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Thread: [GCA] Continuation

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    [GCA] Continuation

    I'm leaving tomorrow for a week so I am forced to make ANOTHER thread on the argument yesterday since when I just had time enough to check the thread again I find that its locked. Feel free to unlock the thread and move this post in there if you will it.

    I want to clear my name and clarify what happened yesterday since apparently the admin that kicked me and I were in two different games from the looks of his side of the story. Or you could easily enough boot up the battle-recorder and watch the events enfold for yourself.

    Nick0, after my squad taking the Charlie Objective, had stolen our truck with me and my whole squad inside the truck after we tried switching drivers (and it was obvious he was trying to grief us since he switch to driver the instant the driver switched positions for me to take over the drivers seat) and promptly drove us all the way back to our main base all the while me and my squad are shouting at him to let us have our vehicle back so we could get to our next objective and he refused. He promptly started driving around in circles not allowing us to get out of the moving vehicle (since that would obviously kill us because of the PR physics) and then drove us back to Charlie and started driving back to the main base AGAIN when I kicked him.)
    Really, I drove you all the way back to main?! Well maybe you should boot up the battlerecorder and set your memory straight since the ONLY reason I took the drivers seat was because you and your squad were driving back to main with 50% of our assaulting troops and 1 of 2 vehicular transports we had. So when you bailed out of the truck I took the opportunity given to me and started driving myself +7 assaulting troops towards the next objective (which it was imperative we capture ASAP as to end up with the upper hand early game). I saw your whining and bitching in chat and chose to ignore as I saw no valid reason at all for letting you drive 8 men all the way back to main as you had earlier tried to do.

    Maybe you should look at the map once or twice sometimes too as you would've noticed if you weren't focusing all your attention on spamming chat (same reason you decided to kick & ban krav) that the direct route to the next objective it blocked by an extended trench which I was forced to circumvent to reach the next objective. Just as I was arriving at the next objective you booted me which however big of a dickmove it was (especially since it was for "Non-Teamplay" considering I was the one trying to save our initial assault) I was fine with. So I rejoin the server, decide to set up a second squad with krav for APC transport & support of our front line troops instead of hogging slots in the first [GCA] Infantry squad which was setting up firebases behind the enemy lines 5minutes into the game. As a pun we name the squad "Non-Teamplay" and we get to business taking out 2 enemy APC's moving into our objective and annihilating a full enemy squad + truck assault when I was kicked out of the blue. I rejoin naturally completely vexed at the reason of my kicking and naturally ask why. Now you have to comprehend the SIMPLE fact that it takes a minute AT LEAST to REJOIN a game so when Krav and I rejoined and asked why we were kicked, you had already put down your "last warning" in our absence and so end up punishing us in our ignorance as we were waiting for an admin reply.
    60	 [GCA]NickO	2	Global	[19:47:14]	so whats up with the harassment?
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Global	[19:47:18]	the only LAV crew was just kicked
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Global	[19:47:25]	for transporting friendlies at request
    34	=AONO= Bust331	1	Global	[19:47:30]	go to the forums and dicuss in
    34	=AONO= Bust331	1	Global	[19:47:33]	it*
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Global	[19:47:36]	will do
    34	=AONO= Bust331	1	Global	[19:47:40]	thank you
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Global	[19:47:54]	I will still state it here however
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Global	[19:47:59]	as our team was relying on us
    25	 Mechanique	2	Team	[19:48:07]	!k kravix TAKE IT TO THE FORUMS
    Waiting for an admin to say something but instead a random pubbie suggests that we take it to the forums and we comply but decide to wait for an admin to reply which turned out to be yet another kick of Krav so then I ask why you kicked him instead of just telling us to take it to the forums. (Overkill and Abuse of admin powers imho when a simple message in chat would've sufficed)
    60	 [GCA]NickO	2	Global	[19:48:39]	why did you kick again?
    25	 Mechanique	2	Team	[19:48:48]	!k nicko take it to the forums
    Still waiting for an admin reply which turned out to be yet another kick out of the blue. Now it was just getting ridiculous as we were merely trying to crew an apc and continue to support our team if not for an abusive admin which would just kick out of the blue repeatedly and then respond to queries on the issue by kicking yet again.

    Then Krav rejoins a final time gets into the APC and says
    58	 [GCA]Kravixon	2	Team	[19:49:50]	LAV ready to go in about 2 minutes
    61	=AONO= texdirect6	1	Squad	[19:50:39]	!b krav not following admin directions
    -1	Admin	None	ServerMessage	[19:50:40]	BANNING!!! [GCA]Kravixon NOT FOLLOWING ADMIN DIRECTIONS
    Which is apparently a bannable offense. Who knew you weren't allowed to support the team on a server labeled "Texas TEAMPLAYERS"?

    As your whole argument seems to be pinned on my "griefing" it seems as if you've lost any claim of righteousness in any of your actions.
    Personally I wouldn't want a lying admin on my administrative team who purposely skews events and lies to back up his arguments.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer BigHub's Avatar
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    Gamertag: JHubb05 Steam ID: BigHub BigHub's Originid: Hubalicious

    Re: [GCA] Continuation

    Nothing here to discuss.

    Quote Originally Posted by texdirect6
    Considering we were not even on your side how does that benefit us by kicking you?

    You were warned by several admins who are senior to DancingCorpse to take it to the forums and you persisted to push the issue. Had you of just dropped it and brought it here in the first place you would not be banned. In fact you were given quite the number of chances however you still wanted to push the issue.

    Therefore you were removed from the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by [GCA
    Kravixon ]
    On the sever, I did not argue, helped my team, attempted to explain to my team why I could not help them when I wished to, and as a result, I am banned. Something is clearly wrong here.
    You are not getting it. ADMINS DO NOT DISCUSS THINGS IN GAME!!!!!
    Yet you continued to want to discuss why your clan mates were kicked and asking who the admins were after you were told by players and admins that admins identities are kept quiet.

    This is not about the medic that did not revive you or how many apc's you tried to crew its the fact that you decided to constantly question admin decisions.

    Also where did you explain to your team why you could not help them?

    If you wish to be unbanned make a request in the proper forum and I'll see you there as I was the admin who banned you otherwise I think my senior admin has made it quite clear.

    And on a further note Arreo is a senior admin and also one who is not over PR so he is seeing things from an objective view. In the time I have worked with him he is not going to cheat you out of anything and you will get a fair unbiased review.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    Look pal,

    I am senior administration here. There is one person above me, and trust me you don't want him to come review this.

    Here's my read on the situation in full.

    Nick0 steals the truck. Not a kickable offense, but driving around and around and refusing to let the squad in the truck out? Refusing to listen to his team as they are pleading with him to stop? That is damn well a kickable offense.

    So he was kicked.

    Then you start saying "please kick all medics cause they didn't revive me". Snide and stupid given that your clanmate was just kicked, but not really a kickable offense.

    Then Khiddy says "please stop kicking members of my squad". Which, coupled with your comments is questioning an admin's actions, something we do not allow in game. So he was kicked and told to take any issues to the forums. To which you respond "this is faster" which I take to mean you don't care to follow the admins' instructions...

    Nick0 comes back and names his squad "non-teamplay" which is a deliberate 'fuck you' directed at the admins. He gets kicked for that. You say "WTF why was nick0 kicked" to which you are kicked. It has been made pretty clear that the admins aren't interested in discussing this in game.

    Khiddy then starts asking who the admins are, to which he is told they are anonymous and if there is an issue to take it to the forums. He gets kicked for pushing the issue.

    You ask why th only LAV crew was kicked. You are told a third time to take it to the forums. You say that you will, and then you say "I will still state it here however...." That is clearly not talking it to the forums.

    So you were banned.

    And frankly, you are lucky your entire clan isn't banned.
    Quote Originally Posted by BigHub
    You are talking to the "top".

    Arreo and myself are High Admins. I was actually present in-game when this happened.

    Let's get some things squared away:

    1.) Admins do not reveal their identity.

    2.) Admins do not discuss actions in-game, it causes a disturbance in the game play. Therefor, they are brought here to the forums.

    3.) Admins do not need to give ANY warnings before we ban/kick/slay/slap/etc... Those are your warnings.

    4.) You were warned, as were the rest of you, to take it to the forums.. a couple of times at that. So technically, we were quite generous in this case. I would of banned you the first time after you were warned to take it to the forums.

    Next time listen to what the admin tells you, then maybe we could avoid this whole mess. Abuse claim denied.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer BigHub's Avatar
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    Gamertag: JHubb05 Steam ID: BigHub BigHub's Originid: Hubalicious

    Re: [GCA] Continuation

    I would suggest not putting in anymore Admin Abuse claims when there has already been a ruling. Do it again, I will issue site bans on all of you.


    You could go to the banned forums and request to be unbanned.

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