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Thread: Admin Abuse

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Admin Abuse

    I am sorry for not properly placing this in the right place. But I think I am finally here...

    have been playing here for years and never had any troubles on BF2 with any admins.

    This is the story... I'm squad leader for squad 5. commander (Potemkine) says" Squad 5 why are you not following my orders" I say, "cause I am not driving the car" He pipes up with some other comment and I reply with "easy dude, you don't know who you are talking too (meaning im not a rook). His actual reply was "REALYYYYYYY" and 2 minutes later I was Banned.

    I can't name any admin that has complained about my play and further more banned me cause of it. I would sure like to hear from him why I was banned. My hours on this server should speak for it self. All the other Admins that know me here as a stand up guy that does his best to win the game for his team and overall has fun.

    I hope that I am following the proper procedures for reporting Admin Abuse.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Admin Abuse

    While technically you are missing the server and time but the point is moot considering you named me and this situation happened tonight. Its moot.


    We were on Zatar Wetlands and I was indeed the commander and we were on the MEC side. We had just had our asses handed to us multiple times and I decided to take command and try to whip the team into shape. I was issuing orders verbally and via attack orders in game. You REPEATEDLY did not acknowledge them verbally OR by hitting page up. I told you flat out; "hit page up so I know you know what you're doing...its not that hard". This is when you said that you were in the jeep and weren't driving. That is no excuse. You have a mic. You should have done this *hit page up to accept orders* "Commander, I am in a jeep and not driving I know the objective and will get there as soon as I can" I would have been more than happy to accommodate you. But no. You replied "You have NO IDEA who your messing with" As a resident clan member this gives me the idea that you are Mr. Hotshot on the server and that you are well connected and that I am pissing up the wrong tree. News flash, you don't. Iron doesn't. TTP does. I am employed by TTP to run their servers ass hat free. And thats exactly how you were acting. A pompous, "leet 3 star resident clan member" We deal with that kind of attitude swiftly here.

    Your various posts regarding this subject matter have been reminiscent of random ass hats who come in claiming abuse and saying "WTF this should never have happened" Your a resident clan member. You should know better. You claim you have been here for around two years, yet you only have 150 posts? Tells me your not very involved.

    I spoke with other admins at the time. Including two Iron admins. They fully supported my actions. So tell me, how exactly were you abused?

    Edit: Grammar
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    (__)__)     (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (./  \.) (__)__) \.)   (_/ \_)-' '-(_/ (_")  (_/(__) (__)

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Admin Abuse

    1st of all my Brother,

    Maybe you should look at my hours played here vs. my posts on the site. I have a family and work 6 days a week 12-16 hours a day. Posting here is not priority. My Family is. The time My family graciously gives me to play mainly goes towards playing and not posting here on TTP, although I would love to ineract more with the TTP site.

    What you wrote "You replied "You have NO IDEA who your messing with" Is a flat out lie. I said, " Easy dude, you do not know who you are taking too". They are two vary different quotes. If you are going to quote something, then have the honor to quote what was said and not what you think you heard.

    I do not think that I am higher then the next next guy nor does my my clan but just do not yell in my ear about orders when I know how to play the game. As I recall before the game was started you came on as commander and was very abrubt and said "listen to my orders" to all the other squads. Being here for years, everyone knows me to follow orders when I can. Still gives you no right to ban. You started the Game as commander, not when we were getting our asses handed to us. Tell the truth.

    You said you spoke to 2 admins at the time?? I'm very curious there Bro, did you tell them the right thing? or what you wanted to tell them. Most every Admin that knows me will be able do decifer what you think you heard vs (and reported) vs. what was really said. If you had some balls you might stand up and say... "hey , maybe that's not what I really said and I reported it wrong". You think you can reflect and retract??

    My response to you was in no disrespect to you as a person it was simply telling you... "Dude, I know the game" If you take as far as abusing your rights as an admin, then I am sorry you only see one demensional.

    Many times I bark out orders as a Commander and I get responses that do not meet my satifaction. That does not mean I ban them. You had no idea of my play, my hours, my clan, or anything other than what you wanted to hear. Sounds like to me you have chip on your shoulder for something and maybe I just got the brunt of it for not doing exactly what you wished.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Admin Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY

    Maybe you should look at my hours played here vs. my posts on the site. I have a family and work 6 days a week 12-16 hours a day. Posting here is not priority. My Family is. The time My family graciously gives me to play mainly goes towards palying and not posting here on TTP, although I would love to ineract more with the TTP site.
    If you start talking about hours played then be prepared to have your forum participation brought into question as well. You work long hours and have a family to support. Thats commendable, but has little to no baring on your admin abuse claim.

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY
    What you wrote "You replied "You have NO IDEA who your messing with" Is a flat out lie. I said, " Easy dude, you do not know who you are taking too". They are two vary different quotes. If you are going to quote something, then have the honor to quote what was said and not what you think you heard.
    I dont see how they are different. The give the impression of the same thing. You are some "leet 3 star clan general" and I am some lowly enlisted guy. Who is new to the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY
    I do not think think that I am higher then the next next guy but just do not yell in my ear about orders when I know how to play the game. As I recall before the game was started you came on as commander and was vcery abrubt and said "listen to my orders" to all the other squads. Being here for years, everyone knows me to follow orders when I can. Still gives you no right to ban.
    Really? I was an admin LONG before you even came to TTP. I registered in November of 2006. You registered some 11 months behind me. Hell I was a mid admin before you even came here. I have every right to ban where I see fit. I have the experience and the time served. When you try to play the experience card, try playing it against someone who has actually been here shorter.

    I am/was the commander. It is TTP policy that the commander's orders are to be obeyed. If there are extenuating circumstances vocalize it. I would gladly listen to it. As are all other admins.

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY
    You said you spoke to 2 admins at the time?? I'm very curious there Bro, did you tell them the right thing? or what you wanted to tell them. Most every Admin that knows me will be able do decifer what you think you heard vs (and reported) vs. what was really said. If you had some balls you might stand up and say... "hey , maybe that's not what I really said and I reported it wrong". You think you can reflect and retract??
    No, no. I said I talked to two Iron admins. There were far more there than just the 3 of us. To me, honor is not just a five letter word. I told them that you were not acknowledging my orders and that you were going to be banned. They said fine. And that was the case. You were not acknowledging orders, the entire round. Not to mention the attitude of "Easy dude, you do not know who you are taking too".

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY
    Many times I bark out orders as a Commander and I get responses that do not meet my satifaction. That does not mean I ban them. You had no idea of my play, my hours, my clan, or anything other than what you wanted to hear. Sounds like to me you have chip on your shoulder for something and maybe I just got the brunt of it for not doing exactly what you wished.
    You don't ban them because the admins of BF2 have not decided to hire you or thought you worthy. Like I said. I was a mid admin before you even set foot on the forums. I dont know about your clan? Who do you think was one of the site mods that voted to give you clan residency? Your hours here are irrelevant. Will they be taken into consideration for when it comes time for your unban vote? Maybe. But what does matter is your failure to acknowledge orders by a commander and have a poor attitude. This all goes back to the "Easy dude, you do not know who you are taking too" comment. Its all about what you say and how you say it.
      ____    U  ___ u _____  U _____ u  __  __    ____    _  __                _   _   U _____ u 
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    (__)__)     (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (./  \.) (__)__) \.)   (_/ \_)-' '-(_/ (_")  (_/(__) (__)

  5. Registered TeamPlayer SapiensErus's Avatar
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    Re: Admin Abuse

    What Rem describes himself saying, and what Pote heard, sound almost the same. It is about context. "You don't know me" and "you don't know who your messin' with" are akin. It seems to me that how well one knows the game OR how much clout one has on the server are irrelevant when the commander is issuing orders.

    All quotes aside, because that seems irrelevant in light of the reason the ban was issued: I am curious as to why the page up to accept button was not pushed when a commander order was issued. orders are orders, and BF2 on TTP means following orders from the chain of command down; period.

    As far as I know, failure to follow orders is a bannable offense. Whether you were driving the truck or not, you could have hit page up. And instead of saying "I know the game well enough" with whatever words were used, simply explaining your situation goes a long way. Any squad leader on TTP is expected to accept orders from their commander..

    Your qualifications and clout mean nothing. You are a squad leader, you are supposed to accept orders from your commander. Failure to comply with TTP policies is grounds for banning. Why were the commanders orders not being accepted?

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    Re: Admin Abuse

    You are a flat out lair. You gave me one order and asked why I did not follow it. and followed it with a ban. Congrats on being here 11 months before me, I clap my hands to you Bro. :10

    Quote from you" No, no. I said I talked to two Iron admins. There were far more there than just the 3 of us. To me, honor is not just a five letter word. I told them that you were not acknowledging my orders and that you were going to be banned. They said fine. And that was the case. You were not acknowledging orders, the entire round. Not to mention the attitude of "Easy dude, you do not know who you are taking too". I would be very interested who these were. I do not think my own clan would ban me for something you said. Sounds unlikely to me.

  7. Administrator Bunni's Avatar
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    Steam ID: bunni Bunni's Originid: Dr_Bunni

    Re: Admin Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by REMY
    I do not think my own clan would ban me for something you said. Sounds unlikely to me.
    TTP and any resident clan admins are expected to not operate on a bros before hoes policy

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Admin Abuse

    They know who they are and are free to post here. I will not drag their name into it.

    By the way, you can quote me. Button on the upper right hand side of my post....says "quote"
      ____    U  ___ u _____  U _____ u  __  __    ____    _  __                _   _   U _____ u 
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    \| |_) |/  | | | |  | |    |  _|"  \| |\/| |/\| |_) |/| ' /       |_"_|   <|  \| |>  |  _|"   
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    (__)__)     (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (./  \.) (__)__) \.)   (_/ \_)-' '-(_/ (_")  (_/(__) (__)

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Admin Abuse

    Yea, sorry I'm not an expert on quoting. Obviously, I spend more time playing than I do posting or learning all the different ways to navagate a forum.

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    Re: Admin Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by SoySoldier
    What Rem describes himself saying, and what Pote heard, sound almost the same. It is about context. "You don't know me" and "you don't know who your messin' with" are akin. It seems to me that how well one knows the game OR how much clout one has on the server are irrelevant when the commander is issuing orders.

    All quotes aside, because that seems irrelevant in light of the reason the ban was issued: I am curious as to why the page up to accept button was not pushed when a commander order was issued. orders are orders, and BF2 on TTP means following orders from the chain of command down; period.

    As far as I know, failure to follow orders is a bannable offense. Whether you were driving the truck or not, you could have hit page up. And instead of saying "I know the game well enough" with whatever words were used, simply explaining your situation goes a long way. Any squad leader on TTP is expected to accept orders from their commander..

    Your qualifications and clout mean nothing. You are a squad leader, you are supposed to accept orders from your commander. Failure to comply with TTP policies is grounds for banning. Why were the commanders orders not being accepted?
    Yea Soy, I apoligize but sometimes I can't hear everything that goes on. And sometimes I do miss orders as I have a lot going on here. I do press page up and page down when I hear them. If I missed it this one time, wow ban me.

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