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Thread: Reserve slot for BF2

  1. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I'm going to have to disagree with you there- MGS4 is just as much a stealth game as any of the others. Possibly more so with the addition of the octocamo and various disguises.

    However, the main difference (and what makes MGS4 the game it is compared to shite like the aforementioned Velvet Assassin), is that it doesn't force you to be stealthy. If there's a particular section that is a bit on the tough side to sneak through, you have the option and the firepower to attempt different tactics such as distraction or all-out blasting through the opposition.
    Just because a game is made well enough to present you with viable alternatives to sneaking around in a box doesn't mean that it's not a stealth game.

    As for your example of the forced combat sections in the hotel etc, I can certainly remember at least one forced combat section in MGS2, and I'm sure there are many more in the other games.

  2. Hunter
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    I guess I'm banking most of my argument on the fact that the previous MGS games not giving you leeway. You can gun your way through the previous MGS games but it feels better, more rewarding and easier to play through them stealthily.

    MGS4 with the FPS shooting was felt wrong for me. I felt that if I gave the game to a FPSer he would gun his way straight through the game and not take advantage of the octocamo

    IONO, MGS4 felt too different for me to count in canon.
    But I'll be sure to treat MGS Raiden as a action butt busting game.

  3. I am Batman.
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    The best part is the bit where the henchman talking about Joker telling them o kill their sister.
    rep if you like.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonanP View Post
    The best part is the bit where the henchman talking about Joker telling them o kill their sister.

    Ya thats funny stuff. Theres is a lot of funny, yet sick things in this game. I myslef loved the maximum securtity part of arkham and all the real crazyz. But to me for some reason the game was too short. Really, really, really fun tho.

    My only problem with this game is no gotham city. Don't get me wrong, running through ol arkham is fun. But i've always wanted a batman game kinda like the spidey games that came out. A big open city with always something to do. My favorite thing about the spidey games, for me anyways was the abilty to enjoy the roof tops and help bust up common street thugs and crimes.

    I would have loved to have a open city batman game. Where you could enjoy the manor, cave, drive the batmobile, sneak in to see gordon when he turned on the bat signal and just hang out on roof tops protecting the city.

    I hope the same people who made AA make a open gotham city game too. I luv the way old bats moves and fights in AA. And just think off all the DLC that could be possible in a open city batman game. Every criminal in gotham could get his day to shine.

    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

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    I've been playing the game for a bit, and I am amazed at how great it is. Some of the setpiece moments are some of the most original and creative gaming levels and events that I've seen in a long while (The fear gas segments, in speceific), and the metroid-like pacing really helps keep the game fresh.

    Not to mention the excellently designed environment being both increble to look at and offering many attacking options.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    This game is fucking awesome.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Survivor117's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I'm going to have to disagree with you there- MGS4 is just as much a stealth game as any of the others. Possibly more so with the addition of the octocamo and various disguises.

    However, the main difference (and what makes MGS4 the game it is compared to shite like the aforementioned Velvet Assassin), is that it doesn't force you to be stealthy. If there's a particular section that is a bit on the tough side to sneak through, you have the option and the firepower to attempt different tactics such as distraction or all-out blasting through the opposition.
    Just because a game is made well enough to present you with viable alternatives to sneaking around in a box doesn't mean that it's not a stealth game.

    As for your example of the forced combat sections in the hotel etc, I can certainly remember at least one forced combat section in MGS2, and I'm sure there are many more in the other games.
    MGS3 on Very Hard. Stealth = You will live. Run N' Gun, You will die.
    The only gun you should use is the Mosin Nagant, and there is a 70% you will die trying to obtain it, In fact, the last time I had my PS2, I had only just got past The Pain barely.

    You might wanna look behind you.

  8. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Survivor117 View Post
    MGS3 on Very Hard. Stealth = You will live. Run N' Gun, You will die.
    The only gun you should use is the Mosin Nagant, and there is a 70% you will die trying to obtain it, In fact, the last time I had my PS2, I had only just got past The Pain barely.
    Fuck that, I had a 3 hour battle with The End.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  9. Witch
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    I didn't, because I sold my game, and I heard about it after I sold it.

    I think it's near the Warden's room. I don't remember, but yeah. You'll probably have to google it.

    It's not on the map, and you can't find it in Detective mode or anything. You gotta blast the walls with your spray bomb thing, all 3. Good fucking luck if you try to find it without help!
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  10. Survivor117's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    Fuck that, I had a 3 hour battle with The End.
    First time I fought The End, I did the PS2 Time-Change Trick so he died of old age for me. I never enjoyed getting Tranq'd like an elephant the next 5 playthroughs

    You might wanna look behind you.

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