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Thread: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    Dust 2, I was CT, not many of us vs. lots of them as they plant the bomb at B. I rotate down mid from long, into lower. Mind you, I check all my corners because for whatever reason today a bunch of Ts were able to sit back and camp, waiting for us to rotate. Happened to me two times outside of long w/o that person getting in trouble, so I was being cautious. So I get to tuns, kill a T. I'm the last person alive, and the bomb is beeping down way too fast.

    There was at this point NO way for me to run to the bomb and defuse. Literally, if no Ts were left and I'd sprinted down, I would have still been far off from having a chance. It was beeping FAST at this point. I had made an effort, working down into tuns (no one else had gone that way), but there was no way to make it happen. What I'm trying to say here is, I DID make an effort. But instead of running to "make an effort" to defuse (seriously, it was so fast I wouldn't have even been able to get there and START defusing), I decided that me having a gun, armor, and grenades next round was more contributory to the server than the equivalent of typing "kill" into console. Long story short, the anonymous admin slays me, and absolutely refuses to ID himself so I could come on here now.

    Many people in the server told me that it is a server rule, and many of them added the caveat "I know its bullshit". I understand the need for rules like this, but WTF. Why would you slay me so blindly? I clearly couldn't have done anything and I clearly was making an honest effort. I cant imagine what the hell more I could have done. Pretty pissed off right now, to be honest. Your servers are SO fun until stuff like this happens and it just ruins my good time. I'm a good, competitive, nice player, and not ONE person on either team would have batted an eye at what I did. You LOOK for reasons to slay people. Come on.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Adretheon's Avatar
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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server
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    Gamertag: Adreatheon PSN ID: Adretheon Steam ID: Adretheon

    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    Quote Originally Posted by streetbum View Post
    I rotate down mid from long, into lower. Mind you, I check all my corners because for whatever reason today a bunch of Ts were able to sit back and camp, waiting for us to rotate. Happened to me two times outside of long w/o that person getting in trouble, so I was being cautious. So I get to tuns, kill a T. I'm the last person alive, and the bomb is beeping down way too fast.
    So it took you 30secs, give or take, to rotate from Long A to lower B tuns? There's your reason why you were slayed. It takes, at max, 5-8 seconds to rotate(and that's with covering your corners) which gives you plenty of time to clear B tuns and get into site. So, you either were standing in A long not rotating or taking your time to rotate already knowing you wanted to save.

    We don't expect you to go in and die for no reason, but we expect you to make an honest effort. From your account it sounds like you didn't. So you were slayed.

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    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    That's just flat out not true, and absolutely stupid. I rotated quickly while SHOOTING AT PEOPLE, including a guy in lower who killed a teammate of mine who was just as quick getting there from cat as I did from long. So no, I DID NOT take too long. You didn't even take into consideration what I said, you just want to rule on you're admins favor. Christ, god forbid you go watch the demo. How do I know YOU weren't the admin? rofl. You expected me to play perfectly? I didn't see bomb at B and no one called it. No one had been running strats and people had been camping outside long for the WHOLE GAME. I had NO way of knowing. So yeah, it took me a few extra seconds. News flash, my team destroys teams who rotate too fast CT side. Clear mark of a BAD player. It wasn't my fault and I didn't deserve that bullshit.

    Did you see the new Batman? You people are Bain's courtroom. I got the choice of death, or exile. Shits insane.
    Last edited by streetbum; 07-29-12 at 05:59 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Adretheon's Avatar
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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server
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    Gamertag: Adreatheon PSN ID: Adretheon Steam ID: Adretheon

    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    I'm only going by the facts you presented. By your account the bomb was planted in B while you were in Long A, you went through Mid and into Tuns, and killed a guy. Then you said that you were last alive and the bomb was ticking to fast to defuse. So by that account, which you gave, it took you about 30secs to rotate to B tuns from Long A. The bomb timer is only 45 secs, so if you knew by the time you killed the one guy in B tuns that it was ticking away to fast then the only logical explanation is that 30-40 secs had passed since the bomb was planted.

    To add to that, I've been playing here for about 5+ years and not once seen it take that long to rotate out of Long to B tuns. Even the people that rotate through T spawn make it there with enough time to get in B.

    So you were either wrong about the time left on the bomb timer and bailed out early or you didn't rotate fast enough. Either way gives the admin enough to slay you for not making a honest attempt.

    And lastly its Bane, not Bain.

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    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    How am I supposed to argue with you if you weren't there to see it? Everything you're saying is pure speculation. I promise you, I didn't take my sweet time. Look at the demo man, seriously. If you're not going to look at the demo, how is ANYONE'S claim supposed to be substantiated here?

    My other argument being, you've got a thing on the front page of your site showing people how to use their radar. So you have people that are that new playing on here but just because this situation arose and you have to defend your admin, you're going to hold me to this INSANE standard. Like, seriously, even if I was ten seconds too slow I didn't deserve to be slayed. Its just fucking dumb. Its supposed to be situational. Of course some people are going to deserve it, and I'm not arguing that. I didn't though, and your admin blindly followed your rule with no prior warning and then refused to explain himself. Don't you get why that disrupted the server more than my actions did?

    EDIT: Seriously, the more I think about this, the more I can poke holes in your argument. I walk a lot. I played competitively starting in 07, and I cant tell you how many times I've lived because I was walking/I've gotten kills because I was walking/I've seen people die because they were not walking. Since Ts were camping outside long repeatedly after B bomb plants, its not insane to imagine me walking from long A out of connector and around the corner to avoid being prefired by Ts. One example was someone, AL, who killed me like that twice shortly before I was slayed. You're making up your perfect example to prove me wrong, but its not correct, and its fucking insane to hold someone to that standard.
    Last edited by streetbum; 07-29-12 at 06:50 PM.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Guyver's Avatar
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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server
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    Gamertag: Guyver72 Steam ID: guyver72 Guyver's Originid: guyver72

    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    Street, you have been long enough to know (or should now, by now) that admins do not have to warn anyone before any action is taken. Further, admins don't have to explain any action while in the server....nor will they ID themselves in the server...ever.

    It would defeat the entire purpose of being anonymous.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Adretheon's Avatar
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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server
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    Gamertag: Adreatheon PSN ID: Adretheon Steam ID: Adretheon

    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    Quote Originally Posted by streetbum View Post
    EDIT: Seriously, the more I think about this, the more I can poke holes in your argument. I walk a lot. I played competitively starting in 07, and I cant tell you how many times I've lived because I was walking/I've gotten kills because I was walking/I've seen people die because they were not walking. Since Ts were camping outside long repeatedly after B bomb plants, its not insane to imagine me walking from long A out of connector and around the corner to avoid being prefired by Ts. One example was someone, AL, who killed me like that twice shortly before I was slayed. You're making up your perfect example to prove me wrong, but its not correct, and its fucking insane to hold someone to that standard.
    It's an insane standard yet here you are proving my point. Here you are giving me the the exact example I was giving you. You walked instead of ran. That's your choice, but you can't expect the admin to not see that as a cop out. "But I was doing it so I wouldn't die." If there was multiple targets outside of long every round killing you, then you as a competitive player should have known that you probably should go a separate way.

    And if that's to much to ask, then you should have ran through instead of walked. And if players were there then you should have said something to the admin. Cause after the bomb is planted players not with the bomb aren't following the calls. Then it's their problem not yours.

    Instead you decided to play the way it suited your k/d, instead of focusing on getting to the bomb. That's when it becomes your problem. Cause you took 30secs to get barely halfway across the map. You were barely in B tuns when the bomb was close to exploding. That shows the admin that you weren't with your team, and that's all the admin needs for a slay. Regardless of why. Cause it's not the admins job to say "What if?". If they did, then nothing would get done, and everything would have an excuse.

    Now you're coming in here calling foul play, yet you've not shown anything to support your case. No demo, nothing. Just your account of what happened. Which is that the bomb was B, you were A, and by the time you rotated out of Long into tuns it was to late. That, by any admins standards here, will warrant a warning be it a slay or by admin chat.

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    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    You're legitimately an idiot. Being with my team and just bumrushing all together instead of working from different angles is stupid. Its literally bad CSS playing. You're a noob, dude. I expect my team to be able to not die and work with me, not have me hold their hand. There are multiple ways into the site, and we should work all of them if possible. Make them look at 2 spots, they will lose.

    Admins don't slay themselves when they hypothetically could have done something better. Taking action without evidence is stupid and childish. He slayed me based on a what if, you're saying. Because it'd be too much work to do otherwise. Fucking dumb.

    And then asking me for a demo. Rofl. Why in gods name would I have been recording? This isn't a CAL match. A frag video made from public server kills would get laughed at. I record vs teams. And since I had NO warning at all, I had no reason to suspect that I was about to be slayed so I could make the choice to record it. Fuck that logic dude.

    EDIT: Id love to play 5v5 vs one of your teams sometime. If you'd like to prove your way of doing things is smarter and better, we can play on our server or yours, on any map you'd like, and you can choose which side to begin on. You win, Ill publicly admit that Im being dumb.
    Last edited by streetbum; 08-03-12 at 02:17 PM.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer iravedic's Avatar
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    Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server
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    Re: Anonymous admin about 20 minutes ago, in your AWP allowed CSS server

    Alright enough - Admins do not slay because you didn't die trying. You were slayed because you were taking your time getting to the bomb site, I'm sure it wasn't the first time either.

    Check the attitude at the door, get your ass moving to the site when the bomb is planted, and help your team.

    No abuse.

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