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Thread: OMFG

  1. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Second off, the next time I start seeing an admin abuse topic posted in by admins with jokes and smart ass remarks.....

    those admins get fired.

    you all, and ESPECIALLY the ones caught with their pants down here, know a hell of a lot better to make jokes in this forum. Same goes for the banned forum.

    grey isn't happy because he got slayed.


    Some questions for grey:

    #1. Did your team, especially notable members of your team such as sjt and odawwg, specifically ask for YOU to come to the bombsite?

    #2. If yes.......what did you do?

    If you said "hey guys, I'm right outside the door, I got you covered" AT THE TIME OF THEM ASKING IT....then we're fine.

    If you immediately ran into the bombsite, as requested......then we're fine.

    If you said nothing, got flashed, said nothing, and stayed outside the bombsite, and still said nothing in reply to your teammates pleas....regardless of your team losing or winning that round.......

    your slay is justified.

    So what did you do grey? Because I'm putting 100% of my cash on "saying nothing" and "doing nothing".

    No one is saying you HAVE to do what your teammates say. If they had known what your imaginary scheme was, or THAT YOU HAD GOTTEN FLASHED becuase you said so over the mic or in chat..... then they wouldn't be depending on your help, and this situation wouldn't exist. Your assumed silence during the firefight indicates your apathy towards the team.

    you've got the same problems as some other notable, regular, reservist TTP members. Quiet. Not talking. Sometimes replies, sometimes doesn't.............getting better at communicating.

    You need to follow the examples of some of those you are calling out. When someone calls a rush, do you repeat it, or at least say "roger"?

    When someone asks for a team status your report your position?

    When someone SPECIFICALLY SAYS YOUR NAME AND MAKES A REQUEST OF you immediately stop what you're doing and give them an answer?

    If the answer is no.......I'd slay you myself. Step it up, or fall to the dark side. We are not the enemy. All sjt and od did was ask for your help. you didn't give it to them, nor did you provide any reasoning at the time as to why you WOULD NOT or COULD NOT. Then, you perpetuated the issue by insulting an admin, outing him for slaying you, making demands in places you have no room to do so, and embarassing the server you are so quick to both compliment and insult.

    and this statement.......proves all of it
    Quote Originally Posted by greymata
    AND if thats the way it is on the server, maybe you should take into consideration that maybe, just maybe, not everyone can HEAR you.
    You heard the got flashed....first thing you should have done was say "I'm flashed, I can't make it". That's the "way it is on this server". Contribute to the team, or play by yourself in your own games, with your own bots, that you don't have to talk to.

    grey has the final post here.....and then it's locked.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    To answer your questions bigdog:
    1. The only reason i know they called me is because i got slayed. if the round had ended without me dying, i would have never known they were calling me. sorry.
    2. i was shooting cts. when i was slayed, i had my crosshairs on a ct.

    the other question's answer is yes, so no need to slay me yourself. :)

    i DIDNT hear the pleas, and if i had, i would have said almost exactly what you wrote.

    i swear on all that i hold sacred that if i had heard them calling, i would have not only ran to help, but i would have said to them i'm on my way. bigdog, you know me man. i'm more interested in winning than i am about my k:d. i hate it when people go rogue, and i hate it when i try repeatedly to call them and get no answer. key word there is repeatedly. if i was being called, which i DONT doubt, then i would be pissed at myself too! BUT, if someone tells me that they didnt hear the call, didnt hear me calling them, or whatever, i am more than willing to forgive and forget.

    i am a very vocal player, as most of the regs can attest to.

    if someone asks me for my 20, i tell them where i'm at and what i'm doing. if i wasnt so involved in my team, i really wouldnt have cared about this at all. but i am, and i do.

    i have never insulted the server.

    i know i dont HAVE to do what the team asks me to, but if we want to win the round i have to.

    lastly, i know i am not allowed to out an admin, thats why i didnt say anything about it on the server. i just spoke in generics like, "That was wrong." and "I want an apology." i never even said his name. i know the rules, and what is expected of reservists, and i want to keep playing here.

    P.S. To sjt: Apparently you were calling me too. Sorry i didnt hear you.
    P.S.S. My apologies to my team if you feel i let you down.

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    ONCE AGAIN, I'M SORRY TO EVERYONE CALLING ME.. PLEASE BELIEVE I DIDNT HEAR YOU. IF I DIDNT CARE SO MUCH I WOULDNT BE BITCHING ABOUT IT. I CARE IF MY TEAM TRUSTS ME, AND I WANT YOU ALL TO CONTINUE TO DO SO. damn caps lock... Really guys, if you need my help dont hesitate to ask, but please make sure i hear you. if i respond, i hear you. if not, ask again please. i have been around drums and guitar amps since i was 8. i dont hear so good nowadays.

    (by the way, i slept on it, thought about it, and i still feel disrespected.

    again, sorry.

  4. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    I would assume that you were asked more than once. And, since you were actively fighting ct's....with your "crosshairs on a CT" when you were slayed....quite obviously, you weren't flashed, or deaf from nades. Someone isn't being truthful in the exact situation, as I'm sure you can understand, the server is more inclined to trust several admin's versions of the event over a regular player, even a reservist.

    had you done all the things you said you "would" have done......things would have gone differently.

    regardless, the matter is now closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  5. Just getting started
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    Expert Help Please

    Me and my buddies have beaten every level and have played through a few times, however we are unable to get through on expert. There are two of us that play regularly and occasionally a third. We play usually around 1030PM GMT (530PM Eastern Time USA) on weeknights and then on weekends it is around 6pmish GMT Noon EST USA. If you are a good player (preferably someone who has cleared an expert level) please give me your steam name or add me UVA Wahoowa , we normally use a steam chat room with open voice chat so we don't have to push to talk while playing.

    Appreciate your assistance in the survival..

  6. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    You'll get a better response to this thread here. :)

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    First you can add me if you like (Steam ID: Mytheral) just toss me a message when you're looking for a group if I reply I'm there if not I'm probably taking a final at this point in the semister.

    1) Expect it to take a few hours to get through the whole campaign if you're not used to running in expert

    2) Pipe bombs are your best friend.

    3) closets are your second best friend

    4) Having someone who can reliably one-shot witches is awesome.

    5) go slow and stick together.

  8. Just getting started
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    Expert Help Please

    Me and my buddies have beaten every level and have played through a few times, however we are unable to get through on expert. There are two of us that play regularly and occasionally a third. We play usually around 1030PM GMT (530PM Eastern Time USA) on weeknights and then on weekends it is around 6pmish GMT Noon EST USA. If you are a good player (preferably someone who has cleared an expert level) please give me your steam name or add me UVA_Wahoowa , we normally use a steam chat room with open voice chat so we don't have to push to talk while playing.

    We aren't looking to join a clan though. thanks
    Appreciate your assistance in the survival..

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