Alright this spinning out of control a bit.

First off - based on the information available White Lobster the slay was justified, you were sitting in water after the call was made to push the site. A slow play call necessarily has a built in secondary call, once picks or weakness is found the team needs to regroup and push. This is no different than any other call we make, you should have gotten your butt out of the water and helped get the bomb planted as soon as the call to push the site was made. The ban is being dealt with separately and you have recognized your error there.

As to admin abuse, in fact you are correct. Sidroc violated procedures and slayed you without having complete information - in essence he guessed and just happened to be right. His violation of procedure will be dealt with. The fact that he violated procedures in no way condones the behavior you showed in game. You've been here long enough to know that this kind of crap is not acceptable.

Abuse case closed.