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Thread: BF3 Server Admins

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    BF3 Server Admins

    Tonight was my first night playing on TPG BF3 servers. Been playing w/ TPG for a long time, in L4D2, and saw that you guys had a server listed. So I join.

    Playing recon, sniping and scouting. Was admin-killed, with "you need to push the objective".

    I reply that I'm playing my role as a scout, lighting up targets, and sniping the objectives that are being taken. I said I'm not going to rush the objective with a bolt action rifle, and was kicked.

    Up until then we were having fun - my 14 year old son and I were squadded up (handle = Garalic) and we were talking back and forth about where he was, and what I was seeing there. Helped him take the Hill and push on the gas station (was playing Caspian Border).

    Anyway, I'm kind of pissed about getting kicked without any sort of idea about what I'm being kicked for, so I post on the forums (evidently scouting and sniping is frowned upon at TPG). After a couple of go arounds, the admins lock the thread so I can't respond anymore - but they continue posting and hounding me without any ability to defend myself or my actions further.

    I was directed to read the "BF3 Rules and Policies" thread (which, by the way, is written in a very condescending fashion - do you really need the word Punish 8 times in that 983-word essay about the definition of camping? Yes, it's 983 words, I copied it to Word just for my own amusement.)

    I was told in the closed thread that "Recon isn't Sniper" (even though every damn time I spot recon unit in the game it clearly says "ENEMY SNIPER", or every 7 kills I get a SNIPER BADGE, etc.)

    Adding further insult I was advised that I should pick and choose a different CLASS to play so I can help rush objectives.

    Seriously? So let me get this straight:

    A) I'm not supposed to provide a recon role when I'm playing recon - spotting, setting up SOFLAM to lase targets, give long range precision fire support, etc?
    B) I'm supposed to ignore the very unique and special role of the class I choose to play, discarding it for one that's better at rushing and capping flags?

    Aside from "camping" (doing my role from a static position), what actual RULE did I break?

    #1. Play with your team.

    I did this - didn't TK, didn't hog equipment, or waste assets.

    #2. Communicate with your teammates.
    Did this too - was in direct voice comms with my son. I was only on the server 15 minutes before getting kicked, didn't even know you had a teamspeak server until I came on to the forums.
    #3. Pursue your objective, or die trying.

    A. Cause your opponents tickets to decrease by capturing territory.

    Check. I supported every single objective that was being assaulted or defended (from a distance.), called out all enemy assets I saw, and caused enemy tickets to go down via direct kills.

    B. Destroy Enemy Assets, Vehicles, Radar, Artillery and UAV Equipment.

    Check. I directly supported the destruction of enemy vehicles via laser locks, and killed enemy personnel that were either assaulting or defending flags.

    Which leads to this:

    Things to do that can get you punished, kicked, and/or banned on the server.

    #1. Cheat, or refuse to reasonably explain yourself when questioned about cheating.

    #2. Say nothing but insults in the chat and mic, especially about teamplay.

    #3. Repeatedly refuse to join a squad or follow a commander/squad leader's reasonable orders. Keep in mind: our admins are typically those squad leaders and commanders.

    #4. Blatantly challenge the authority of the admin.

    #5. Team Kill & Exploit (i.e. working with members of the opposite team to kill/revive for medic points, damaging vehicles only to repair them, purposely destroying team vehicles, such as those in spawns.

    I didn't do #1, 2, 3 (wasn't asked to do anything by anyone), or 5.

    Which leaves #4.

    Yes I am challenging the authority of an admin to dictate how I play my role as Recon. Suggesting that I change to a different class is complete BS - I have 30 hours wrapped up, 100% in recon, getting things unlocked so I can provide better scouting and long distance fire support. I'm NOT going to rush a flag on a 64 player server as Recon, I'm going to RECON.

    As far as capping flags go - go check my soldier profile out (FluidFire) and you'll see I have as many flag-capping ribbons as I do sniping ribbons. On big open maps, I scout and snipe. On CQB maps I'll rush and take flags.

    Now, as long as I've been playing with TPG players, I've had a good time. But this BF3 crowd seems overly heavy handed.

    My official complaints:

    A) Admins were dictating HOW I play my role in supporting my team.
    B) No one provided any warnings in chat, no advice, nothing.
    C) When I came on the forums to complain and get an explanation, the thread was locked before I was allowed to complete the dialog, yet after I was forbidden to post further, admins kept harping on it without allowing a chance to defend myself.
    D) Not once was I told about voice comms, or was it suggested I join, until after I'd been kicked and then drug through the mud on the forums.

    15 minutes in BF3, and the way things were handled after the fact, left a bad taste in my mouth about how things are run. After this happened I talked to others who have played BF (various flavors), and they say that sniping won't ever be allowed on TPG games.

    I've got 30 hours and 500 sniper kills - it's what I do and how I choose to play this game. It's the only thing I LIKE doing in the game - don't like vehicles, don't want to rush objectives and face twitch players half my age with twice my reflexes. I like long range shooting in real life and it's fun to tackle moving targets in the game.

    If that doesn't fit with TPG's 800 page rulebook, so be it.

    No action is necessary. I'm done with TPG.

    Just wanted to say my peace on the way out the door.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer loki2158's Avatar
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    Steam ID: loki2158 loki2158's Originid: loki2158

    Re: BF3 Server Admins

    #1. Play with your team.

    BF3 is an objective based, team-oriented game. It's a shame that so many servers are full of one-man hero's and the idea that the only time to play as a team is in a match. This server exists to end all of that. If you want to be a rogue, or you think you “play better alone", then go buy a single-player game, and go do that. On our server, you WILL play WITH your team, or you WILL be punished. Use your mic, follow the your squad leader and commander (or be the squad leader/commander), and get your objectives completed. Those in positions of leadership WILL BE subject to these same rules. If you, or the group of people you play with on our server are the kinds of people that disregard orders from commanders, deny assitance to those requesting it, or honestly just don't care about anyone else on the server but are in the wrong place, and will learn quickly that you are not only unwelcome, but prohibited from playing here.

    We have issued more bans for non-teamplaying than we have for hacking or abusive conduct

    #3. Pursue your objective, or die trying.

    The objectives are pretty simple:

    A. Cause your opponents tickets to decrease by capturing territory.

    B. Destroy Enemy Assets, Vehicles, Radar, Artillery and UAV Equipment.

    Increases in rank and gaining combat awards are secondary to the primary objective of winning.

    Keep in mind, we are NOT asking you to run off into your deaths just because the commander told you to do so. But we ARE asking you to play BF3. That means forming squads, following orders, and working together. This is not Quake. This is not Doom. This is not Unreal. If you want to stand around and just shoot at things, I'm sure there's a “facing worlds" map open somewhere out there for you to sit around on.

    Definitions and Rules on "Camping":
    It is difficult to define camping in the context of battlefield games, since the game requires complex strategies of defending and holding territory, stealth, and timing, so it will be judged on a case by case basis. Camping, by definition, is remaining in a specific area only to take enemies by surprise, however offering no strategic advantage to the team, other than to pad your personal KD. And, as said above.....KD's don't win games. Flags win games.

    Some examples of camping would include:

    - Being in a position to take a flag, especially when if it is not taken your team will lose, and NOT taking it, simply because you are worried about being seen, or dying. Even worse would be if it is a multi-person flag capture point, and you are in a position to assist other players asking for your help, but do not. Worrying about LOSING should come BEFORE worrying about dying.

    - Remaining in an area of the map that provides you with great cover and fire zones, but provides NO strategic benefit to your team (such as your spawn). Unless a flag is in your immediate fire zone, and you are justifiably protecting it, you know damn well that sitting in the backfield isn't helping anyone but your KD. Find a similar place, with great cover and fire zones, but that ALSO provides your team with a strategic advantage, and you are in the clear as far as the rules go.

    Camping is NOT simply sitting in one place for a long time. That is a definition for simpleton games like Unreal and Quake. It's an outdated definition that does NOT apply here. If you are able to hold your tank, gun-emplacement, or sniping position for an extended time period because you have teammates guarding your flanks, offering you ammo, and keeping you supported, then you go ahead and give the enemy hell. So long as you are not directly disobeying your commander's wishes, you and your team's coordinated efforts are shutting out the enemy's ability to advance and take territory, which thus corresponds to your team's ability to hold territory and win.

    Typically, if you are camping in a manner that does not benefit your team, you will know by the complaints and insults hurdled your way by your squad, squad leader, or commander. If you know something that your team/squad/commander doesn't, such as WHY you feel you are JUSTIFIED in holding that position, all you have to do is speak up, calmly, and explain yourself. Your team, if they are true teammates, have a responsibility to listen to your goals and ideas just as much as you do to theirs. Teamwork is a two way street, so be sure to communicate, and do so often, especially if you think you may be considered a camper. If you are communicating and justifying your actions to your team, then you are immune from punishment from the admin. If the team feels that you are wrong, and a majority of them agree, and most especially if you are disobeying your squad leader and/or commander.......then you will will be dealt with accordingly. The admin is about making the server happy. Not individual players like you. Keep that in mind.

    In addition, if you are consistently camping, promoting camping, and losing while camping, expect the admin to take notice and become involved. The admin will become involved immediately when outbreaks of unjustified camping occur, and will do what admins do by issuing warnings, slapping, slaying, and perhaps including kicks or bans. Though we are reluctant to punish any one player for doing as his team does, we will identify and persecute the chief campers quickly, and move down the ladder from there.

    Get out there and play. Take those flags, get on the offensive, or hold your ground. Call out desperately for reinforcements, set up your defenses, and win. Above all things, win.

    Camping from your main can never be truely beneficial to your squad or you team. You had only one flag that would be clear from your position and that's check point. Hill and Gas have so many trees and buildings blocking your view there is no way you could be beneficial to the team. On the server you are expected to help your squad accomplish a goal, you can not do this sitting half a map away! The slay was your warning to push the objective with your squad. The kick came from your little outburst after the fact. As admins, we do NOT have to give warnings to take action. If you have an issue with that you bring it to the forums, not on the server.

    No one is asking you to go charging into a flag with a bolt action rifle. What we expect from you is to push the objective with your team. You can do this as recon and be extremely beneficial to your team. Find some nice cover with in striking distance of a flag and set up a beacon for your squad. Provide intel from that position as you should have a better vatage point. NOT sit in the main where the enemy can not enter and spot a random guy you happen to see on the other side of the map.

    If you want to take your ball and go home, please don't let the door hit you on the way out. BUT, if you want to learn from this experience and become a better teamplayer, then the choice is yours.
    “Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost.” - Schopenhauer

  3. Registered TeamPlayer WileECyte's Avatar
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    Steam ID: wileecyte WileECyte's Originid: WileECyte

    Re: BF3 Server Admins

    Loki said all that needed to be said. No abuse here. Admin abuse denied.

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