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Thread: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    The situation is like this, I was playing just now Kubra Dam. America took Intake early and it went downhill from there. We have no flag and everyone except our commander is killed.

    Now this leaves us were our commander is sitting doing nothing not attempting to cap a flag for more then 5 minutes. The American military was searching all around but could not find him. Now for 5 minutes they have not found him and he hasn't made any attempt to cap a flag or show any inclination he is not AFK.

    So I type in global "South of the apc" (The APC was parked on top of the damn and the commander was just of south of it) and I was promptly kicked.

    Now the combination of the enemy commander having a UAV over his position and dropping arty on him shows me the team knows were he is on the damn just not the level.

    So I type in global were he is.

    I find this kick highly unfair because if anyone should have been kicked it should have been the commander. If he was making any sort of attempt to do anything this situation would be different. But the simple fact is he was simply sitting there doing nothing apparently AFK (The commander had not done anything all round). Also it is common knowledge that AFK members on TTP CSS are slayed as well as players who are not doing anything. (Yes I know this is not CS)

    I don't know who the admin was who kicked me but I didnt recognize anyone in game so I figure it was some in CC.

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    Re: Kicked 7/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    wait are u bringing up some sort of grudge, or did u fuck up the dates... ???

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    Re: Kicked 7/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    date fuck up i am guessing.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    Yes date was messed up corrected.

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    Re: Kicked 7/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    I kicked you. Do you think it is OK to act as a spotter for the enemy? Do you think helping the enemy did anything for your team or commander other than make it possible for the game early and move on to the next map?
    There is no rule against doing what you did- EA published or TTP formalized as far as I know but acting as a spy for the enemy is not appropriate.

    Quote Originally Posted by cop1991
    So I type in global "South of the apc" (The APC was parked on top of the damn and the commander was just of south of it) and I was promptly kicked. did it twice

    Lets let everyone read the full text of what you said
    [14:39:18] cop1991 -> top of the dam just kill him already
    [14:39:32] =oWn= Radiation_OI -> lol
    This server is managed by BF2CC and ModManager, configed by Texas ...TeamPlayers...
    [14:40:01] =oWn= Radiation_OI -> outide
    [14:40:08] cop1991 -> to the south of the APC
    [14:40:09] [75th] darrius503 -> iwhere is he??
    [14:40:19] Racerx11 -> he's on top of piling
    KICKING!!! cop1991 revealing your commanders position

    (blue names are players on the other side from cop)

    If this were the only time this might ever happen I would not worry about it. But consider the options of me not doing anything about it. The other players see this and think it is ok. Pretty soon players are doing this to TK their commander with the help of the enemy, or doing it because they can. You are not responsible for what people may do in the future so this hypothetical is not your fault- it is my concern and it has been communicated to you. Now you know.

    I am glad you posted this here. The forums are the place where we discuss everything, including things like this. Players will debate the action and reaction and form their opinion. Admins will discuss this behind closed doors and come to their conclusions as well.

    Now, another player forgot that we don't challenge admins in the game or criticize them. He could have come to the forums and posted a concern just like you did. Instead...

    *** SWAPPING TEAMS ***
    [14:42:38] DooM nihilanth311 -> that was pretty weak, whoever kicked cop GO NOW!
    BANNING!!! DooM nihilanth311 admin disrespect
    DooM nihilanth311 you are being banned (reason: BANNING!!! DooM nihilanth311 admin disrespect)

    2 hr ban for Mr. Nihilanth311 who has played here quite a while and knows better. Admins are not to engage players in a debate or offer reasons for what they do in the server. We are to be as responsive as possible in the forums...but we do not tie up server chat with back and forth chat when a player disagrees with an action we take. This is a long established TTP process.

    Sorry for the edit- I accidentally posted before I concluded this...

    Now you know it was a bad idea and especially disappointing since you are a regular player here and TTP is your home. I look forward to your additional comments and will discuss this as much as you want. Joe

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe_B0L0
    I kicked you. Do you think it is OK to act as a spotter for the enemy? Do you think helping the enemy did anything for your team or commander other than make it possible for the game early and move on to the next map?
    There is no rule against doing what you did- EA published or TTP formalized as far as I know but acting as a spy for the enemy is not appropriate.

    Quote Originally Posted by cop1991
    So I type in global "South of the apc" (The APC was parked on top of the damn and the commander was just of south of it) and I was promptly kicked. did it twice

    Lets let everyone read the full text of what you said
    [14:39:18] cop1991 -> top of the dam just kill him already
    [14:39:32] =oWn= Radiation_OI -> lol
    This server is managed by BF2CC and ModManager, configed by Texas ...TeamPlayers...
    [14:40:01] =oWn= Radiation_OI -> outide
    [14:40:08] cop1991 -> to the south of the APC
    [14:40:09] [75th] darrius503 -> iwhere is he??
    [14:40:19] Racerx11 -> he's on top of piling
    KICKING!!! cop1991 revealing your commanders position

    (blue names are players on the other side from cop)

    If this were the only time this might ever happen I would not worry about it. But consider the options of me not doing anything about it. The other players see this and think it is ok. Pretty soon players are doing this to TK their commander with the help of the enemy, or doing it because they can. You are not responsible for what people may do in the future so this hypothetical is not your fault- it is my concern and it has been communicated to you. Now you know.

    I am glad you posted this here. The forums are the place where we discuss everything, including things like this. Players will debate the action and reaction and form their opinion. Admins will discuss this behind closed doors and come to their conclusions as well.

    Now, another player forgot that we don't challenge admins in the game or criticize them. He could have come to the forums and posted a concern just like you did. Instead...

    *** SWAPPING TEAMS ***
    [14:42:38] DooM nihilanth311 -> that was pretty weak, whoever kicked cop GO NOW!
    BANNING!!! DooM nihilanth311 admin disrespect
    DooM nihilanth311 you are being banned (reason: BANNING!!! DooM nihilanth311 admin disrespect)

    2 hr ban for Mr. Nihilanth311 who has played here quite a while and knows better. Admins are not to engage players in a debate or offer reasons for what they do in the server. We are to be as responsive as possible in the forums...but we do not tie up server chat with back and forth chat when a player disagrees with an action we take. This is a long established TTP process.

    Sorry for the edit- I accidentally posted before I concluded this...

    Now you know it was a bad idea and especially disappointing since you are a regular player here and TTP is your home. I look forward to your additional comments and will discuss this as much as you want. Joe

    The simple thing is he was apparently AFK you were in CC so you could see the fact that he wasn't moving. He hadn't moved for more hen 5 minutes.

    Don't get me wrong I see your reasoning for the kick, its just I think in this situation if anyone the commander should have been kicked.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position" Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cop1991
    He hadn't moved for more hen 5 minutes
    The server kicks after three, so this statement isn't accurate.

    Regardless of what you thought should have been done to the commander, you aren't authorized to provide intel to the enemy. That would get you a ban in my book.

    Yes, maybe the commander should have been kicked for inactivity, but that's the admins call to make, not yours. You further inflammed the problem by calling him out to the enemy. What are you thinking Cop? That's not teamplay in any form or fashion.

    And Nihilanth deserves a full on ban for talking back to the admin. You want to complain? You bring it in here to make it heard, questioning an admin in open server chat is inexcusable.

    I'm disappointed in both Cop and Nihilanth. Neither of you should have done what you did. I expect better from you both in the future.

    Good job Joe.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    And I see your point regarding the (in)effectiveness of your commander but at that point but he was not showing up as idle. Perhaps he was just lying there, but the enemy was hunting him down. He had a good hiding spot.

    I routinely watch for commander movement when I am monitoring a game and I saw him use his parachute earlier. It made me curious at that point but it made sense later when you explained where he was on the dam.

    It would have been preferrable to make the enemy work harder to find him and let him enjoy the hard earned and cleverly chosen hiding place a little bit longer.

    Thanks for looking at it from my side. Joe

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Kelderos's Avatar
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    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    I was not part of this, But you can Hide your Idle By Pressing J,k,l any of those talk buttons. Your guy will continue moving in any given direction. That + wall = no more afk.

    I however have no clue if he was against the wall, in fact I wasn't even there for the incident but just giving my 2 cents on how to get around the afk Kicker.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Kicked 9/19 "Revealing Commander position"

    Whats more teamplayer like though? Sitting and doing absolutely nothing for your team? Or at least making a attempt on a flag instead of letting the tickets slowly bleed out. Id also like to point out as I hit enter on my "South of APC" a guy was already shooting at him and he was killed as I was kicked.

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