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    I dont consider myself one to complain but this has been bothering me for the last month and tonight i got a little frustrated.

    I was playing ct on Aztec tonight and I was doing ok, certainly not the best on the team, but pretty good. The Ct's are beating the ts pretty consistently when suddenly I am switched to the T side despite the t's having a numerical superiority. Ok well I live with it and do ok, the t's win some and we eventually move on to the next map.

    De-dust: same story I am doing pretty well on ct's when I am again moved over to the t side after about 10rounds.

    Now I like this server and pretty much only play on this server, I have been since August. I am just wondering if I am on a list to switch whenever the other team is losing? It just seems to happen a preponderance of the time.

    Now I expect to be derided but I am just curious why it happens so often, when there are plenty of other regulars who arenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t.

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    RE: team switching

    probably because they don't perform as consistently and produce as many kills as you are known to be capable of doing.

    I was there. I saw it. The admin put several of the CT's better shooters on the opposite team. And all the T's could do was stand around, camp their spawn, and move around independently. Yeah, some of yall finished with decent scores (I know you did) .......but only at the expense of sacrificing your teammates, and their plans.

    you know the deal, JP. If you don't want to make a team, and can only benefit from other's leading the way......then that's a lame way to play. Next time you get switched, see it as a compliment. The admin knows the other team is in trouble....he looks at a list of players he thinks can help.....and you're the top of that list.

    so instead of fucking the admin, and complaining, or accusing him of punishing you ( can win and play on any team), step it up, start finding out who the bitches on your team are the are causing the loss......start making a plan, and start playing the game we play.

    you get switched, because the admin thinks you might be able to help. If all you can do is come in and show us that's not possible, and you are a worthless teammate, and certainly not a leader.........then really, it's not about you getting switched anymore. You just shouldn't play here.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    I appreciate the measured response. In regards to teamplay, thats a big reason i like the server.

    BUt, iIf someone calls for a bridge rush(aztec), when the other team has an autosniper on the other end I don't see it as a good plan than I am not just going to rush headlong and get killed becuase someone calls it.

    I would like the server to get to the point where a bridge rush means people flash or smoke the ct side and cover the water before 5 ts run accross. Anything else = murder unless you are playing against a bunch of unorganized ct's.

    As for last night, when you have a very good ct team against a less than stellar t one you dont win by blindly running to your death. I dont consider it team play if all you are doing is getting yourself killed without even hurting a ct. In fact there wasnt one time last night when a strong t rush succeded, only a measured, delayed one did, that took advantage of overzealous ct's.

    I know you are a player that loves to run headlong into the fray. Thats fine, its just not my style, even though i can succeed with it as a change up only, not every time. There is more than one way to win each round.

    Saying that a person is not a teamplayer becuase he didnt get killed in the first 30sec is a little inaccurate imo. It is a valid stratedgy to sit back in both aztec and de_dust against a strong (overzealous) ct team, if you know what you are doing. A lesser team rushing a stronger team doesnt suceed on average unless they suprise them with a change up, or the other team is being lazy. The rounds are are more than just 30sec.

    True team play is not everyone doing the same thing. A football team isnt made up of a bunch of QB's throwing the out. It takes 11 players in coordination doing different things to succeed.

    I will try to take it as a compliment I am just a competative person and dont like to lose.

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    you are misjudging my style of play. Yes, headlong into the fray is my typical style.......and you can check out my winning percentages and works just fine, since the game is simple, and the maps are small.

    The problem with your mindset, JP, is that you aren't telling anyone about it. Instead of saying, VOCALLY. "Hey guys, let's slow down, or let's try this".....instead, all you're doing is watching everyone running in front of you, and then chalking up your prolonged survival and KD performance to your "smart" idea of slowing down and tkaing it one CT at a time.

    The problem's because of players like you that the rush fails.

    To come on here, in the forums, and disagree with the team strategy.......shows yet again, you aint no team player. You are an exploitive player. Instead of reading the offense, you are more concerned in reading the way your team is situated, expecting their demise, and then setting up the ambush on the enemy. And for you, you'd rather do that, then be a point man, cover a point man, or move with the point man.

    Your argument makes sense as a defensive player, and on a defending team, it's fine. Hence why I suspect you whine about being a T on aztec and dust. As a CT, you have the diverse options of defending various pathways to the bomb....reacting to what happens when it happens, and waiting for the other team to make it's move.

    As a just aren't that good. You are a follower. And, it appears that instead of getting the job done yourself and leading the strategy, whatever it may be, you depend on others to lead you. And then, even in the face of resounding defeat, and miserable team say "well, not everyone is supposed to die in the first 30 seconds". And "the only time we ever win is when we wait for the overzealous CT's to come into our spawn and we ambush them".

    And then you drop the cliche', "There's more than one way to win a round".......and you say it to someone like me. Trust me, JP....and I bet even you believe this.......I know more ways to win rounds than almost any player you have ever met.

    The reason you fail, get frustrated, disconnect, or stay and complain about being on a "weak" team is because the server is getting more and more populated with coordinated, mic-using, strategy planning, map understanding, timing manipulating teamplayers.......and the solo hero's are a dying breed.

    Yeah.....when guys like me, sjt, and the other strong team players aren't around, you're going to do fine. But against players like me, and sjt....not matter what team you're on......

    I'll even bet you money, I'm going to win more rounds against you then you do to me.

    And it has nothing to do with how good you are compared to me. 1v1....who gives a shit. It's a 20 man server. It's 10 on 10.....and I win because more than half of my 10 player team is on the mic, calling the shots, identifying the location of the bomber, the hostages, the _______, and making it happen.

    honestly, offense. You can move your mouse and point at pixels real good. And that goes for a lot of players out there. All of yall.....listen up.

    Games aren't based on you just moving your mouse and hitting HS's. It's time to step it up, and start showing that your brain is bigger than your mouse and keyboard. Start getting your team together, and stop making excuses. More and more now, our regular server population is getting accused of "stacking" or otherwise overbalancing one side......

    But stat for stat, JP.....your team had higher skilled shooters, higher accuracy shooters, and higher KD histories. I know this, because I LIVE for psychostats. Problem was, your team had little to NO communication, and were thus run the fuck over by guys like odawwg, onemafia, and such. Guys who are barely positive....but "run into the fray".

    maybe you see it as running into the fray....but I know onemafia and odawgg don't see it that way. They aren't running in to die. They run in, because they know if we do it right, we're going to win.

    And we do.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waffen/JPforFree
    I will try to take it as a compliment I am just a competative person and dont like to lose.
    Trust me.....I hate it more than you. I hate it so much, that I'm willing to make every fucking person on the server hate my ass. If there were admins on that could ban me, I would be (and I have been, 100's of times). I hate it so much, that I'm willing to have people call me names, try to votekick me, mute me, or....MY ACTUAL GOAL.....get the fuck off my team, or the fuck off the server as a whole.

    I want them to hate me so much, so those diamonds out there, guys like skervy, and one mafia, and billy. Guys like gee seven and odawgg and tony. Guys like basically every REAL regular we have........I want the whiners and solo hero's to hate me so much that the REAL teammates can start shining. That when we're all standing on the wall picking teams....the ones that actually want to PLAY WITH ME get picked.

    I can't do the stuff I do alone. I mean....I can.....but not near as effectively and as consistently as I do unless I have teammates. And not just human bots (that don't give a fuck), but real ones. Real ones that say "I've got your right side", or "I've got the flash", or "I think we should go the other way", or "I'm on my way".

    Not silent violent people like you, JP.

    So now, you gotta wonder.......why are you afraid of someone with a 1.48 KD, teamed up with other players with even worse KD's....some with even NEGATIVE KD' should be schooling our ass.

    but you don't. Because it's not just one man anymore. It's 10. So adjust, and be one of us, instead of one of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    So now, you gotta wonder.......why are you afraid of someone with a 1.48 KD, teamed up with other players with even worse KD's....some with even NEGATIVE KD' should be schooling our ass.
    What I fear is being on the negative side of a map against a stacked team that is playing together.

    Not silent violent people like you, JP.
    I have a mic and am trying to use it more; my living conditions are not that conducive to using it i.e. sleeping wife 20ft away but despite that I will be using it more.

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    roger dodger, JP. I too fear a coordinated team, and my old lady cries about my keyboard being loud.....can't even think about my mic.

    But my solution in being stuck against a stacked team is to start rooting out the problem players, start pissing off the solo hero's, and start finding out who wants to start winning.

    the teams aren't stacked skill for skill......they are stacked on the basis of coordination....something you can fix, just by communicating. Start talking.......even start yelling. begging, pleading, fighting.......figure out why the team isn't thinking as one....and fix it.

    Even as an admin.....when I have the capacity to play with whatever team I want, and on whatever side I want.......I do this. Tooth and nail, I trudge through it.......until I find that 4 or 5 man fire team that is willing to show how it's done.

    and once we pull it off, and start leading by example........then I have a 10 man team. And then WE'RE the ones with the advantage (because, after all, it's a 10 man team with ME on it).

    remember, the admin is on your side if you choose to pick a fight with a non-teamplayer about why they are selling out. The admin needs people like us to find these losers, get them to start dropping STFU's and "I'm in CAL-I, bitches".....just so they can be warned, lectured, slayed, and removed from the server.

    It's a lot easier to fight the good fight when you know admins like me and others are just DREAMING of regular players doing that, so we can back them up, instead of trying to fight with players, and then speaking as the admin as if it wasn't's's time consuming.

    If you've got a bad team......speak up. name names. You know I'm going to do something about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    edited some stuff above. oops.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    team switching

    I think there are good points from Big and from you JP...

    I will first say this...

    Big excels in leadership and rallying a team. I consider myself a leader in real life, but if Bigs in the game, I will listen to him....Why? Because even if he is 8-18 on a map, he will still keep the team going to find ways to win. I too was a quiet player...conservative. I used to LOVE to wait on dust as a T for the cts to jump out..then id throw a flash around the corner and ambush them. I used to LOVE to hide behind those boxes in aztec and krieg right at the double doors while my teammates watched the bridge and 1 watched the water. But now, I rush..and I rush hard. I try to get the team behind me and, most likely, I will die. But i dont care, cuz its not about stats. Its about that one time i get through the tunnels into A and come around and flank you. Its about the boom. Its about the big balls. I'd have to give credit to sj and big for teaching me that style of play. Its made mafia and I better players.

    And a point for you are a 'wait' killer. I have spectated you in 1st person to watch your style of play many times. You love to wait around a corner and keep your crosshairs aligned with a small crack. GRANTED, ive seen you way more aggressive recently, but still on maps like Italy, you are always the last one alive, while all your Teammates are dead. You have excellent aim and are very quick. You have a 1.63 KD on psychostats. You are almost positive on most of your opponents (not me ;))....but the point is that you have all the makings of an excellent killer. Bring that aim on a rush.... Im sure you will die a few times, but rally your team and see the outcome!

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    Seriously.......with guys like JP running point, the winning percentage of the team as a whole increases. the point man has to be the fastest reacting, have the most knowledge of the upcoming parts of the map, be the fastest on the draw, and be able to kill 2+ on the average every time he gets into the shit.

    It's a waste.....and it's too bad that so many still play this "waiting for someone else to do it first" depend on the stupidity of your enemies to win. To camp as a T on a bomb map, or a CT on a hostage map is only a viable strategy when the defending team is stupid enough to come to you.

    by default, I do not assume my enemy is retarded. hence, you don't really see me waiting around for them to walk into my spawn, or rear areas, if I am on offense. By default, I believe that my opponents are as smart as I am, and if you give someone like me more than 15 seconds of peace and quiet....I will lock down the entire map, have fire zones set up, and chains of communication. I can do it with 2-3 people alone.......and every other communicating member just makes it even that much worse for the enemy.

    Put me, and five regulars as the defending teams on Dust, Aztec, or Italy......and the game's over. No matter what the skill of the opposing team. No matter if we restrict the awps and autos to help them out. No matter what. You aint gonna win even 10% of the rounds against that.

    Now, as a counter to someone saying "oh man, it's a _____-sided map...", that may be true on other servers, where coordination is not enforced. but not here....

    You give me those same 5 people, and we all switch sides......and I'll still win. Because we arent' going to give you those 30 seconds to set up fire zones and plans. We're going to break through the line, get the objective secured, and win. Depending on the map.....the wining % will vary between.......70-90%, depending on how merciful we seem to be.

    the only thing that really trumps me is when my opponents are stupid, actually. when they are in areas that are purely suicidal places to be, or when they blindly run into flashed areas, or into smokes and open fire zones.......that is about the only thing I can't plan for. And that's when the skillzorxoxrs have to turn on.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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