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Thread: Unprofessional Administrator

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    Unprofessional Administrator

    Let's begin here and lets see how fast this thread gets moved or deleted. I was banned on Arma for apparently saying the "n" word 12 hours prior to actual ban which was for saying "faggot" over direct communication ingame. Now, apparently told to me by xUnknown my ban wasn't removed because, I harassed the admin Rooster in teamspeak multiples times on the night of the ban asking him for answers. Now if you check the TeamSpeak log, I had joined Rooster's channel 1 time that night and asked him, then AFKed for the next 3 days in the AFK channel, I had not spoken to him in over 60 hours or any of the TPG members. Apparently though asking him once for that information is considered harassing. Coming into the TS now asking for the video evidence of me running him over, Rooster explains to me that the evidence is no longer in his possesion although its clearly a MP4 file still on his computer somewhere and that the file is locked in the admin forums. I'm a banned player for 30 days for saying "faggot" over direct communication and apparently attemping to kill a player at the SZ although I pleaded that it was not intentional. So I was banned for 30 days and now not even able to see the video clip that Rooster stated he had multiple times. Interesting ban process as I waited for 72 hours watching diligently on the thread able to do nothing. I don't want an unban now, after harassing them tonight in TeamSpeak, all I wanted to do was just to get this out here so I can get a real explanation. I feel as if I was unfairly banned after reading that some other people have even "spammed the side chat" and got unbanned within 1 day, even xUnknown has ran someone over at a SZ and wasn't banned, but it was for my "harassing" and "derogatory language" for why I got banned. Now, how the hell can you tell that me saying "faggot" isn't trolling? Can you tell by my voice that it is "critical or harsh"? Interesting, this is no doubt the absolute most unprofessional thing I've ever seen in my life time.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Kill8ox's Avatar
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    Re: Unprofessional Administrator

    First off all...i really think that you need to buy another keyboard,since this one is apparently broken or you are missing the return key!

    Second ..this comunity is mature based so the chances that you were banned just for saying the "faggot" in side chat are close to none.
    It must have been something else that you did or said that got you banned,are you telling us the whole truth?

    BTW racial slurs in side or direct is a banable offense,those WILL get you banned!

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    Re: Unprofessional Administrator

    Yes I'm telling the ENTIRE WHOLE STORY, bit by bit what happened, I did the say "n" word 12 hours prior the ban, and was warned telling me not to be "racist" now "faggot" is not a racist term and not neccesarily a derogatory term and there is no way of proving that it was being derogatory. How about you hop in TS with me and we can talk?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Rooster050's Avatar
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    Re: Unprofessional Administrator

    I believe this is the forum you are looking for.

    Make sure to tell them how lucky we are that you haven't brought down the entire server.
    Last edited by Rooster050; 04-12-15 at 05:54 AM.
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  5. Registered TeamPlayer SgtRazor's Avatar
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    Re: Unprofessional Administrator

    Thread moved to the correct forum.
    Thanks Rooster050 thanked for this post

  6. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Re: Unprofessional Administrator

    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    Let's begin here and lets see how fast this thread gets moved or deleted.
    2:06 and it was moved to the correct forum. We cleverly hid the Report Admin Abuse Forum by calling it the Report Admin Abuse Forum just to confuse Mensa members such as yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    I was banned on Arma for apparently saying the "n" word 12 hours prior to actual ban
    Let's start here.
    Had I, or any of the other admins seen this, that would have been it. Nothing after this would have happened at all since your ass would have been removed. We have zero tolerance for racism, so when a little punk such as yourself starts puking it from their maw, our admins happily remove the trash. I guess we missed it......I'm sorry you weren't banned 12 hours earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    which was for saying "faggot" over direct communication ingame. Now, apparently told to me by xUnknown my ban wasn't removed because, I harassed the admin Rooster in teamspeak multiples times on the night of the ban asking him for answers. Now if you check the TeamSpeak log, I had joined Rooster's channel 1 time that night and asked him, then AFKed for the next 3 days in the AFK channel, I had not spoken to him in over 60 hours or any of the TPG members. Apparently though asking him once for that information is considered harassing.
    Or maybe Rooster recorded you and your little boyfriend harrassing him and Unknown in TS, and many of us have listend for ourselves how repectful you were. We don't handle bans through Teamspeak, Side chat, Steam Chat, or any of it. We deal with them right out here in the open public forum. If you care to go read a few, you'll see that we are pretty fair, and most players are able to return to the server pretty quickly.

    Coming in here and telling us how you "only asked once" doesn't at all match the convo I just listened to. Rather it just confirmed that you are a disruption on the server as well as in Teamspeak, and that removing you was completely justified. And again.....If your racism had been caught 12 hours earlier, this would be a moot point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    Coming into the TS now asking for the video evidence of me running him over, Rooster explains to me that the evidence is no longer in his possesion although its clearly a MP4 file still on his computer somewhere and that the file is locked in the admin forums. I'm a banned player for 30 days for saying "faggot" over direct communication and apparently attemping to kill a player at the SZ although I pleaded that it was not intentional. So I was banned for 30 days and now not even able to see the video clip that Rooster stated he had multiple times.
    So you've admitted to being a racist on our property, you've broken our rules by running people over at the traders with vehicles, many of us got front row seats to see you in your finest trollery at the Bash Trader City causing a disruption, listened to you and your little half-wit buddy harass Rooster and Unknown in Teamspeak, heard about you threatening to "shut down" the server after you were removed from it, and now you are demanding video evidence?

    You're out of your fucking mind. Rooster doesn't owe you shit, and neither do any of the other admins. We allowed you to come in our bar and enjoy yourself and asked for NOTHING in return other than follow our rules. You broke, on many occasions by your own admission, our rules and you were removed. And again......had we caught you spewing racist crap 12 hours earlier, none of this would have happened. The trash would have already been at the curb where it belongs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    Interesting ban process as I waited for 72 hours watching diligently on the thread able to do nothing.
    Thank you. Our ban process has been working great since 2005. We do our laundry right here in the town square.
    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    I don't want an unban now, after harassing them tonight in TeamSpeak, all I wanted to do was just to get this out here so I can get a real explanation.
    I don't think anyone gives a shit about what you want at this point. You came into our house and started shitting on the living room carpet, and now wonder why you were removed. If you still don't get it, we don't tolerate harassing racist trolls who do nothing but disturb folks trying to actually play the game. You acted like a prick multiple times and you were removed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Legends View Post
    I feel as if I was unfairly banned after reading that some other people have even "spammed the side chat" and got unbanned within 1 day, even xUnknown has ran someone over at a SZ and wasn't banned, but it was for my "harassing" and "derogatory language" for why I got banned. Now, how the hell can you tell that me saying "faggot" isn't trolling? Can you tell by my voice that it is "critical or harsh"? Interesting, this is no doubt the absolute most unprofessional thing I've ever seen in my life time.
    Notice how those who were alowed back on the server conducted themselves after they were banned. None of them even come close to the childish temper tantrum that you exhibited. None of them followed the admin into TS and harassed them. All of them were respectful and knew (maybe because we do our laundry in public) that if they came in our forums and owned what they did to earn their ban, they would be allowed back on the server pretty quickly. You chose the different path, and surprise surprise, you wound up with a different outcome.

    The only thing TPG Admins did wrong was fail to remove you 12 hours earlier. Had they caught your racism, we could have saved some of our players from having to put up with an unnecassary disruption. Our bad. All is well that ends well, though. You made sure of that.

    Come back in 30 or don't. All you will be doing is opening another slot for a player who wants to play the game rather than troll and spew racism. Rooster was dead-on by removing you from the server (although 12 hours late), as this is our haven from asshats like you. The admins voted to uphold your ban because of the way you conducted yourself after you were banned. There is absolutely no abuse all. In fact, you have just proved to the entire community that our admins are doing their jobs and keeping trash like you on the outside where you belong. Our process is awesome like that.

    ZERO admin abuse here. Closed.
    Last edited by dex71; 04-12-15 at 08:24 AM.

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