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Thread: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

  1. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Seeing as I am the one that said "IF" ark wanted to persue this which is does not appear he does then it would be a post for this section then i should clearify why i said it. No offense meant to anyone exspecially since manno has not said his piece.

    #4. Abusive conduct cannot be tolerated.

    If you are an abusive player, a team killer, or use insulting communications with your squad, purposely playing to lose, expect to be punished very quickly and harshly. However, since we are a server of zealous teamplayers, occasionally it will be the responsibility of members of the team to speak out against slow acting, weak, or ignorant players (such as those monopolizing air vehicles when they do not know how to fly or commanders playing as soldiers, not paying attention to squad leaders requests and team needs). The admin's would GREATLY APPRECIATE the squad/team to take care of it's own problems rather than having to step in and start banning and kicking problem players. All players are encouraged to speak clearly and calmly to get their team on the same page, issuing mutinies and vote kicks when necessary; however the server understands that some people just don't listen. In these cases, some yelling and screaming may be involved. The admin will make a judgment depending on the circumstances for any case of abuse resulting in a hostile playing environment. Should you feel that the admin is the cause of the abuse, feel free to post such comments in our abuse forum.

    I took out the last little bit because it was more examples then anything else. The way i read this in paraphrasing is.

    You exspect to hear to bitching from players but if it gets out of hand then you report it to an admin. The admin will weigh what has been said and try to resolve the situation if it could not be done between the players themselves. However if it is an admin doing this you bring it here.

    This is not an issue of an admin abusing his power. To me this is about following the rule of making others aware that an admin "MAY" have stepped over the line in regards to the abusive conduct rule as a player not an admin. So in either case if he had a problem with an abbusive player he should have brought it to our attention wether it be on the server or off and in the forums.

    I think in the end what ark is looking for is nothing more then something will be mentioned to manno about not going over board. Of which he could have done by pm but this is how he went about it. I dont want to see this blown up into something much larger then it really is because ark is a good player and manno is a good admin and this seems to be more about a communication breakdown then an abuse claim.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno
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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    I think it would be best to let Manno, the 4th, come in and give his version of events.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno
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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Quote Originally Posted by ARKOUDAKI View Post
    Hi Guys,

    There were a number of regs on last night like Loki, BadPrimer...however, I think this may be taken the wrong way. I am not looking to make this into some sort of big issue but I just think (4)manno was out of line, that's all. And it wasn't that (4)manno was misusing any admin position he has (heck, I didn't even know he had become an admin until I checked the forum).

    Like I said, perhaps (4)manno just had a bad day or something but what he was doing was just not on, plain and simple. I would never go and tell the CO or SL to go F-himself like that, especially for no good reason. Like a lot of us, I get online to play the game to unwind and I certainly don't need some guy/girl unloading on me for the heck of it is a GAME. I am still waiting for (4)manno to come back on this.


    First, allow me to explain something about how we run things on the server. While BF2 maybe technically considered a "game", we do not treat it as such here on TPG. We take it seriously. By taking it seriously, we have been able to get as big as we have.

    Its perfectly possible that (4)Manno had a bad day, and you just happened to strike a nerve. However, we wont know that until Manno comments. Your story may not be one with admin abuse per say, but as Walker mentioned, when there is possible admin misconduct, we like to take it seriously and investigate it. Which is why it was moved here. If you would be happy with Manno explaining his rational, then, cool beans.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Don't sweat it ARK........We WANT feedback. Without it, we don't get better. You have something to say, please say it.

    And let me splain a couple of things. First (mainly before I forget).....You shouldn't have to restart your game to get rid of the firing bug. Switch to your pistol, and switch back....bug gone. If that is the same one the rest of us get from time to time, anyway.

    And more importantly, while I can't speak to any words that were said between you and Manno, I can explain what was going on on Kubra last night. I was in his squad.

    We held spawn for a bit when Manno was trying to get one of the jets at the very beginning of the round (to bail on the MEC Airfield). He ended up in a car, and headed out. He made it just to the base of the hill (near Construction), and the car was no more.....this is where I spawned in. Now on foot, our squad followed Manno up the hill towards Construction. When we reached the top, we still had no CO on the US team (maybe 3-5 minutes into the game or so). Needing a UAV for our squad (we were already engaging) , as well as a crate for the mobile AA that was just about to respawn, Manno took the spot. He fought with us until he could get a safe place to go in console (just as we took the flag at Construction, the choppers showed up and it was A/T and AA fury for a bit). He commanded the rest of the round.

    I can see how it may have looked like he was a 'fighting co", because he sort of was.......but he had good reason.

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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Ark you are not telling the whole story now are you? I used the SL request controls for at least 5 supply drops for various different vehicles and squads, (as well as a ton of UAV and artty requests) at different times thru-out the round and each time you wound up dropping it to some infantry guy, the last one being on top of a roof as a sniper. I said over coms with a smidge of sarcasm, "You should drop the supplies on vehicles or assets before snipers"...and really, without raising my voice at all. Mind you, I also mentioned before in this round or the one before that you should use your UAV's over flags that we have squads attacking or that are being defended as well as requested supply drops ontop of your broken assets so you would repair them instead of saying they were broken and unavailable...all in the attemept to make your commanding experience better and the team's chances of "Winning" (Charlie Sheen) better.

    You snapped back, "THEN WHY DON"T YOU COMMAND!" I think with a "FUCKING" in there...I don't remember exactly. Sure, I gave you a full breath of, "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING LITLLE COCK SUCKING, MOTHER FUCKING, DOUCHE BAG OF A PRICK! NEXT TIME I WON"T GIVE YOU SOME FUCKING CONSTRUCTIVE COMMANDING ADVICE...ASS HOLE!" You started saying, "who was that, was that you (4)manno? Someone needs to get rid of (4)manno, this is only a game you know? bla bla bla!!!" I said, "YEAH IT IS ME YOU FUCKING LITLLE COCK SUCKING MOTHER FUCKING PRICK" and ended it. waaaahhhh. I never threatened to punish you or said you were breaking a rule or anything or continued disrupting your deep concentration or carried it on past that, but your panties obviously got twisted. Sorry.

    As for the "fighting commander" whinnnnnnyyyyyy complaint...I took command in the middle of the round, I shot you 5times while you sat on top of the roof trying to snipe me and probably arttyed you as many which is how you knew I was commanding and probably what pissed you off was I dropped supplies on myself to keep doing it. The whole "hypocrasy" thing with the supplies seems to have gotten you some, so let me explain.
    -the map was very large (unlike the map we had words on)
    -the server was not full at the time like you claim (unlike the map we had words on)
    -your team was down to two bases (unlike the map we had words on)
    -there were no vehicles near a flag being attacked or defending a flag (unlike the map we had words on)
    -I asked who needed supplies or a vehicle before I dropped anything (unlike the map we had words on)
    -no one that had a shit ton of experience commanding, sincerely trying to assist me, made a good suggestion for what I should do with supplies (unlike the map we had words on).

    Besides all that, I am sincerely sorry for upsetting you but for as long as I can remember, I don't play well with others that I try to help, but return the favor by coping an attitude.

    After sleeping on this post that I put up last night in a bit of a tirade...I will concede I could have handled it better and as nights wear on, typically, so too does my patience. None the less, I never want to discourage someone from commanding and am really sorry if I did that to ARK. So ARK, I'm sorry.
    Last edited by (4)manno; 03-27-11 at 08:51 AM.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer deputyfestus's Avatar
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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    Quote Originally Posted by (4)manno View Post
    Ark you are not telling the whole story now are you? I used the SL request controls for at least 5 supply drops for various different vehicles and squads, (as well as a ton of UAV and artty requests) at different times thru-out the round and each time you wound up dropping it to some infantry guy, the last one being on top of a roof as a sniper. I said over coms with a smidge of sarcasm, "You should drop the supplies on vehicles or assets before snipers"...and really, without raising my voice at all. Mind you, I also mentioned before in this round or the one before that you should use your UAV's over flags that we have squads attacking or that are being defended as well as requested supply drops ontop of your broken assets so you would repair them instead of saying they were broken and unavailable...all in the attemept to make your commanding experience better and the team's chances of "Winning" (Charlie Sheen) better.

    You snapped back, "THEN WHY DON"T YOU COMMAND!" I think with a "FUCKING" in there...I don't remember exactly. Sure, I gave you a full breath of, "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING LITLLE COCK SUCKING, MOTHER FUCKING, DOUCHE BAG OF A PRICK! NEXT TIME I WON"T GIVE YOU SOME FUCKING CONSTRUCTIVE COMMANDING ADVICE...ASS HOLE!" You started saying, "who was that, was that you (4)manno? Someone needs to get rid of (4)manno, this is only a game you know? bla bla bla!!!" I said, "YEAH IT IS ME YOU FUCKING LITLLE COCK SUCKING MOTHER FUCKING PRICK" and ended it. waaaahhhh. I never threatened to punish you or said you were breaking a rule or anything or continued disrupting your deep concentration or carried it on past that, but your panties obviously got twisted. Sorry.

    As for the "fighting commander" whinnnnnnyyyyyy complaint...I took command in the middle of the round, I shot you 5times while you sat on top of the roof trying to snipe me and probably arttyed you as many which is how you knew I was commanding and probably what pissed you off was I dropped supplies on myself to keep doing it. The whole "hypocrasy" thing with the supplies seems to have gotten you some, so let me explain.
    -the map was very large (unlike the map we had words on)
    -the server was not full at the time like you claim (unlike the map we had words on)
    -your team was down to two bases (unlike the map we had words on)
    -there were no vehicles near a flag being attacked or defending a flag (unlike the map we had words on)
    -I asked who needed supplies or a vehicle before I dropped anything (unlike the map we had words on)
    -no one that had a shit ton of experience commanding, sincerely trying to assist me, made a good suggestion for what I should do with supplies (unlike the map we had words on).

    Besides all that, I am sincerely sorry for upsetting you but for as long as I can remember, I don't play well with others that I try to help, but return the favor by coping an attitude.

    After sleeping on this post that I put up last night in a bit of a tirade...I will concede I could have handled it better and as nights wear on, typically, so too does my patience. None the less, I never want to discourage someone from commanding and am really sorry if I did that to ARK. So ARK, I'm sorry.
    The response exactly what I expected.:ka boom: and the edit exactly what I expected :k

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Not very nice behavior of an Admin/Moderator - (4)manno

    So there we have it.

    Misunderstanding, easily handled by taking a deep breath, understand what you see might not be what the other sees, and that situations are never as cut and dry as you think they are.

    Also, it should be noted, aside from the potential "fighting commander" issue (easily answered by knowing the situation on the other side of the story, went commander mid round while in a firefight), this was a player to player issue. A very wise admin mentioned to me that player to player issues are best handled via PM. He's right. You're both adults, good players and good people, this type of personal issue should be easily navigated by both of you.

    No abuse, no misconduct. I urge you two to finish any conversation via PMs, to assure there's no bad feeling.

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