins and you can move, walk out the door and shoot one rocket off the wall that the door is on to propel yourself forward. Once outside rocketjump off the right wall, to the fence. If you do this jump right you can land about even with the fence with 10-0 fall damage. if you come up short then make another jump to the garage doors. Enter through the door and rocket jump off the crates to your left (if you have the health at this point, this one is optional and should only be done if you have enough hp and need the jump) and go out the left garage door. rocket jump one last time off the wall where the garage door opens and try to land on the roof to your left so you don't take fall damage. Go through the left door and your at mid. And here it is in video since I know that's pretty hard to follow if your not actually looking at the map.

Getting to mid as Soldier on CP_Badlands

For badlands there are 2 different routes for rocketjumping to mid. The first I’ll show you is for when your playing pocket soldier and you want to stay with the medic the whole way to mid. First your going to take 1 rocket jump to the right door when the round starts and you still can’t move. After that rocketjump off the wall to your right to the little health pack and continue on upstairs. When you go through the second doorway, rocketjump off the wall again to the next health pack and drop out the little square hole. After you hit the ground rocketjump again to the wood walkway and go through the house to the train cars.

The second route to mid is to go downstairs instead of through the top doors. This route is actually faster, except it will take you away from the medic so you will only want to do this when you’re playing roaming soldier or you’re not planning on sticking with the medic.

Getting to mid on CP_Granary as Demoman

As demoman your going to be jumping a little bit differently. Generally jumping as demo your not going to be getting any heals, since your probably going to be going faster than the medic, so make sure and pick up all the health packs you can get.

For Granary you’re going to do the same as the soldiers at the start, get to the left cabinet and then go straight out the door and jump to the fence. That’s where it changes however. Once you get in the room stickie jump to the big health pack, and go right. Stickie jump again when you get out the door to the next little health pack under the ramp. Once you grab the health pack start stickieing up the door in front of you.

Getting to mid on CP_Badlands as Demoman
On this one you’re going to be taking the same route as the roaming soldier. First stickie jump to the right door, then another off the right wall to downstairs, a third up the stairs and then a fourth when you drop out of the hole and onto the wood bridge.