An in-depth continuation of DooM’s lesson on the proper way to bomb in Battlefield 2 while flying the fighter aircrafts. Including the trade secret that every pilot needs to know, as well as actual joystick demonstrations.

Bombing in Battlefield two, like many aspects of the game, is an art as (2)manno would say. While this is true, when you get deeper into it, bombing is just simple physics.

** For those you who have seem my post, accurate bombing, I’m going to give you a better idea of what I am trying to explain.

**For those who haven’t, I will recap a bit but also add the link because there is a wealth of information there form the conversations that took place.

First off, this is not about using the F 15 or Su, if you can’t destroy tanks with that you don’t belong in the air.Each aircraft has small differences that change how you hit a ground target but there is one universal component that everyone needs to know. I call it a tail flick because it is simply that, a slight elevation of the tail and dipping of the nose.

The first part too successfully bombing in any aircraft is knowing where your target is. Whether by spot-outs or by cruising the field looking for them, knowledge is power! I generally start out getting lined up for a target well in advance because the less maneuvering you need to do while aiming at the target the easier it is to be accurate.The second part is the altitude, only experience pilots know how to hit targets from 90 feet of the ground so I’m suggesting everyone master these concepts first. 300 to 400 feet are the ideal altitudes.After you know where your target is, you are at about 300 feet, and are heading straight for the target the next thing you want to do is a sharp downward angle for final approach, 45 degrees works best. When I say final approach, I mean about 2 -1.5 inches away on you mini map. This is when you take the hard dive and fly directly at the target.





Now on final approach you need to line up with the target. Above I have the desired region for the 35, Mig, 18, and 10, you want the target slightly below the outer circle of you LED display.
The next part is all on experience, I don’t have time to check what my altitude is when I release and pull up so you will need to spend some time practicing what looks like a safe distance so you can still pull up.

**I will now say that I have used my tail flick form rather high altitudes and still destroyed 100% health tanks. When I say high, I mean 100 feet. **

Warning, Trade Secret About to be Revealed!

Once you have every check squared away and your race right for your target,
This is what you need to do,
The first thing is hit the bomb release button, whether you have it as a key or a button on your joy stick. DIRECTLY AFTER YOU HIT THAT KEY/BUTTON. You need to dip the front end of the aircraft slightly downward then pull up. My first image clearly shows the trajectory of the aircraft. So if you are approaching at a 45-degree angle, you release your bombs at that 45-degree but quickly change your angle to a sharper angle, say 55 degrees. The reason for this is simply being that no aircraft releases both bombs that the same time. This translated into physics means the vector of the second bomb will be displaced form that of the first as shown in diagram A and B. When you dip the plane, you alter the fall path of the second bomb and line it up with that of the first. You stack the bombs on top of each other as shown here...

Notice the bombs moving on the same course, heading for the same point and the explosion showing the detonated within the same 5-foot area.

I will now show you what the movement looks like on my joystick.

The less of an angle you approach the target at, the great the dip will need to be. This is also what you will need for the J 10 and EU Eurofighter because the secondary bomb release time is slightly longer then that of the 35, Mig, and 18. The 10 and EU also carry their bombs further apart for some reason which makes it more difficult to successfully bomb a tank.

Now just because you have this knowledge, do not assume you are going to be TTPs greatest bombers, this is simply the missing piece of the puzzle you still need to practice all the time. If you catch me on the server during prime time, feel free to ask for personal training on all aspects of flying or just send me a pm and we can arrange something. I cannot make you a manno, but I can tell you how he got that way. There are a few tricks but also, PRACTICE. Hundreds of hours of flying are what made him, kel, tamato, me and everyone else good at flying.