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Thread: admin abuse: LAYGO

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    admin abuse: LAYGO


    I'm coming straight to the forum after just being banned by LAYGO. here's why I feel I have to take 30 minutes out of my evening gaming time to enlighten the higher powers of this person's ego, actions and abuse.

    just minutes ago, LAYGO entered the server. everything was fine. we were playing, calling, doing our thing, then he started calling. he took over, didn't let bomb call. he slayed a member for something when that last bit that I recall he was watching our flank in B tunnels, we were all in B. secondly, he called B the next round, when we were going be before he came in, we always had 1 stay behind to watch the cross to see if we needed to rotate or take B. I did this during this round and he slayed me. singled me out on admin chat, just like he did the last guy. next round I had the bomb and I said we aren't going be, I want to go long A (again, someone was calling before he came in and started pissing people off, bossing them around and slaying people seconds into the round). he then slayed me and banned me.

    this is the only time I've had a run in with this guy. the other night he was slaying and kicking people and arguing with about 5 of us over the way he was acting. 3 of my friends left that night because of him and his actions on Cambodia. people trying to learn the map and he's yelling at people and just slaying because they have no idea where to go.

    he's the only admin I've EVER had any problems with. I'm 31 years old. I don't act like a 12 year old and I come in and play hard, work with the team and enjoying playing this game. I'd like something done about this guy. also, why ban me after slaying me once?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer FireHazard772's Avatar
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    admin abuse: LAYGO admin abuse: LAYGO admin abuse: LAYGO admin abuse: LAYGO
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    Gamertag: Hazard772 Steam ID: FireHazard772 FireHazard772's Originid: FireHazard772

    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    Note to Higher-ups: I am posting this as a 'Direct Witness' of the incident at hand, as well as with permission from LAYGO, as I was In server and on the same team of both the individual submitting the complaint, and the admin the complaint is against.


    First Off, I will reply to some of the things JG said -

    person's ego
    2 Problem's with using this as apart of your complaint.

    One: It's disrespectful, if not mildly.

    Two: Along with #1 - Bashing, disrespecting, name-calling..and-so-on, a admin at all isn't tolerated, and is even recommended not to-do in the sticky of the very forums this thread/topic is in Several times.


    just minutes ago, LAYGO entered the server. everything was fine. we were playing, calling, doing our thing, then he started calling. he took over, didn't let bomb call. he slayed a member for something when that last bit that I recall he was watching our flank in B tunnels, we were all in B. secondly, he called B the next round, when we were going be before he came in, we always had 1 stay behind to watch the cross to see if we needed to rotate or take B. I did this during this round and he slayed me. singled me out on admin chat, just like he did the last guy. next round I had the bomb and I said we aren't going be, I want to go long A (again, someone was calling before he came in and started pissing people off, bossing them around and slaying people seconds into the round). he then slayed me and banned me.
    Lying in a complaint against a admin I'm willing to bet won't get you anywhere at all.

    The first part of the Paragraph:

    It was around the first round of a new-map, DE_DUSTII. NOBODY. Was calling. I was attempting to, but you and another player in-server Cyanide were being disrespectful to myself when I said over mic the previous round there was a enemy in tunnels 2-3 times to ensure my teammates knew of the danger, and you two were mimicking me at the start of next-round when I was wanting to initiate a Call.

    Afterwards, I sent via Admin chat (Teamchat, @ symbol) asking if LAYGO could mute one or both of you so that I could state the call. That round progressed, and LAYGO teamswitched from the other team to the team JG, myself, and Cyanide were on - Terrorists.

    Note: During the following incident(s), JG and Cyanide repeatedly intruded on the mic while call was being given or back-talked LAYGO shortly afterwards.

    He then initiated his own call which was something along the lines of going to, or rushing, B. Staying behind and watching the flank was NOT apart of the call, and as such, the slay warranted on the player whom did-so was just/reasonable. The same call was initiated the following round. After LAYGO announced the call, I asked via mic if I could watch middle to see if any CT's were going B, LAYGO said not to, and I followed through with the call.

    For reasons unknown, you decided to stay behind and count anyways. Thus, as you said, you were slayed. When he "singled you out"..pretty much every admin that slays a player for not following the call says one of the following in All-Admin-Chat after slaying:

    PLAYERNAME, follow the call.
    follow the call
    and if the player is on their last chance, they might even say something along the lines of:

    Last warning (PLAYERNAME), follow the call.
    So no. he didn't "single you out", or the guy that was slayed prior to you. He was doing his job as a admin.
    Also, in the attachment provided (Edit: After re-reading my post, saw that the attachment is below my post. Just thought I'd let you know), is a screenshot of the server chatlogs of what you had said after being slayed, as well as part of what the player who was previously slayed had said.

    just report this dude like I did
    he's way too power hungry
    Those are the EXACT words you used and typed into Chat.

    Along with this - Let's say there was a No swearing rule on TPG, similar to, as you know, Edge-Gamers (Note: Refer to Ownage.HN's unban request which you, JG, posted a reply to (and if I may add, was apparently overlooked)), and someone let a swear slip on the mic after having been warned for the same thing before. Some admins would warn them again, knowing that slip-ups over the mic happen.

    The fact that

    1) You had to think of the words to use

    2)You have to use your own brain to send a signal to your hands to type what you had

    Is a whole different story.
    Near the end of the round before, and part of the round which you were slayed, LAYGO explained that only 1 person needs to make the call, otherwise known as being the Designated caller. As such, since LAYGO was the first one to initiate a call, he was the designated caller. Whenever he died, as you might have noticed, I took over and either attempted to follow through with his call, or go through a alternate path to the same place the original call was for.

    After he explained that, you started going off on the mic Back-talking him saying "that because you have the bomb you'll make the call and you decide where we go"..Not only is that disrespectful for interrupting while someone else was talking, the fact that you back-talked him makes it worse.
    The last part of the paragraph quoted above -
    (again, someone was calling before he came in and started pissing people off, bossing them around and slaying people seconds into the round). he then slayed me and banned me.
    Yet again. Untrue.
    The final part of JG's complaint -

    this is the only time I've had a run in with this guy. the other night he was slaying and kicking people and arguing with about 5 of us over the way he was acting. 3 of my friends left that night because of him and his actions on Cambodia. people trying to learn the map and he's yelling at people and just slaying because they have no idea where to go.

    he's the only admin I've EVER had any problems with I'm 31 years old. I don't act like a 12 year old and I come in and play hard, work with the team and enjoying playing this game. I'd like something done about this guy. also, why ban me after slaying me once?
    I won't comment on the first section as I don't have any recollection of the matter, other than that I'm assuming what happened in today's incident is what happened in this incident as well.

    The Last section -

    I'm 31 years old. I don't act like a 12 year old and I come in and play hard, work with the team and enjoying playing this game.
    You say you are 31 years old and, in summary, don't act immature, and also that you "come in and play hard, work with the team"

    Your actions, constant disrespect and back-talking in the server show the Exact opposite of both statements.

    And Finally. Your very last statement in your complaint:

    also, why ban me after slaying me once?
    2 things:

    One: Also recollecting to that you were a admin for another community which has similar standards to TPG:

    You were warned. You witnessed others being warned for the exact same thing. And adding on that you were being very disrespectful before and after the slay, warranted the ban.

    Two: From what I can see, you've previously been banned from TPG as well for part of the same reason you were banned tonight: For not following the call.
    Note the following in your unban request:

    #4. A written statement that you will refrain from doing anything that will get you banned again.

    I will follow the rules accordingly.
    Here you are doing it again, in addition to being disrespectful to other players and a server admin.

    In addition to having been a admin in the community previously mentioned - Edge-Gamers, I've also been a admin for numerous previous communities/clans, and as such have a strong stance in Everything I have said here because of that.

    JG has been a admin in a previous community which I too was a admin for. Their standards/admin policy is similar to that which TPG follows.

    Additionally, when you are/were promoted to admin-rank of the afore mentioned community, Edge-Gamers, you are to do several things before even setting a finger on your admin duties in-game:

    One: Read, Agree to and Reply to the policy which the admins follow.

    Two: Take a 'Admin Training Class' to learn how to properly use admin and how to use it in specific situations.

    And lastly: As a member of that community, let alone as a admin, you are held to a higher standard than that of those who were regulars, or were e-ranked members, which don't have admin access.

    In short:
    You clearly have no regard to any rules, as if they don't apply to you, Especially with your experience of having been a admin for another community before.
    Incident Statement End.

    My apologies, higher-ups, if any of what I've said was in breach of the policy for proper-posting as a witness. But I felt that all of it had to be shared for this.

    FINAL EDIT: If needed, the other disrespectful player I mentioned, cyanide's TPG Stats profile (Note: This Cyanide is not the same as the cyanide which was banned by Stealth in the Banlist):
    TeamPlayer Gaming - Search
    (Apparently the stats-page is currently glitching..Regardless, should it return to working-status later on. Linked)
    Attached Images Attached Images admin abuse: LAYGO-jgevi-jpg 
    Last edited by FireHazard772; 11-29-12 at 01:15 AM. Reason: Updated

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    well said statement.

    again, you WERE calling in the beginning, just as I said previously but I wasn't sure who was calling, now that you've stated you were, that clears it up.

    and yes, I was goofing off a bit with cyanide about what you said, however, I wasn't attacking you. I didn't make fun of you, I merely started repeating what he was saying in the exact rhythmic way he was doing it. I had no clue who said the tunnel statement... it wasn't about you or what you said, it was what cyanide was saying and how he was basically rapping about it. if you took offense, my apologies.

    I live a care free life. I've earned everything I have and I now get to do whatever I want, whenever I want. if someone is being a jackass to others, and this is the second occasion it's happened, I'll be the first person to call them out. I'm not another sheep in the flock...

    Laygo was out of line, just like he was a couple of nights ago when I got onto him about the way he was acting and a few other people in the server did as well. he didn't kick ANY of us because he knew he was in the wrong. he merely stopped and we all dropped the subject.

    this post isn't about me, this is me standing up for all of the people that he was intruding on, especially my friends who I must say do act very mature and more reserved than I most of the time. they stopped playing on the server. 3 of them.

    I'm not innocent completely, you're right. again, my apologies. there's no reason he should make a call just to sit back in spawn and slay/kick people when they're trying to work the objective as well. we all have the right to think for ourselves and if what we are doing is contributing to the overall team effort, said person should not be punished for doing so.

    thanks for your time.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer FireHazard772's Avatar
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    Bottom line: You acted when you should have done Nothing. I'll say again - LAYGO was nowhere in the wrong. No calls were previously made, as such, there was no caller. So when he decided to be the caller, and considering he's a admin, he looked back briefly to see who was and who wasn't following the call, and took action.

    I said I was attempting to call, since Nobody else was calling before or at the present time, but was unable to do so as you and cyanide were chiming on, whether or not 'jokingly' disrespecting me, so I let the round run the way it did - No call, other than the part when I messaged LAYGO in admin chat about it.

    Laygo was out of line, just like he was a couple of nights ago when I got onto him about the way he was acting and a few other people in the server did as well. he didn't kick ANY of us because he knew he was in the wrong. he merely stopped and we all dropped the subject.
    Like I said, I don't have any recollection of this incident from 'nights ago' as I probably wasn't there, so I won't judge on that other than what I said in my post above.

    this post isn't about me, this is me standing up for all of the people that he was intruding on, especially my friends who I must say do act very mature and more reserved than I most of the time. they stopped playing on the server. 3 of them.
    You wouldn't have made this post if you hadn't had been banned. So this isn't just 'about your friends or those whom you believe you are standing up for'. It is about you as well.

    there's no reason he should make a call just to sit back in spawn and slay/kick people when they're trying to work the objective as well. we all have the right to think for ourselves and if what we are doing is contributing to the overall team effort, said person should not be punished for doing so.
    Let me put it this way:

    There's a reason it's called TeamPlayerGaming. You Play with your team, As a team - Or you don't play at all.

    You follow the call given or you don't play at all.

    If you have questions about the call, or want to hang back and protect the flank or count how many CT's go through middle - Do like I had done, and ask.
    Last edited by FireHazard772; 11-30-12 at 08:51 PM. Reason: Removed first part - changed my mind.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer LAYGO's Avatar
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    I'll make 3 concise points:
    - I noticed the Ts were just doing whatever, it didn't appear that anyone was following or making a call. I then also received the admin message from FH about needing help muting people. I switched sides to see if they were spamming the mic. No one was making a call, so I stepped up. As is the role for an admin on the server to get the objective side on task & working together.

    - When I started making the calls, you said "no, the bomb is making the call". That's not how this server works. If it was an effective model, it would be in use. Again, I was getting the objective side on task with a bunch of non-regular players on. In FH's screenshot, Illtre is a new player & it took 1 slay for him to start following the call.

    - Being disrespectful to an admin will only get you a quick exit. Give respect to earn respect. If you have an issue with how the server is being run, this forum is the ideal place to handle it, not in the middle of a chaotic mess fresh of banning a hacker that nearly caused everyone to quit. I was still dealing with that as I restarted the map. After FH's message and noticing no admins on T is when I switched & took control.
    oh hai

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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    T's didn't need a lot of calling. we were winning just fine and working together without having to say anything. that's why it's called tpg. people know how to play when they come in the server. again, you switched to handle a complaint, then you started bossing everybody around in a hostile manner, just like the other night. I didn't see you address my complaint from the other night in your reply. there's a reason you didn't and you know it's because of your actions. if I had taken an hour out of my night to come on in with a few other people, you wouldn't have been able to ban me last night because any logical thinking person would've stripped your admin rights.

    secondly, I DID say bomb was making the call because I had it and wanted to get things back to the way they were running before you joined our team. there were a few new people in the server, however, Illtre wasn't doing anything wrong to be slayed. when you're paying attention to what the team is doing and playing a spot that is continuing the team effort, there's no reason to be slayed. if I say I'm watching the cross to be, there's no reason to be slayed. you did it because you have an attitude and you wanted to prove a point to me that you have admin and you can kick me. I have power in real life, so I can point out when others feel like they need it.

    I respect everybody, even if I haven't said anything to them, shaken their hand or even know their name. you sir do not. you were being disrespectful to me and my friends, so I'm here to make sure you're held accountable.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer LAYGO's Avatar
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    If the other night was an issue, you would've created a post then. As it stands, I don't recall any specific incident because dealing with people that don't follow the call is a daily thing & getting you to follow seems to be a problem. You were banned previously for very similar behavior of deciding what YOU wanted to do, not what the TEAM wanted to do.

    I don't have a problem with counters or one person watching a flank & routinely call it, but if it's not called, follow the call AS CALLED.

    You didnt.

    oh hai

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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    I stated why I was banned before. it's water under the bridge.

    as I stated previously, I CALLED that I was watching the cross in mid to B on the microphone and you slayed me 10 seconds into the round. you know it happened. that's what caused me to erupt. and that's why this post is here.

    my point has been proven. s

  9. Registered TeamPlayer FireHazard772's Avatar
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    *edited my previous post*

    While I have no recollection of you 'calling' you were going to watch mid -

    1) You were not the caller. Nor was the actual caller killed or already dead - A simple fact: LAYGO gave the call, you disregarded him doing so, and you were slayed.

    2) The only point I see proven here is that you disregarded the call that was made, and as such were slayed for doing so. You then continued to banter on disregard the rules of the server, and as such, you are where you are at now - banned, and having submitted a complaint against a admin who has done nothing wrong, with a few parts of it you lying about as well if I might add.
    Last edited by FireHazard772; 11-30-12 at 08:58 PM.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Nuckle's Avatar
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    Re: admin abuse: LAYGO

    Both sides have made their point. This appears to be resolved and there is not a case of abuse present. Lets get back to gaming.

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