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Thread: Request Reserve Slot - Quake Wars

  1. Banned
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    Drugs are for losers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    I think you'll find a fifteen year old is actually fully capable of discovering adults dreadful experiences of cannabis over the internet. I don't have to live the distasteful life of smoking pot to know what a shameless and threatening act it is.

    I also know personally some pot smoking meatheads at my school and let me tell you this, they are in a horrendous state. Not just on a odd day but every day. They are all over the place, bloodshit... sorry bloodshot eyes, sluggish, forgetting this and that.

    It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't know the function of the pen they pick up when they come to a piece of coursework or a test which will affect their future. Flaw one and they haven't even hit the age where they can leave
    home and live independent legally. I really do feel for the shitheads
    No, a fifteen year old is not fully capable of discovering adult experiences although all fifteen year olds believe they do at the time. You can never fully know what something is like until you experience it. Because you have some fucking retards at your school has nothing to do with this topic. So they may smoke pot but you don't know if they are also doing other drugs as well which could cause the effects you explain. I have personally smoked it and don't even try to doubt my mental capacity. Perfect score on my SAT, IQ of 17
    0, accepted to MIT, graduated top 10 with honors and part of every scholastic organization in the U.S. If you are so much more mentally competent then try to expand your vocabulary past mindless terms like "shitheads". You want everyone to view your thoughts as adult opinions? Then speak like an adult...not a pissed off adolescent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    You're beginning to show stupidity my friend and it is you who is making judgements when you know very well, my age has nothing to do with it. I've had alcoholic parents, an alcoholic brother and many friends who have drank themselves shitless every day and every night. I've seen and had to have dealt with their consequences of drinking, not mine, theirs and it's no pretty.

    I don't give a flying crap what you're age is or whether you've been to useless Mexico, the matter of fact is, in case you hadn't of notice, this is a topic on cannabis not alcohol. So you see, you're making age judgements about a subject this thread is not even about! Now who's petty and brainless.
    So because your family is alcoholics that means that it must be bad, right? So if some one told you that candy tasted bad and it gave them headaches, you would just never try it or form your own opinions? I also believe you missed the entire point of my response about alcohol. I was comparing it in the sense that just as you cannot truly say what it is like to be under the influence of alcohol, you cannot say what it is like to be under the influence of cannabis. Before you call someone petty and brainless make sure you can at least comprehend the thought you are presented with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot

    No, that's exactly what I havent said. But we're on the subject of Cannabis here dudnderhead, a drug that is shamefully more popular than surfing the internet in america, a drug that contains more tar than cigarettes and a drug with a higher chance of developing lung cancer. Now I'm not saying surfing the internet and the internet being popular is a good thing. But given the circumstances into todays society and technology, the very fact that teenage donkeys smoking pot is higher than civilized adults and teenagers using the internet in America is outrageous.
    Who said a damn thing about the internet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    You can very well doubt all you want my friend but don't ever assume. Also, the flaws i mentioned were meant to pursue the thought of somebody experiencing a problem that is the direct consequence from drugs or drugs enhanced the problem. I didn't say every flaw in your life is going to be down to drugs. Drugs will cause flaws in your life most certantly.
    I don't recall drugs every being the cause of any flaw or problem I have experience thus far in life. I've broken several bones and torn many muscles but for each occurance I was completely sober. My point is simple...that accidents happen. I am not denying the fact that drugs alter your mind, that is why you take them. But I can still think about my decisions when I am under any influence. The difference is that such substances remove your inhibitions. Mistakes are how we learn in life...I'd rather have a few more while I'm young and be that much wiser later in life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    Anger, stress all this bullcrap you mentioned is controllable. Cannabis inflicts 'stupid decisions' because you have took it, simple. I didn't say life is perfect but i should hope that you have alternative things to do for pleasure than smoking cannabis. If not, then remain the twit you are.
    Tell the victims families of the numerous school shootings that have taken place in recent years that anger is controllable and see your responses. Anger and the like are about as controllable as your decisions under cannabis's influence. You aren't a mindless zombie, you are just a little more carefree and laid back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    The only thing mindless about this topic are your replies. First you dispute my age and now you expect me to produce professional articles. Will you make your mind up halfwit?
    Professionalism doesn't have an age limit. It is the way you present yourself. My 8 year old cousin can present a more mature and professional opinion about a topic than it appears you can.
    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    The reason why this was directly aimed at America is that the piece of news about the father and his son just so happened to be the one i looked at on the daily site i visit.
    I have no issue with you directing it at America, just with the terminology you use when referring to it. Perhaps you just can't think of anything besides profanity and slang terms.
    Quote Originally Posted by Riot
    In terms of health compared to cannabis smokers, yes i am but that is not what we are disputing here.
    I would love to see you back up that claim. I'm a 2 time state champion in tennis, football player, and race car driver. Just because those skater punks at your school are in bad shape doesn't mean everyone is...

    I would also like to think that our news section isn't just about getting replies. I thought it was all about REPORTING NEWS and showing a professional sophisticated side to the forums in order to attract new members. Do you really think that people who would be interested in that sort of feature will really want to hear your rant in substitution of real news? I also was apparently unaware that this was some sort of contest to get views/replies but that is my mistake I suppose. By the way, not everyones posts are just pasted. Mine was an original article, it had listed as a source because real journalists research their topic and give sources for more information, they don't just make stuff up off the top of their heads.

    I'm glad to see that beef flaps and Gizmo have the right idea, and I also agree with Jeffro in relation to it being called a gateway drug.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Drugs are for losers.

    This news article, turned rant (although wasn't it just a rant from the start?), turned flame-fest now comes to an end.

    I figured the debate could continue however the OP cannot grasp the fact thats others disagree with him and use points to prove this. The OP just turns around and flames on old points thats he's already done, just proving others right on an important point in which he (the OP) feels should not be used in all of this...

    I'd like to place a reminder here of the rules. The official LM rules for open forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRules
    1. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. Do not flame or insult another member. Do not attack or victimise another member.

    2. Advertising is forbidden on Lurking Mastermind with the exception of links in signatures and profiles. Adverts for any type of product or service will be removed.

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    4. Please respect the requests of the appointed staff for each forum. If you're asked to cease a particular type of behaviour it is because you are in breach of the rules above.

    5. HAVE FUN!

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Mustafah's Avatar
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    Request Reserve Slot - Quake Wars

    This might be jumping the gun a tad bit, but I've pre-ordered it and we're going to have a server for it and I'd be doing this as soon as I installed it so lets just get this outta the way....

    I request a reserve slot for Quake Wars. As always I will abide by all policies and procedures of the server and reserve slot system. I will uphold myself to the higher standards expected of a reservist.

    I understand the slot is $5.00 a month and that it is non-refundable.

    No stats or player name to post at this time, but will do so as soon as they become available.

    Thank you.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer sacredsarcasm's Avatar
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    Re: Request Reserve Slot - Quake Wars

    lol... gl i hope you get it. The spots are running low!

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Request Reserve Slot - Quake Wars

    Mustafah - when we get the game - you'll be the first.

    Please don't send any money yet a we don't have a way to assign it.

    As soon as we host it - you're in.

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