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Thread: do as i say, not as i do

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Jester(TA)'s Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do
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    PSN ID: tjanusz3 Steam ID: jesterta Jester(TA)'s Originid: JesterTA

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    You 2 just need to let by gones be by gones. Remember something, your playing a video game over the internet at someones home {TTP}. The home wants you too play here and play here well. Respect it and each others company and ALL the othes guests and friends that play here. Its a simple request by all.

    I have issues with it too but it something we all work at. We all cant like each other but thats why I try to be on the other side of the team. Keep it on the battlefield!!!!!!

    I like Nancy Grace by the way. :)
    Last edited by Jester(TA); 11-17-10 at 03:22 PM.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaBear View Post
    I said what I had to say. All I wanted was for a neutral 3rd party to take a look at the situation. What is done from there is obviously out of my hands. Sorry if I sounded like Nancy Grace.
    Well, you have hundreds of neutral 3rd parties looking at this. I understand why you would take such a defensive tone, but I draw the line at baseless accusations of favoritism. The Admins around here are nothing if not impartial, and you stand on the same footing as everyone else around here, myself included. This community was built on fairness, not friends or clans or anything else. If you have a problem, we are all ears.

    I'll give Guess tonight to respond (if he has anything to add), and we will come to a decision on where to go from here.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    The only thing i can say is SL should be following orders regardless if they think its a stupid one or not. I've left airfield on dragon valley as a defensive squad strictly because the commander said to do so. I think both need to man up for a minute while in game and discuss the orders that are in question. The end result belongs to the commander. The rest of the drama i have no knowledge of. You dont have to like each othe but you do have to cooperate with each other when on the same team.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer GrandMasterGuess's Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    I'm repeating myself.

    UAV deployment was needed on upper camp at 1-2 minutes into the round from a squad leader jet bailing on it. I used VOIP to let the commander know I needed it at upper camp.
    UAV was deployed on mountain lookout 2x instead. I could not place a UAV marker because I was wounded and re spawned on upper camp when the team captured it.

    His first order marker was to attack upper camp?...... I'm not sure because as soon as I get there a firefight starts up with my squad and some friendly smurfs that came in a chopper. I already told my squad to spawn on me to repel the enemy. His order to attack a flag I'm already attacking is humorous with no UAV or spotting support for my squad and the other players on my team.

    As I am capping bridge camp his 4th UAV was on power station for a squad that did not get their objective completed so I head to east mine.

    When I arrived at east mine we lost upper camp again...I don't know.. maybe there was a lone player hiding..or Rico jet bailing on it again but since UAV was not deployed there nor any spotting because the commander was not doing his job.

    I was in a position to exploit the enemies back flags while the other squads lost their foothold on the south flags pinning 1-2 adhoc squads at bridge camp and some friendly stragglers on the south flags. 2 at west mine maybe 1 at canyon guard who did not cap those flags.

    My squad and I capped power station with no support from the commander who was busy chatting in global instead of commanding.
    39 wAx+Az GrandMasterGuess 1 Global [22:08:13] *§1DEAD§0*SO YOU WANT ME TO GO FROM POWER TO UPPERCAMP WITH AN APC

    At this time my team holds bridge camp, east mine and power station. I get the order to attack upper camp.

    His order is not reasonable..Why waste an opportunity to exploit flags that are vulnerable. I get no UAV support or intel that tells me other wise.

    I'm heading to bridge camp en route to upper camp. I get killed and notice the commander slot is available and I spawn at the main and take command, game ends in a loss.

    I log off and post in the BF2 problem players forum.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer deputyfestus's Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaBear View Post
    I deployed the UAV over their airfield because it was at the very start of the game. That is one of 2 spawns they have at the beginning on that map, both in the uncap. It doesn't really matter where you put the first UAV because a) their whole team is on the move....except at the airfield, and b) it will be recharged by the time they get to east mine. I was trying to point out what would be the only static targets on the map at that point in the game for our jets.

    I dropped arty on base camp because 'your men' capping a flag was actually just one guy in your squad from what i could tell, and there was an entire enemy squad there. So the odds of the one guy in your squad defeating the entire enemy squad were remote at best. In my humble judgement. Plus its a critical flag near our uncap and they were capping it about 1 minute in to the game. So arty seemed like a no-brainer from my side. You'll probably remember i subsequently ordered your squad to take that flag back (and don't whine about being on the other side of the map....i didn't even ask you to drive over could just get killed and spawn back there, I didn't order you to 'take it within 10 seconds', did I?) and you refused.

    As far as taking my sorry ass elsewhere and my spewing vagina....i say poo on you sir.
    Just to set the record straight do you know why I happened to be there.............Yeah that's right because GMG said when we died to make our way there! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm guess he was following orders although he may not have relayed that to you which I can't imagine why!!!!

  6. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do do as i say, not as i do
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Re: do as i say, not as i do

    If we are all done, lets finish this.

    First of all.....I think you two needed this. This crap between you two has been building up for almost a month now. You two have been sniping at each other on the server long enough, so getting your beefs out here in the forums is a good thing. I hope you guys are done, and can move past all of this. You don't have to like each other, but you both need to at least be able to work WITH each other on the server. I really hope these 5 pages helps with that.

    For Both of You:
    You guys see where the two of you getting pissed off has got us? Papa spamming the Rebuke button to the point of disrupting Guess's squad, and Guess spamming the Refuse Order button forcing PapaBear to call for Admin attention. This is the kind of bs that belongs in the forums, and not in the game. Both of you need to calm down, and remember that there are 28 other people on your team trying to win and have a good time. Having the Commander and one of the best squadleaders in a pissing match does nothing to kill the enemy or take flags. The only people who really lose are the rest of your team.

    To answer your question, there is a big difference between your ban and this incident. It's a matter of absolute proof. Our Admins DO NOT ban on word-of-mouth from other players. In your ban, you refused orders from a CO that also happened to be an Admin...therefor he (BlueMax) knew for certain what was going on. In this case, we would have had to go off your word (and I'm certainly not calling you a liar, by any means) to take Administrative action...and you can see where, in some cases, that would be rife for abuse. That is not to say that you would go unheard, or that the Admins are doing nothing. Many times, we are doing things behind the scenes, and just because you don't get an immediate response (or one at all) doesn't mean that you are being ignored. We don't ignore anything.And we certainly don't play favorites.
    I would also like to comment on your "Niger Delta" comment. Personally, I would have Banned you on the spot. I have a very short fuse when it comes to racist remarks, and I would love to hear what "Niger Delta" has to do with ANYTHING BF2 related. If you think you were being smart, cute, or funny, or that you were carefully dancing around our policies.....think again. We don't think it's funny, and we certainly won't put up with it.

    You see where you getting pissed off has got us? All you had to do was accept PapaBears orders. From one of your squadmates that day (Festus), it seems you were trying to follow his orders, but because you were so pissed off, you decided to constantly refuse them. What the Hell was PapaBear supposed to do at that point? You had the power to be the bigger man, and just accept his orders, but instead you pushed his buttons every bit as hard as he was pushing yours, and here we are. Either one of you could have ended this, but you have been around here long enough to know how we drama free as possible.
    Furthermore, while you are a great squadleader, you were not the Commander. You didn't have the benefit of hearing and seeing what PapaBear was (the other squadleaders,scans with exact enemy locations). Just like when you are CO, you wouldn't take any shit from someone constantly critiquing your every decision (UAV placement, arty strikes,orders). If you have a problem with the orders you are given, you bring them up, but at the end of the day, the CO makes the call...and you are expected to follow it, regardless of your opinion. Spamming the refuse button (even if your were trying to follow his orders) is unacceptable, and in this case, only made things worse.

    Somewhere in this five page epic there was a claim of an Admin Abusing his power. I think it's pretty clear that, if anything, the Admin in question (Bravo) went easy as Hell on the both of you. In fact, I'm pretty proud of the fact that our Admins didn't hand out any bans, but instead got you two in here to have it out with each other. That's what good Admins do.

    There was no Abuse here, so that claim is denied. If you two can't get passed this, and work together, then please, by all means ask to be teamswitched so that you guys can work against each other. I have played quite a bit with both of you, and certainly hope you guys can put this behind you, and find a way to work together.

    Last edited by dex71; 11-18-10 at 11:39 AM.

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