Quote Originally Posted by fly351
And yes multiple votes get thrown up on maps ALL the time. Cbbl is a very CT sided map and both teams were using way to many awps to make the game fun. As I have already stated, I made the decision to throw up the vote more than once because I didn't want the server to loss connections which would of happened if it continued the way it was heading.
So when a vote fails the first time.....why is it then warranted again, and most especially a 3rd time?

the players decided when they voted. Putting up the vote more than once is not justified. Without there being some major shift in connections (and thus new voters) or a STRONG indication that the vote would be overturned and the awps would then be banned PERHAPS would justify a new vote in the same map. But not under my watch, and not a regular habit.

As for the music playing....TTP plays music when things happen. Especially major knife incidents, regardless of what stage that is in the round. It's the admin's discretion to do it responsibly, and I don't see that discretion being abused here. MOST ESPECIALLY if the admin that played the music was still alive....and incapable of knowing what "clutch" moment every other player was having, all over the field. That's not a realistic expectation of our admins. Even dead ones can't watch, or know every situation a player is in...how hard they're trying to listen, etc. And playing music means that some player, somewhere, might be inconvenienced. IF it was 1v1...that's a cluth. If it's 4v1.....you're going to lose. Kill Bill isn't going to change that, 99% of the time.

I do see, however, an abuse of the vote, and punishments will be decided by the highs for the admin in question.
